The pivotal point in human history started when we, as smart species, learnt how to work collaboratively in large scales. Nothing seems to be unachievable when we have both of those two fundamentals together: 1. Working collaboratively 2. Working in large scales. As a result, we now live in a world that we have much more control over our destiny with much higher comfort. Earthquakes don’t kill as much as people as it used to kill, diseases don’t take lives as much it did before, we can make vaccines (like for COVID-19) within months and control a pandemic effectively. However, despite of all the progresses, in my view, we still have huge untouched potentials in this world that we seem to have some challenges to enable. We still see people who are dying from poverty in some parts of the world while other wasting huge amount of food. Technology has huge potentials to make our lives even easier, but many startups cannot get funding for their impact solutions. These makes me think that the third missing fundamental in our work habits is ‘working without hierarchy’.
While capitalism was a need to advance our societies, it has already been proven to be dysfunctional in every aspect of our societies from environmental to economic and social. Capitalism is also excellent at creating hierarchies based on the access to capital. We already feel that we need to redefine how our societies function. Therefore, I believe that we need to transition to a new way of managing our societies and I call it ‘impactism’. In my view, in impactism era, we work in much smarter manner; there is no hierarchy; impactful and innovative activities are incentivized. We need to redefine what a job is, and then incentivize and de-risk innovative and impactful activities.
We as human-being have always been in favor of egalitarianism. Uncle Sam is deep in American culture to create an equal and prosperous society. Mahdi in Islam (Shia) is symbol of egalitarianism. Eutopia is always defined as a city with equality for all. In eutopia, there is no hierarchy and all work very efficiently toward a common goal.
In my view, we do have a common goal right now to achieve and this is: getting even more control over our destiny and live with much higher comfort. However, the problem is that the current hierarchical ways of managing our societies stops us to think about that goal and instead we always need to think of hierarchy. This is incredibly old-fashioned and does back to thousand years ago. In such a manner, we don’t promote real jobs and we miss encouraging jobs directly connected to our common goals. We basically work in old-fashioned hierarchal ways and our societies are built based on those hierarchies.
You heard about flat organizations or less social hierarchies but let’s be honest: we are very far from having a flat organization at work or having fewer social hierarchies. We now live a conical society where the goal is to serve the person on top of you. At the top of the cone, there is people with high power and a lot of capital and all below are serving their top layer.
Serving hierarchy or being served in a hierarchy seems to be a job in such a system. As a result, we have jobs such as leadership to motivate people to serve the top layer better. We had those jobs when Egyptians were building pyramids couple of thousands of years ago and nowadays when we are running a multinational corporate with the same culture.
I believe that we are much smarter than this. We need to re-think what a job is. We need to work in spherical manner where the goal is at the center of sphere, all have equal access to the goal, and all serve the goal to get even more control over our destiny and live with much higher comfort.
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The conical and spherical societies are compared in the following table:
Becoming more spherical society, we need to promote real jobs. Let’s start by defining a job and this is my definition in impactism era: The act of doing something innovative and impactful. We now know that repetitive jobs (driving or working in production lines) can be replaced by automation, computers, and robots very easily. In addition, non-innovative and non-impactful acts should equally be labeled as old-fashioned and should not be counted as real jobs. By that definition, we can define what is NOT a job. The following are few examples of non-job activities:
To conclude, if we think of having any life in this planet, we need to promote impactism. Anyone in this society (without any hierarchy) should think of real innovative and impactful actions to be counted as job. And only real jobs are rewarded in the society. Therefore, while we work 1. Collaboratively and 2. In large scales, and in impactism era, we need to work in 3. Non-hierarchical manner.
Impactism can be applied to corporate world. We do need much smaller corporate in which all work in impactful and innovative manner. I will discuss this in more details in my next article.
Disclaimer: This article is purely my ideas and reflect and represent my personal views.
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