An Imperfect Understanding of Where Customers Come From

An Imperfect Understanding of Where Customers Come From

I was catching up with an old friend and colleague and as often happens we were talking about the recent Adobe Summit and I told him about the session I co-presented on that was all about acquiring new customers without third-party cookies. (

During the session, one of the key points we talked about was that it is important to think about this not in terms of how do you replace the cookies, but how do you continue to acquire customers.  When sharing this with my friend I then thought about this exchange from the 2011 movie, “Moneyball” where Peter Brand is talking to Billy Beane about the true nature of the challenge he is facing. 

“People who run ball clubs, they think in terms of buying players. Your goal shouldn't be to buy players, your goal should be to buy wins. And in order to buy wins, you need to buy runs. You're trying to replace Johnny Damon. The Boston Red Sox see Johnny Damon and they see a star who's worth seven and half million dollars a year. When I see Johnny Damon, what I see is... is... an imperfect understanding of where runs come from. The guy's got a great glove. He's a decent leadoff hitter. He can steal bases. But is he worth the seven and half million dollars a year that the Boston Red Sox are paying him? No. No. Baseball thinking is medieval. They are asking all the wrong questions.” 

Your goal as a brand or company should not be to replace cookies.  It should be to find the most effective way to not only fill the top of your funnel with new customers, but to do so in such a way that the leads and prospects that you are putting in your funnel are the most likely to become your customers.  One of the best sources of vetted prospect data is from a trusted data partner.

At Adobe, one of the methods we have developed to help our clients with customer acquisition is with Partner Data Support. (  Adobe Real-Time CDP is open and flexible so that you can import data from any source, and data partner, and even change data partners as needed or even use multiple data partners at the same time.

This provides the ability to take trusted partner-sourced prospect profiles and partner ID’s that do not rely on third-party identifiers to reach new customers and enrich your first party data without cookies by ingesting partner data into Adobe Real-Time CDP and leveraging the powerful Profiles and Audiences capabilities you know and love.  You do know and love these features right?

Let’s look at a high level overview of the steps to begin to do Offsite Prospecting: 

  1. As a marketer, you license prospect profiles from one or more data partners to help drive top of the funnel customer acquisition. 
  2. As a marketer, you extend your profile data and governance model to ingest the partner-provided list of prospect profiles. 
  3. As a marketer, you load prospect profiles into Real-Time CDP and build governance policies to ensure responsible use. 
  4. As a marketer, you build focused audiences from the list of prospect profiles. 
  5. As a marketer, you activate prospect audiences to destinations which are accepting of the identities available in your prospect list. 
  6. If needed, work with the data partner for last-mile activation of audiences to desired paid-media destinations. 

For additional information on this use case, visit 

For additional information on Partner Data Support in Adobe Real-Time CDP, visit 


What I hope you take from this is that Cookies do not equal Customers. Cookies are crumbs of data left over by every person that uses a web browser for any purpose. Everyone one of us has seen how fragile and unreliable they are just by having seen ads for products already purchased or completely irrelevant to them.  

Customers come from being able to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. And your odds of doing this increase dramatically if you are able to source data from a trusted partner and then leverage that data inside of Adobe Real-Time CDP.

The goal should not be to replace cookies. The goal should be to get new customers. And while yes I am biased, Partner Data Support in Adobe Real-Time CDP is a very compelling and effective way to do just that.  


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