Importance of Silence - Osho
How it should be Done :
Stop talking, and not only on the outside - stop the inner talk. Be in an interval. Just sit, doing nothing, just being presences to each other. And soon you will start finding a new way to communicate.
How It's Done :
A person who goes on chanting a mantra and living a monotonous life of routine is dead; he just goes into the gestures and motions because he has to. And he has done the same things so many times that there is no need to be alert about it – he can do it in his sleep. He has become very efficient, but his efficiency simply means that he has become mechanical. That’s why he is silent. You will see this type of silence if you come across people who practice Transcendental Meditation. They have stilled themselves by repeating a certain mantra; they have forced their mind to keep quiet. But this is cheap and you cannot get the real with such cheap measures. The real becomes available only when you work for it with your totality.
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But remember, It's not that the real becomes available by your work. There is a paradox in it: you have to work hard, you have to work in a total, passionate way, and yet you have to remember that it does not happen by your work alone. It happens by grace. That is the message of Hasidism.
You work hard – it never happens without you working hard, that is certain; it happens only when you have worked hard. But that only creates the situation for it to happen. It is not like cause and effect. It is not that you heat water to a hundred degrees and then it has to evaporate; it is not like that. It is not a natural law; it has nothing to do with the world of gravitation. It is a second law, a totally different law: the law of grace. You work hard, you come to a hundred degrees, then you wait there – throbbing, expectant, alive, happy, celebrating, singing, dancing. You wait there at the hundreddegree point. It is a must, you must come to the hundred-degree point – but now you have to wait, you have to wait patiently, lovingly.
When the right moment comes, when your work is complete and your waiting is also complete, then the grace descends. Or, you can say that the grace ascends. Both mean the same because it comes from the deepest core of your being. It looks like it is descending because you have not known your innermost core up to now. It seems as if from somewhere above it is coming to you, but it really comes from somewhere within you. The within is also the beyond.