Impressing the industry! Weingärtner 's mpmc turn - mill machining center has successfully arrived at the Production Launch Center Aviation
Source: Fraunhofer IPT #Weingärtner#turn - mill#Aviation#@Fraunhofer IPT
In October 2024, we are pleased to announce that the Weingärtner mpmc 1000L-3000 turn - mill machining center has been successfully installed at the Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT. The arrival of this new horizontal turn - mill machining center not only marks another major progress in our aviation manufacturing field, but also the result of our technological innovation and customer needs.
Weingärtner mpmc 1000L-3000 turn - mill machining center has the ability to process diameters up to 1000 mm and lengths up to 3000 mm, and is particularly suitable for precision turning of compressor and turbine disks, as well as various engine shafts. Its powerful drive power not only significantly improves the metal removal rate, but also broadens our professional capabilities in the field of nickel-based and titanium alloy processing, providing more possibilities for the manufacture of high-end aviation components.
The research work of at the Production Launch Center Aviation (#PLCA), focusing on the digitalization of turbine disk manufacturing as an example in the #Ready4RampUp subproject, will certainly benefit from these innovative capabilities!
During the installation process, our team worked closely with the technical experts at the workshop of Fraunhofer IPT to ensure that every detail met the highest standards. At the same time, we would like to express our special thanks to the various logistics and technical partners for their support, whose efforts ensured the smooth delivery and integration of the equipment.
In the future, we look forward to further promoting innovation and efficiency in aviation production and enhancing our competitiveness in the market through this advanced equipment. We firmly believe that this will bring higher quality products and services to our customers and contribute more to the development of the aviation industry.
About Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT
Higher efficiency and lower emissions are key objectives in the development of modern turbomachines. Achieving these goals requires innovative materials and geometrical forms as well as new manufacturing processes. The Fraunhofer IPT and the Manufacturing Technology Institute - MTI of RWTH Aachen University offer a broad spectrum of technologies and services focusing on developing individual processes, prototype manufacturing and comprehensive manufacturing concepts.
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About Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH
Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH, founded in 1965 and headquartered in Kirchham, Gmunden, Austria, officially began manufacturing CNC machine tools in 1984, and completed the acquisition of Linsinger in 1991. After that, four expansions were carried out in 2001, 2003, 2006 and 2009, and now it has gone through 60 years of development. With more than 700 employees worldwide, the Group has a unique whirling technology and has become one of the important manufacturers of turn-milling composite machining centers. As a competitive company, Weingärtner has always focused on the production of extremely flexible and high-precision multi-product machining centers. With many years of manufacturing experience and reliable partners around the world, Weingärtner has been able to provide complete solutions for the aerospace, energy, oil and gas, plastic machinery and general processing industries. With visionary strategic planning and leading innovation capabilities,it has become a trustworthy machine tool brand in the world.
Contact Us:
Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH ,Rep.Office Beijing
Phone: +86 10-8639 3011
Marketing hot line: +86 18311248638
Address: Room 13E19, China Merchants Tower, No. 118 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH
Phone: +43 7619 21030
Address: A - 4656, Kirchham 29 Kirchham 29, 4656 A – Austria