Income Replacement Formula : The foolproof method to build your retirement fund
In one of my posts, I delved into income replacement; its definition, benefits, and application in your financial journey. Now let’s look at the income replacement formula. You need to replace your income immediately you retire.
Application of the formula
If you want to earn a specific sum of money per month in your retirement, you need to save 120 times that sum.
Suppose you want to earn Shs 5 million monthly, you’d need to have saved Shs 600 million by the day you leave employment.
You’d place your cash into an investment vehicle like a unit trust, for a 10% average rate of return annually. That would translate to Shs 60 million per year and Shs 5 million per month in interest. You’d live off that Shs 5 million interest.
How to save and come up with the funds
It’s feasible build such a fund, with the right financial tools ,discipline and time.
To save successfully, consider the following factors, which will affect your saving plan:
These include salary, provident funds, social security funds, and business income. It also includes proceeds from liquidated assets like land or a business.
A 25-year-old person has more time than a 50-year-old, to save and will therefore accumulate more funds. This doesn't mean the latter should not save; it just implies that the amount required for savings, would be significantly higher than the former due to the limited time available toward retirement.
This is the propensity to take risk. A young person could easily recover from a failed business. Time is his ally. At 50 years, starting a business with an all-or-nothing mentality is high-risk. The business might fail.
At 50 years, starting a business with an all-or-nothing mentality is high-risk. The business might fail.
This is crucial during retirement. It’s how fast you can turn an asset into cash. It is better to transition your assets to cash, as you head towards retirement. In old age, cash is king, not square miles of land.
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Fund-building tools
Creating an income replacement fund, is a long term endeavour.
The income replacement formula is a practical tool you can use for your financial planning. It will provide a simple, straightforward approach to determining exactly what resources you need to build your fund.
The income replacement is a risk mitigation tool (against the risk of loss of income).
Income replacement is a risk mitigation tool (against the risk of loss of income). Apart from retirement planning, it could also help you put in place safeguards just in case you lose a job or become too ill or incapacitated to return to work. Inability to return to work would mean the loss of income.
This is why you need to plan appropriately from the beginning. You need the services of a financial planner. A financial planner is a guide for your financial journey. He or she will design the right plan for you and recommend the best tools for you, according to your needs.