Incoming CIBSE President Calls for Engineering Leadership
"We have never before needed more engineers, more urgently, to provide creative solutions to the challenges
"Our leadership is needed now if we are going to have the impact required. This spans both our individual responsibilities
Catchpole's leadership theme was driven by the need to deliver an urgent response to climate change
"It’s quite a task, but we still have time and all around the world, I know there are engineers (many of them in our own CIBSE family) with the knowledge and expertise to deliver the further step changes we need. Building Services Engineers now need to be prepared to lead those changes."
Catchpole also highlighted CIBSE's leadership role in developing the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard ( UK NZC Buildings Standard ), which he said would enable industry to "robustly" demonstrate that their net assets are truly net zero.
Attracting new young engineers to the profession will be vital to delivering these zero carbon solutions so Catchpole was pleased to be able to use his address to launch a new CIBSE STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Ambassador scheme, in partnership with
STEM Learning UK
. This will support volunteers to attract new entrants
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Catchpole's address also referred to the Building Safety Act, which he described as "a hugely significant piece of legislation". He said that CIBSE would be bringing forward guidance to support implementation of the Act, together with details of a new CIBSE Chartered Organisation Programme, that will facilitate the demonstration of competence
Adrian Catchpole succeeds Kevin Mitchell as CIBSE President and will in turn be succeeded by Fiona Cousins , CIBSE President Elect.
The Presidential Address was delivered in person at the CIBSE AGM which took place on 13 June 2023 at the Royal Society, London and online.
You can read it in full via
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Co Owner, Technical Director & Principal Engineer, Abbacas Consulting
1yStrong and encouraging words, a clear vision and strategy. A positive and good start. Congratulations Adrian. I look forward to the future !
Freelance Social Housing and Care Professional
1yCongratulations Adrian. Isambard would be proud of you. Hope the presidency goes well.