The Infinite Dreamer: Uncovering the Secrets to Success Through Goals, Systems, and Habits
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"How can one achieve and sustain happiness?" "How does one set life-changing goals?" "Why do people continue with detrimental habits even when they know what they should be doing?"
These are questions we've all asked ourselves at some point in our lives. While there are no definite answers, everyone seems to be an expert, especially in the era of social media where everyone appears to have it all figured out. Spoiler alert: very few do, and I am far from being one of them.
The more I learn about happiness (yes, happiness can be learned), the more it humbles me. Once, I thought I had enough understanding to even conduct a seminar on the subject. But, as I continued to learn and apply these principles to my life, I realized I am still on the journey to understanding happiness. Although it has transformed my life, I'm not ready to share my insights on happiness just yet. However, I am more than happy to share my thoughts on goal-setting, system building, and habit formation. I hope you'll find them useful.
The Infinite Dreamer: Uncovering the Secrets to Success Through Goals, Systems, and Habits
Everyone want a better life, we all want to improve something in our way of living, even if it it a tiny thing such as smiling more or brushing our teeth but we all know that ,it doesn’t arrive by miracle, we have to put the EFFORT and It have been a long a long time since i’m trying to understand that EFFORT thing and at the end that EFFORT does not only mean action, but it is a mix of a lot of things starting with :
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1. Mindfulness : Acknowledging what it is or is not going well in our life, being really clear about what we wish to do better, what it (money, happiness, passion) means to us and why, this part is a essential part because it shapes the second part
2. Goal Setting : I used to think that actions drive the goal, but i was wrong why’s drive the goal because a goal is only a statement, you can have a goal but if it is empty of why but full of actions it will not bring you the life you want because why’s helps you bring a reason of acting on that goal based on the life you want to get, (clarified during the mindfulness part) but here is the thing, the Goal is only an end result, but while trying to achieve that end result what will our life mean to us ? how to make it tasty and do what people preach as “Enjoying the process” ? that when our man system comes in
3. System Building : I have listen and read a lot of people from both side (Goals matter x Don’t put goals built system) to finally arrive to the conclusion that you guys are not wrong but just not complete, you both need each other, the Goal help you have a finish point and an mesurable enough substance that can be celebrate and in the other hand the system help you get everything from the experience and be happy while you are going for the goal, it helps you shape your life and implement success or happiness (depending on your focus key point) as a habit and a way of leaving, system will help you blend your dreamed life with your dreamed Goal so that you can experience it well and be transformed into that journey, and here is where the gem is, this is where the most underrated guy of the story comes in, habits
4. Habits Formation : We tend to see habits like personality traits that wears you and if you started something you can’t go out again, well that’s not true and the fact that habits are underrated is because people don’t try to learn how to form them, everything we do is an end result of a habit we built once upon a time, the most interesting part is that habits are everything, you can forget about goal, stick to a habit and navigate even without gps you will thrive if you invest in good habits, yes it is that powerful, there is even a popular quote that says something like “Success is a habit” but the time i came a cross it i thought that it was saying success is a habits that if you are successful once you will keep on being that again and a again like for those little kids that were always first in the classroom, but now i just see it differently, Success is a habit that relay upon successful suit of actions aiming to make us 1% (or more) better every day, well once this second understanding is completed and actions are taken on a consistent manner the 1st understanding is pretty sure true
It took me time to understand and come out with my own understand and thoughts but it worth it, and here is my 4 steps framework that i wanted to share with you
🇳🇱HAN@Connectr 🇫🇷ISU Mentor 🇧🇪VUB BDA
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