Based on popular demand,I am bringing back my #brandspeakwithonome articles, where I take a look at the marketing landscape and discuss observations. I will be writing once a month for your edutainment!
Today’s topic is Influencer Marketing. Obviously, it’s a hot topic at the moment. Growing awareness means more brands are recruiting influencers to promote their products and services than ever before. And like most things in life, as popularity grows, we see examples of how it should, and shouldn’t, be done.
I have been asked my opinion privately by different people on the use of influencer marketing. Let me wade in. I always say it’s not for everyone. It’s not a magic wand that automatically transfers followers or converts to sales.
An influencer marketing campaign needs clear objectives and an understanding of the impact you’re wanting to make for the brand.
It is a strategy that needs to be thought through thoroughly to figure out-
1) Influencer alignment in values with your brand 2) Risks to your brand 3) Return on investment -ROI and 4) a sustainable Implementation plan for the entire period you sign on your influencer -so that your marketing bucks don’t go down the drain
Regulation in Influencer Marketing.
In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) oversees influencer marketing through consumer protection and advertisement regulations. As a precursor to influencer marketing regulations, the FTC established endorsement guidelines nearly a decade ago. These guidelines require that both endorsers and advertisers clearly disclose their material connections such that the endorsement disclosure is 1) easily findable, 2) easily understandable and 3) allows the consumer to obtain sufficient information to judge the value of the endorsement. Under these guidelines both family and financial relationships must be disclosed.
This has been updated in the last three years: these include:
a) various aspects of social media, tags, likes, pins or other methods of conveying some sort of support are all considered an endorsement.
b) deceptive or untruthful statements are not compliant. Influencers should not make up claims, or endorse things that they say are “great” or “over the top” when that is not really their view.
c)advertisers have the major role in ensuring that disclosures are made about the ‘influencing’ to their consumers on ALL materials that they put out on social media.
Instagram's help center has a section on branded content, which they define as "a creator or publisher's content that features or is influenced by a business partner for an exchange of value." The page is broken down into information for public figures and for businesses.
YouTube, owned by Google, has a section in its help centre on paid product placements and endorsements. It defines important terms and provides guidelines for compliance with Google's ad policy.
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What all these means is that if an influencer campaign is flagged with the jurisdiction of the US-the erring party can be taken to court!
In Nigeria, there is no regulation by any marketing body (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria-APCON-pls take note). It is getting more apparent that there needs to be some regulation of activity of both the influencers and advertisers.
Regulation should cover disclosure (endorsed content should have a disclosure notice to make consumers aware that it is some form of advertising), the number of brands that an Influencer can endorse per point in time, the impact of such endorsements on the environment, fake sponsored content-To make the influencer gain followers, Problematic content which can include alcohol, smoking, and nudity in sponsored posts, specifically with concerns related to the age of an influencer's audience.
This will prevent consumers being taken for a ride by false advertising.
While some big organization might toe the ethical line, smaller businesses are not so concerned. I recently heard a complaint about a Nollywood actress advertising a slimming tea for a local entrepreneur for 10,000 NGN while the exact same product is being sold in Mushin market for 600NGN! That was also not her first weight loss product endorsement.
ON DAVIDO: The brands in the picture make it a rather crowded environment, yes? Same way it looks in the mind of your target audience. They may get confused and wonder how exactly he relates to all these brands-what do they all have in common?
To crown it all-You even have competing brands even though they may not have signed him at the same time. Which brands do you recognize? With which of them was there joint coordinated ‘speak ‘to the consumer? Hmm.
DAVIDO’s numerous endorsements indicate that for some of the brands it was more of ‘STARTEGY’ than STRATEGY. Some were on point, while some are just hoping some of his star power will rub -off on their brands. Maybe he uses the new brand VIVA detergent powder to wash his diamond jewelry. And possible that the brand’s target audience are 16- to 25-year-olds, not wives and mothers! Think bull’s eye target. Brand owner over to you.
To avoid influencer marketing pitfalls, these are my 2 cents:
1. Use an Influencer who is relatable to your brand ie is it something that your TG can see him or her (Influencer) using? Goes on to the next point
2. Influencers share their lives with their followers, so think about how the product can fit into this in a natural way.
3. Do consider your channels-if you are target 16 -24-year-olds-stay away from FB and move to Tik Tok to put up and promote your content
4. Lastly, ensure you have a SMART content and execution plan to use your Influencer effectively for the sign on period -not just a one-time use (most times the sign on ceremony and that’s it!)
a. Your plan should cover content, community and promotion strategy
Influencer Marketing is still the Wild Wild West where anything goes. However, I am sure as things unfold, one strategic brand stands to gain immensely from this fallow ground- only if they have done their groundwork though with the consumer in mind-as always.
Have a great month!
3y"STAR"TEGY could be a pitfall. Especially if blindly used.