Influencing Emotional Intelligence: The Questions to Ask YourSelf
When the only way out is through, review.
Extinction vs. Extraction
In two occasions, everything is the same: birth and death.
One is a composition of new; the other: a decomposition of knew.
This is the definition of everything g I. Your current thought process. In reviewing “what is in my current thought process,” the questions are answered to ‘who is “my”’, what is current, define the thoughts; explain the process. These are all co-consciously answered by asking a question.
Try thinking of a rubber band as a visual practice.
Ask the quantity with the quality.
Example: Must + favorite, least + random. The value of the word blends into the now.
You can always go newer, next and best.
MODE: Reflection to influence emotional intelligence
Reputation Management | Branding Consultant | Founder at Suite Storees Advertainment
Q: I'm in management and seeking to catalyze connections, what can I do to build better relationships?
Access your perspective through a zoom in or a zoom out. Look at the scenario through a microscope or a telescope.
Preview your selves in time durations:
What is the significance…
Preview your selves in eMotional phases:
Review and preview yourself in the form of a past you and a future you.
Q: I'm in management and seeking to catalyze connections, what can I do to build better relationships?
A: Define the terms of personal and review what’s personal to the personnel.
Reputation Management | Branding Consultant | Founder at Suite Storees Advertainment
Q: I take things personally; I want to zoom in and out seamlessly, what do I do?
A: Start with “are.” A “we” conversation is effective in catalyzing the “me” and “you.” Remember the 3R’s: react, respond, review. Ask: Are we reacting, responding or reviewing this specific event?
Reputation Management | Branding Consultant | Founder at Suite Storees Advertainment
Q: Opinions are causing emotion-based decisions in my environment; how can I recreate a positive experience?
Adapt Adopt Adore Adapt into the present environment. See similarities to adopt what you love. Feeling what you enjoy will increase the positive energy of your experience and influence personnel.
Feeling what you enjoy will increase the positive energy of your experience and influence personnel.
Reputation Management | Branding Consultant | Founder at Suite Storees Advertainment
Q: How do I stimulate higher vibrations in my environment- personally?
A: Check in with the eMotional intelligence of your current self. Pause the active behavior of who you are being. Preview the present identity of this you and your next you, then review the current relationship.
Reputation Management | Branding Consultant | Founder at Suite Storees Advertainment
Q: I want to innovate everything in my company. Where do I start?
A: Switch up the conversations. How are employees providing feedback? What are customers most satisfied with? What departments never communicate? Which departments communicate the most? Why?
Stimulate intrinsic motivation. Simulate the CEO determination.
Q: Everything's as good as it gets in our company(ies). How do we grow our presence?
A: Diversify your portfolio. Through all of your contacts, connect with communities. Through all of your communities, connect through events. Through all of your corporate partners, connect through multi media(s). Through all of your employees, connect through emotions. Through all of your locations, connect through experience.
Reputation Management | Branding Consultant | Founder at Suite Storees Advertainment
About Amera
Encouraging populations to activate their creative spirits and animated personalities is just a glimpse into the next reality of advertainment. Advertainment is a way of intertwining advertising and entertainment through different dimensions, alternate realities and multi medias. Imagine the possibilities of brand building, business transformation and recreating your identity.
Often introducing herself as amera, like a miracle, Amera is a design consultant in reputation management.
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