Insurance Fraud and the Equitable Remedy of Rescission
Everything Needed by the Insurance Claims Professional from Barry Zalma
Read this full article and more than 2950 posts at my blog, Zalma on Insurance, at Posted on January 28, 2020 by Barry Zalma
Over the last 51 years Barry Zalma has dedicated his life to insurance, insurance claims and the need to defeat insurance fraud. He has created the following library of books and other materials to make it for insurers and their claims staff to become insurance claims professionals.
There are more jobs available in the United States than there are people looking for work. When an insurance company is able to hire a person to be an insurance claims handler it is not unusual to find that person knows nothing about insurance or insurance adjusting. It is essential that every insurer train its personnel – both the new and the experienced – to keep them all providing professional service or lose business to those insurers that provide excellent, fast, fair, and professional claims service.
As people enter the claims profession they need to know about how the law deals with information gathered as part of a claims investigation. When the adjuster learns that the insured has concealed or misrepresented material facts when the policy was acquired it becomes essential that the claims person understands the law of insurance fraud and the equitable remedy of rescission.
Insurance Fraud – Volume I & Volume II
In Two Volumes
Insurance fraud continually takes more money each year than it did the last from the insurance buying public. No one knows the actual amount with any certainty because most attempts at insurance fraud succeed. Estimates of the extent of insurance fraud in the United States range from $87 billion to more than $300 billion every year.
Insurers and government backed pseudo-insurers can only estimate the extent they lose to fraudulent claims. Lack of sufficient investigation and prosecution of insurance criminals is endemic. Most insurance fraud criminals are not detected. Those that are detected do
so because they became greedy, sloppy and unprofessional so that the attempted fraud becomes so obvious it cannot be ignored.
No one will ever be able to place an exact number on the amount lost to insurance fraud. Everyone who has looked at the issue knows – whether based on their heart, their gut or empirical fact determined from convictions for the crime of insurance fraud – that the number is enormous.
When insurers and governments put on a serious effort to reduce the amount of insurance fraud the number of claims presented to insurers and the pseudo-government-based or funded insurers drops logarithmically. Since the appointment of Attorney General Sessions, the effort to stop insurance fraud against Medicare and Medicaid has increased.
This book contains appellate decisions regarding insurance fraud from federal and state appellate courts across the country and full text of many insurance fraud statutes.
It is available as both a legal research tool and a product to assist insurers, insurance company personnel, independent insurance adjusters, special investigation unit investigators, state fraud investigators and insurance lawyers to become effective persons involved in the attempt to defeat or reduce the effect of insurance fraud.
Volume One available as a Kindle book and a paperback.
Volume Two Available as a Kindle book and a paperback
Rescission of Insurance – 2nd Edition
Newly updated and expanded, “Rescission of Insurance – 2nd Edition” provides the insurance coverage lawyer, policyholder lawyer and claims professionals with everything needed to understand and enforce the equitable remedy of rescission. Everyone involved in or with the business of insurance must understand that rescission is an equitable remedy as ancient as the common law of Britain. When the United States was conceived in 1776 the founders were concerned with protecting their rights under British common law. They adopted it as the law of the new United States of America modified only by the limitations placed on the central government by the U.S. Constitution approved in 1789.
The viability and ability to enforce contracts was recognized as essential to commerce. Courts of law were charged with enforcing legitimate contracts. Courts of equity were charged with protecting contracting parties from mistake, fraud, misrepresentation and concealment since enforcing a contract based on mistake, fraud, misrepresentation or concealment would not be fair. The common law developed rules that courts could follow to refuse to enforce the terms of a contract that was entered into because of mutual mistake of material fact, a unilateral mistake of material fact, the breach of warranty (a presumptively material promise to do or not do something), a material concealment, or a material misrepresentation. The remedy – called rescission – created a method to apply fairness to the insurance contract and allow an insurer to void a contract and allowed courts to refuse to enforce such a contract entered into by misrepresentation or concealment of material facts.
© 2020 – Barry Zalma
This article, and all of the blog posts on this site, digest and summarize cases published by courts of the various states and the United States. The court decisions have been modified from the actual language of the court decisions, were condensed for ease of reading, and convey the opinions of the author regarding each case.
Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE, now limits his practice to service as an insurance consultant specializing in insurance coverage, insurance claims handling, insurance bad faith and insurance fraud almost equally for insurers and policyholders. He also serves as an arbitrator or mediator for insurance related disputes. He practiced law in California for more than 44 years as an insurance coverage and claims handling lawyer and more than 50 years in the insurance business. He is available at and
Mr. Zalma is the first recipient of the first annual Claims Magazine/ACE Legend Award.
Over the last 51 years Barry Zalma has dedicated his life to insurance, insurance claims and the need to defeat insurance fraud. He has created the following library of books and other materials to make it possible for insurers and their claims staff to become insurance claims professionals.
Go to the Insurance Claims Library
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