Integrated Plan For Peace Ukraine Russia (Part 23)
In terms of the peace process I do not believe that it's possible without the full and proper study of former peace roadmaps by leadership, from the best of what's happened in the past its possible to pick up where things were, yet the narrative and the escalations need to end, there has to be the realisation that this entire situation is way larger than even just one or two continents. The implications are global, therefore global perspective is needed in order to try and find a way out of this quagmire. In this document I have compiled other documents and added on more information newly on older information. Keeping up with this entire situation without help directly is affecting the quality of my work, and the speed at which it can be produced, yet I have been trying various other ways to hopefully mediate peace with blogs, however, this peace roadmap document hopefully provides all countries involved in the war with some potential thought that hopefully help bring the war to an end for the sake of all people.
I was in The House of Commons a few days ago and went to a talk by Mamphela Ramphele, who is an academic, businessperson, medial doctor and the President of The Club of Rome, the former Co-managing Director of the World Bank and a very long term associate and friend of Nelson Mandela.
Mamphela and her late husband Steve Biko became friends with Donald Woods, the South African Journalist that carried out many legal cases against the Apartheid regime, won them all though fled from South Africa for the UK as depicted in the Richard Attenborough film, Cry Freedom.
In 2002, I worked for Nelson Mandela in helping progress South Africa this was for the peace park initiative extension program in Kruger Park. I was unaware at that time how my own peace work in later life would reconnect again to the Cry Freedom of South Africa.
I have frequently referenced the work of Nelson Mandela. During the talk by Mamphela Ramphele, I had the opportunity to make a statement. The day of the talk was the 18th of July. This day is known as Mandela Day. A day to celebrate the life and the work of Nelson Mandela. It's also unfortunately the day that the Grain Deal Stopped between Russia and Ukraine.
In my brief three minute talk, I mentioned words to the effect that Africa has seen many crisis, and yet the ending of the Grain Deal could be the next and that there has not been a full and complete discussion in Uk politics on the actual Grain Deal and the peace process methodology from which it was derived.
The Grain Deal has been a goodwill gesture between both Russia and Ukraine and the rest of the world, whilst in a time of the worst war in recent history. Yet, also the most complicated of wars. The reason that it's so complicated is due to the fact there are documents in the context of past peace processes relevant to today that MP's have a full and complete working knowledge and understanding of. The message and the words, the concepts and the ideas and the strength of character of Mamphela Ramphele is extraordinary. There were two fellow South Africans sitting behind me who said that they grew up in South Africa under Apartheid and that Mamphela had been so much of an inspiration for her growing up that she had provided for her so much wisdom, vision and determination to keep fighting for freedom. The event was so moving, it was one of the most extraordinary talks I have ever been to in my life.
There were three MP's and one member of the House of Lords present who work on the issues of Africa. My plan is to write to them and hopefully there can be an explanation provided to put the thinking of the Grain Deal more into the full and correct context of what, where and how that was really all about in the first place in terms of good will measures for mediation, for the perspective of continuing to help all and hopefully there can be a full and complete peace process.
When I left the event, it only then it occurred to me that Mamphela has a link through Donald Woods to me via marriage.
The reality is that a world more divided East and West, generally is not good. It puts Africa, South America and Europe at risk economically, socially and environmentally. Worst case scenario is that if Africa fails in terms of food security. Europe is affected and Asia and therefore losses to Europe and Asia equate to loses for the USA, China and everywhere else. We all have a vested interest in effective peace making by link, by association to the worlds economy.
We are in an interconnected world we know that and of course a case can be put that cites any country is complicit to a war that does not speak out to try to stop the war. Yet, most of all most countries want peace to work.
The position is that Turkey, Israel, Africa, Brazil (under both governments.) Have attempted to mediate peace. There has been a China Peace proposal which would have brought a ceasefire. There is also the peace talks that the leadership of Ukraine and Russia were approximately in agreement with that were then according to the former Prime Minister Bennett were advised against by Boris Johnson during one of his visits to Kiev. There then was the peace brokering that was done by both Vice President Pence and President Putin between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Erdogan and President Assad that has not been fully considered in politics and the press and whilst I'm certainly not trying to lobby for one side or another my priority is peace in Ukraine and for the people of both Russia and Ukraine and everywhere else. That is my agenda and has been with every peace roadmap I have written whichever country or continent it's been written for. Yes, I believe very much in the value and importance of Sovereign nations, yes I believe very much in democracy and yet there are limits with both in so much as no citizen ever got to vote on the country they were born into. So my work is for people and planet for peace and democracy and I realise that there are faults in these and yet faults in all of us as well, however with a glass half full mindset, it's possible I believe to get into a world that is better for all in some ways and better for many in many ways through effective peace making.
When thinking changes and we do not realise.
I was speaking to an elderly lady recently about South Africa and the ending of Apartheid. She made a very interesting comment. The reason it was interesting is that it was just so completely untrue. I just agreed with her anyway as it was much easier.
What she said is that everyone was against Apartheid, it was only something happening in South Africa.
Well the truth is we were then as much as today in a geo-political world and it was in fact only the so called 'fringe' in the UK people like Jeremy Corbyn and Ken Livingstone that were so vocally in opposition to the system. When I was in Johannesburg, there was very clear evidence on display in the museum of the support of the governments throughout much of the 70's to apartheid. It was only really President Carters government that really listened in on wanting to know all of the facts.
This is not a criticism of the Conservative Party today, yet rights issues in all countries are vitally important and there should not be any form of institutional racism. Yet, there has been and Margaret Thatcher had her own battles to fight for the better representation of women in politics and the workplace. Yet rights of people were not always considered as a priority issue then or even now, and yet this is a central matter in what's affecting geo-politics.
The Conservative Party have reformed and today are multi-racial. However, it's so easy to forget where politics were in the 70's. We cannot even begin to know of the effect that South African people went through and that trauma was universal and perpetual. This is something that Nelson Mandela healed through his vision of an inclusive South Africa. Nelson Mandela was helped to freedom by to all by creating peace out of what had been such a volatile situation and could have got much worse. However, him together with FW de Klerk realised a new vision from the here and now was what was required.
The Specials in the UK very much helped bring the issue into the mainstream especially with the youth and then of course so many came round to the thinking that yes, of course there can be a better way than this, yes there has to be an end to Apartheid.
Today, in the context of Ukraine the situation is complicated, there are no easy answers even possible whilst there is anything other than a Mandela type approach that is not succeeding. Why? it's not being believed in quite enough. The Mandela approach being to focus on the present and the future. To reconcile enough for all to be able to progress and move forward. Whilst the memory of how so many people have suffered and are suffering, there does need to be considered today peace making to help them as best people can. There has never been more people in the world wishing for an end to a war, than there is today. I don't know really if that's true, however, if there is the slightest chance of that being true then the interconnectivity of people, the highest intentions of people have got to help us all get beyond this collective madness of a situation.
Retrospective thinking changes how we thought before without us noticing.
What also has to be considered is how people were thinking when there was the talking up of the invasion of Iraq. Whilst more than 1% of the entire UK population took to the streets in London, the biggest protest in history, the same repeated worldwide in many countries. There was more or less a 50/50% opinion divide in terms of the justification of the invasion at the time. That was due to the fact that there was perhaps one wrong fact affecting thinking. That one wrong fact was of the level of concern Iraq had for other countries.
Today there would be minimal amounts of people, if any that really believed that was necessary after the fear of weapons of mass destruction hitting the streets of London was proven to be a complete fabrication mostly due to the fact that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.
Again after that the peace makers were proven to be right by the inquiries that were consequently done. The 50% who were in support of the war, if anything were later realising more that the migration situation in Europe was caused by that war and other wars.
So the ability for people to move on, change thinking, and forget the past as the past really was is a part of reconciliation and yet of course it's difficult or impossible at the time for those in wars, yet not trying for mediation makes it impossible. This is a known trait in people, hence why there is the message, Lest We Forget. In some ways we must not forget, so we don't make the same errors again, and yet being able to reframe our thinking, to consider where our thinking is and what is the most resourceful position to have our thinking today is important as well. It's good to heal yet to do that we need to be able to some extent forgive, it's impossible to forgive when the problem that created the pain in the first place perpetuates. So stopping the cause of the problem has to be first and China presented that as a peace proposal. Teh peace proposal in practice may have worked or may not have worked, yet to have not attempted it and to have not had a very full media consideration of that peace proposal and at least half an hour dedicated to each aspect of that was in my opinion a massively wasted opportunity.
So memory of past events is a curious thin, post traumatic stress disorder, nervousness, sticking to usual thinking as that is what we are comfortable with. The human mind is simply so incredible, so complicated, so unknown, and yet like a computer we can change the software, change the program, change the beliefs. We can keep going over the same patterns and get more or less the same reactions or do something completely different. Other people can help us change perspective, heal, see things differently either for a moment or forever. When I was in that talk with Mamphela Ramphele, I listened to her like everyone, transfixed on every word. What she said resonated so deeply with me and all others in the room. Yet it was only when I was away that I realised about the connection between my distant family and her life story. The coincidences continued, the first song I heard on the radio afterwards was Africa by Toto. Sometimes we just seemingly get into a flow, things fall into place it's as if these secret doors towards an outcome, an improvement, a change of thinking and perspective can arrive, other people do help us alot and yet the most profound journey we can travel is within us and the live journey our thinking takes us on. It's other people that can provide us with thoughts, ideas and signposts and yet it's our own inner parent, inner child, inner critic, our critical parent our own inner tyrant and of course most importantly our inner adult as transactional analysis presents that enables us to flow best in the world. In terms of the negative emotions in people on all sides in this war it's fear, uncertainty, not knowing, anger, justification, a sense of justice, a sense of loss a sense of dread and trauma on top of trauma. That affect thinking. It's so many factors, and the one underlying all of them seems to be a sense of desperation, that in our own minds is a 'call to arms' to do what we can to progress from where we are to hopefully find a long walk to freedom from the situation.
Nelson Mandela spent so many years in prison, the man would have had so much of a vast inner mind space. The sense of injustice that he had somehow during the course of that time got transformed internally into something so profound he was able to see into his own situation and was able to factor in the situation from all perspectives and then to be able to deliver an answer. An answer that worked for so many. Not fully in the way that he wanted and he hoped, yet much more than so many others on all sides of his position believed could be possible. He proved the seeming impossible, him being a master of being able to look, consider and see beyond the injustice of the situation that he was in himself and to not only deliver a position of justice for those on his side, but on the other side as well both within his country, within the continent and within the world. He was an inspiration to so many in so many situations that were in some or many ways comparable. He connected to the inner chemistry inside of people's own thinking their own life journeys and helped them to generate their own better answers, their own versions of the best sides of themselves.
When I was at school I had pressures that I was not able to cope with, I was unable to read in front of people. The teacher would go around the class and everyone would read a page. Yet when he got to me all I could do is try to get the words out and to fail. My failure would make me more nervous, so I would try harder. Yet that made it worse and I would sit there in the class a bit of a wreck. The book being read I remember the title it was called The Thin Grey Man. The teacher responded by not talking to me, but actually by humiliation. He would go around the class, get to me and then say 'he can't read, onto the next one'. The same happened each class. The internal dialogue that I had to that experience caused me to get angry. The entire social situation in the class and then out of the class was reflective of the status quo that that one teacher had created. that teacher was teaching to mid 1970's standards, which again were completely different from today. In those days caning, kneeling for an hour on tiles, having your head smashed between desks and being hit were a part of the educational system that I remember. This was the same for other people as well some less so and some more. However, it's clearly evident to consider that there have been vast changes that have happened in thinking, yet these are not always considered. In terms of understanding my situation. I had what is called today ADD and that did not even exist then and was known as being lazy and disruptive.
In total contrast in terms of the talk at The House of Commons by Mamphela, everything was about inclusion. Yet, she talked about the humiliation of apartheid. There being this external force that creates this sense of not being connected and then that creating all of these inner fears and trauma within. That then transferring into other emotions, into a sense of massive injustice inside. This idea of the humiliation aspect at her talk when I heard this took me into a very deeply difficult space internally. It was just coming up my time to ask a question, to make a statement, yet what added to this was indigestion, could the emotions be creating the indigestion or the indigestion be creating the emotions? that I did not know yet I felt I was in a spiral where one thing added to the other. When it came to asking the question and saying what I wanted to say about the Grain Deal and the current crisis of today. I found it almost impossible not to read but even to speak. I said what I said, yet it was only later on when there was a woman behind me that had grown up in South Africa under apartheid and she spoke could I recognise the same constraints in her own communication. She sounded more like me than I could even believe, and yet she was speaking from a solution orientated perspective as well. It's quite extraordinary that sometimes our own inner journeys can be so complicated that we all of a sudden no longer really understand ourselves, as we normally do and yet getting beyond that our own inner gurus can help us to piece together a better sense of awareness of who we really are and how we are inside and how we interact with the world.
If we consider for a moment just how many things there are in the world that we have no clue of at all, we know absolutely nothing about. We know a bit about everything, so we tend to generally think. If I say there is one certainty and that is that the moon is one of many moons. The most usual logical way of thinking is to consider that statement is not true. Yet if I say the moon is one of many moons, 95 in fact around Jupiter, then the context changes massively. A new bit of information can change perspective. When I wrote peace roadmaps I always try to consider what could be that bit of information, not know, not obvious that can help possibly change perspective? As I have done so in considering the situation in Ukraine. The reoccurring thought is that putting other information into perspective, information about past peace processes, peace roadmaps could be that potential answer, yet that I do not really know especially due to the fact that nobody really believes in what I do as they did not believe in what I did, as they were told the story different from how it really was in terms of past peace processes. .
Conversely, the world seemingly works in a way that if we only do the same thing in a similar situation, then we tend to get only similar results and this is where the escalation issue is so concerning with the war. Where does it end? Does escalation end at all? Story telling is so important to humanity, its what we do all day, tell stories and read stories. If there are faults in the best media coverage and the required considerations in terms of past peace processes and diplomacy. Then the telling of the story told differently today from then could potentially provide a more clearer interpretation of where things are today and how we got here, and yet to do that requires allowing for there to be the questioning of what happened before. Whilst that may not be the norm ever, today of course are exceptional times, the entire world needs better answers and disrupting of food supplies by any of the sides in any of the way from the Black Sea is having an affect on all.
In the context of 2017, if the media can remember back that far again? There was the consideration that we could be going into a major war in Asia, and that the rhetoric between USA and North Korea had got to the stage where President Obama left office saying to President Trump. 'North Korea will be the greatest foreign policy challenge of the Trump Presidency.' Well the way in which that mediation began was due to a peace roadmap that had some of the very same qualities as the thinking of Nelson Mandela and that was to be inclusive and to work from the here and now into peace making. Most importantly to be respectful to the different cultures and to learn and understand what is considered rude and what is considered acceptable.
Today there is a message from the head of MI6 has stated that he believes China is complicit in the war in Ukraine. I'm concerned by that statement as it's bringing up the question if China has been reasonable or not and China has been talking about the Universal interest. The interest of all people and of peace and there has not been enough of this and this is why 'the universal interest of all people is being affected by the stopping of the Grain Deal. The multi-polar way towards diplomacy, is all that prevented major war in 2017 yet it's this that is not being publicly acknowledged in the UK. Is that an idea that's time has come to the world. No? It was here already in 2017 and yet was not interpreted in that way, yet that's how peace was maintained by the responsible choices of many countries. When the UK has a Minister on holiday on the beach during the time of the biggest change in Afghanistan in twenty years, you realise that there has been incompetence that goes unconsidered and yet the usual theme is to try and distract with blame. In terms of the 2017 peace process between North and South Korea China was complicit in that peace process and yet never considered to be and so too was Russia. It was the false, incorrect caricature narrative of how that peace process was created and yet never represented properly which is the reason for what has upended all geo-politics in recent years. It's this that has resulted in their not being effective peace making much earlier between Russia and Ukraine, the longest running war in European history.
If there is a statement that's made linking China to Russia and to the war. Then I question the reasoning. Is it to get China to say, well actually yes, you are right we have been complicit and so now we are going to send The Chinese Army to help Russia? Or is the thinking to get an arrest warrant for China, and those complicit with China such as Brics, Shanghai Organisation, South America and African countries that also want peace and all the other countries that are helping China 'to be complicit with Russia'. All the Chinese restaurants, funding China? What about all those people using computers, using all those parts from China, they are also all complicit if they buy a new computer? They are funding China which is apparently complicit with Russia, by producing documents calling for a ceasefire.
Yet it could also be said that by making no comment on the peace proposal that China offered every country in the world by not acknowledging that is in some way by silence causing a perpetuation of the war. it could be said that with the Grain Deal stopping if there is famine in Africa all of those countries that have not been duly diligent in trying to help make the Grain Deal work and improve are complicit in what could be a worldwide famine. Yet, I really don't like even thinking in this way, the better way to think in this situation is to try to find a way out of this for all rather than what could take the world further into this crisis. It can be cited that the non effective political discussion in The House of Commons on the Grain Deal and the fact that that peace process originated from my earlier documents is the issue. What's clearly evident is that if MI6 Chief is saying that China is complicit and really believes that then that is enough to not only risk drawing in other countries into the war. It's the perfect way to produce a wedge in Nato. Why? The Chiense peace proposal was again in part derived from the same work as The Grain Deal which was actually supported in full by all the countries of the United Nations. That includes the UK. So actually trying to lump together countries creating peace processes, proposals as being complicit to the actual war is the ultimate distraction away from failings in the UK to properly and fully acknowledge peace roadmaps and peace processes that have been produced by any person or any country.
The reality of the situation really is that if everyone is to be arrested that is funding China and helping Russia then it would be necessary to arrest every computer user in the world. I do not like to contradict what's been said, they could know so much more than I do. They could be completely right, yet that at best would only be on a level that is taking the world away from peace making at best as whatever you can say about China in this situation China has been putting its resources into a peace proposal and if every country was doing that, then maybe there could be a better answer than what there is today. By delivering a public insult to China, that is just as idiotic as Johnson saying 'lets get naked, lets show Putin how tough we are.' Saying that at G8 to the world. What is wrong with people in office in the UK do they not realise that words either answer problems of create them? There has got to be language of restraint in the world, and the best peace making work produced properly in the discussion and in the media, not incorrectly represented and certainly not being provocative to the countries producing peace roadmaps if we are to avoid the complete destruction of the modern world. Which is a near certainty if there is a continuation of not allowing mediation and peace making to be top of the agenda.
There has to be a consideration of how statements are not only said, but how they are interpreted. The what are the possible reactions to those statements being said.
In my opinion the only viable way through this war that creates a good, a better situation for the entire world after and this is possible via Integrated Strategy documents and win-win through peace making agreement for both sides. A win-lose by Ukraine creates pressures on too many other countries geo-politically and so that would not be an outcome that would work. That at best creates an end of WW1 type of scenario where there is so much residual issues that these inevitably would come back again as was predicted in London after WW1 and thus paved the way to WW2. So there has to be a way out of this that enables a viable way through all of this so that there is a settled situation that is as acceptable to Ukraine as it is to Russia, as it is to Asia, Europe, North America and everywhere else. To get to that position can only be obtained by a process of meeting and talking and the most sensible way to start that is in my opinion the ceasefire option and then talks. We all realise how bad this war can get, yet we do not consider enough how if we put together enough new insights seek to work towards a process what else can be brought into that process to help incentivise agreements by all. That can only be discovered by actually trying for a peace process and the very best place to start that is full truth about past peace processes so that both sides go into those talks with more optimism than ever before.
When all factors are considered China is the only country in the world that has produced a peace proposal that does begin with a ceasefire. It could be debated that every country not supporting that is complicit to the perpetuation of the war. Yet, all I can say is that Boris Johnson saying at G7 lets show Putin how tough we are whether said as a joke or not, anyone that thinks with the world cameras at such an event can make such a statement to the leader of the largest nuclear power in the World and for that to not have an effect is totally wrong. It's been said before in US politics that words by leaders are effectively policy. Words by leader create implications that we know. Boris Johnson could have chosen his words more carefully.
How does MI6 expect China to respond to this to agree, disagree, ignore, join Russia? What good can that type of statement make in such an already complicated and exceptionally dangerous to all situation in the world. People would not vote for a nuclear war and so people in office should do everything to prevent that as elected leaders.
China could equally say that the Steele Dossier which had inaccuracies coupled with Boris Johnson having a press conference at bomber command centre Kent was hardly being un-complicit to the war in Ukraine.
Again I go back to the consideration to enable peace roadmaps to work it's essential to think glass half full and yet to not be naive either. it's wrong to think that the war today can be argued out of, it can't be. There has to be relating and how to get to that relating is in itself an effort with so much that has happened.
From a peace roadmap author perspective, knowing how fragile world relations can be, any further provocations in any way are wrong, are misguided. What should be considered is that a NATO country Turkyie is also mediating with Russia, does that not then make Turkyie a NATO country also complicit? Does that not connect back to all NATO countries who agreed to a peace process method that was produced by Turkyie and yet not by China yet drawing from the same work? Is the going with the Turkey Grain Deal yet completely ignoring the China peace proposal really sensible? United Nations countries supported that peace deal, the Grain Deal, yet not other peace deals. That of course is their own choice to do so and yet to speak out against any country trying to produce a peace deal derived from the thinking of past successful peace deals as being a part of the problem when neither the original peace deals, nor the Grain Deal nor the Chinese peace proposal were ever fully and openly considered is not the type of practice that should be happening in a country which is meant to be in alignment with the Freedom of Speech ideals of Western democracies as established via the United Nations and some of the very best International work of Winston Churchill.
I believe in caution in terms of diplomacy today. In terms of how to get from here, ie half the worlds power in contrast to the other half the worlds power is not an easy issue for anyone to even try to consider and answer and yet that is what I have been doing every day since 2017. I don't have all the answers, yet neither does anyone else seemingly, yet the creating of more vitriol and negative rhetoric is adding to the problems. The reality is that President Zelensky and Putin have met in the past, they had meetings that were cordial enough and this is what diplomacy Internationally should be seeking to encourage today and that is what many countries in the world have been trying to encourage. I consider these objectives and I ask these questions as I myself really have not all the answers to the thinking and considering how geo-politics can even find a way to reverse back into a position that is conducive to a good or even a reasonably stable future for any country. Yet in all seriousness the human race has got to realise the science of peace making is essential to be openly known and considered if we are to keep science progressing in any sphere. If you value science, academia, the arts, tradition, progress, economy, ecology any of those there has to be a better way to get beyond the impasses of today to progress in any of that. A failed communication globally is all that's required to destroy all hope of a better world on this planet for ever more. It's time to get really intelligent about peace making or it simply could all be too late and events between countries could take over diplomacy entirely.
I went to MI6 offices in Vauxhall and said to them there has got to be a fully accountability process in terms of peace roadmaps and peace processes or there is going to be a major war in the world due to the incorrect representation of past diplomacy due to what leaders have been saying that is not true. That is causing the incorrect representation of countries, and their leaders and that is likely to lead to war. I said the same to the police in various places, to Ministry of Defence, to the BBC and to MP's. There has been a massive failure in the accountability and understanding of all peace roadmaps and all peace processes from 2017 until today. The fake news became the news and the truth was lost. Either there is going to be a proactive attempt in the UK to get to the full truth on all of this of they are going to consider that the fault is in every other country and simply provoke a world war and then if we are even lucky enough in ten years have a retrospective report that proves that the reason there was a world war was due to the reasons I'm citing. The only way to an effective diplomacy today is to know how an why diplomacy has both succeeded and failed in the past. To set the record straight and to then create respect enough between all countries to be able to find a way forward for all.
Whilst I do fully appreciate the fact that MI6 is doing it's best to keep people in the UK safe and to stay up to date on so many issues in so many countries Internationally, there has been an error of judgement in the context of not taking peace roadmaps that helped create peace processes into the full consideration that was in fact actually required at the time and now as well.
The inescapable truth is that the methodology I invented did prevent war on an International level in 2017 and the non effective consideration of this today is the worst option, the biggest of risks. Peace processes and peace roadmaps are vital to the future. The diplomatic failures of course can become weaponised and then put innocent people into wars.
The Brics Summit in South Africa
Vladimir Putin is not going to attend the Summit in South Africa, it's been reported. There is an International Arrest Warrant out for him. South Africa made it clear that that would not be served if he was to attend as that would be war. Very difficult to be able to know with which countries however, this does very, very clearly prove the major disparity in terms of reasoning that the world has in the context of the war in Ukraine.
President Zelensky was due to meet with the European Union and Caribbean states (CELAC) countries and the South American countries cited that they wanted to maintain the meeting between the EU and South American countries.
Since then, it was mentioned in a document Islas Malvinas/ Falkland Islands after the meeting between. Rishi Sunak spoke about this and referenced that the islanders had chosen to remain a territory of the UK, and the EU backed down on this issue.
The declaration - agreed at the European Union and the Community of Latin American and the Caribbean states (Celac) - read: "Regarding the question of sovereignty over the Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islands, the European Union took note of Celac's historical position based on the importance of dialogue and respect for international law in the peaceful solution of disputes.
I sense from this that there is really very much a landscape in the world where peace making, successful peace making is becoming the centrally most important agenda, people intuition collectively the wisdom of crowds is at play. We are all having our survival instincts alerted to the fact that the world is surely in a bad situation nw, and we need to find a way through. The concerns for where war is going is not only on the right in the USA but in Brics, in the right and the left of the EU, the left and the right of Africa, The Caribbean and South America. In The Middle East and some of the Commonwealth countries.
Is there a way to remember the past, the better actions of leaders then and to once again bring the memory of this to where things are today? Can the best of the past be tapped into again? President Zelensky has himself inspired the world, he has obtained help. The world does clearly understand and admire his perspective and support him. The world wants a peaceful answer, a way out and yet exactly how that is obtained is a bit like where Nelson Mandela would have been after his release from prison, not really knowing the country he had been in and yet away from for so long, knowing that he had to sit down and talk to people that had put him in prison and produce an answer for both sides. That must have been one of the most difficult of talks any person has had to do. So many counting upon him and yet him not knowing really how any of the discussions would go, yet knowing the discussions needed to happen for both sides to progress at all.
When Nelson Mandela turned 95, Vladimir Putin said “Your name is inseparably linked with an entire epoch of Africa's modern history that heralded the building of the new and democratic Republic of South Africa,” the Russian president said, while also praising Mandela’s contribution to developing ties between the two countries. No discourse on South Africa’s struggle against the tyranny of apartheid can be complete without a mention of the role of the Soviet Union, a country that the great South African leader held in the highest esteem.
On April 30, 1999, when Mandela on a state visit to Moscow was awarded two honorary doctorates from the Russian Academy of Sciences, it was a celebration of a good relationship that lasted the greater part of three decades. “I would interpret your action also as a tribute to the intellectuals of our country, of all colours and backgrounds, who have followed their calling to fashion the complex experience and aspirations of our diverse society into a single, realisable vision of a society at peace with itself,” Mandela said, accepting the honour on behalf of his country.
During the state visit, Mandela expressed gratitude for the “solidarity of the Russian people in the South African fight against apartheid and for freedom.” The Soviet Union was at the forefront of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.
However there are times for critique and peace making and activism in general is so frequently more that just campaigning for a cause, it can be to check, question and at times challenge in order to obtain consensus of thinking. Steve Biko had originally met by Steve Biko challenging what Donald Woods was writing as a journalist and to berate him. They met and became great friends. Friendship is not always about agreement and activism can be as much about trying to convince your own side as any other of the validity of your thinking. Sometimes as well what can be considered a step backwards in analysis of thinking can also be in disguise a way to be able to step forward. so with these thoughts in mind I question some of the thinking of today.
President Zelensky and Ben Wallace had a spat over arms being sent to Ukraine, citing 'We are not an Amazon delivery service'. Whilst this was a witty comment, and is not sarcastic at all. President Zelensky's response was with wit and an element of sarcasm and yet this has been questioned by the British Ambassador in Kiev Vadym Prystaiko. On this one I'm on President Zelensky's side.
This in my opinionated opinion is the underlying issue of another, unforeseen consideration, communication. Looking closely at all communication in terms of diplomacy is incredibly important. It can actually be completely pivotal in really understanding an entire situation.
If this meeting is considered, what is said. The paradigms of reasoning that were going on. It seems to me that the issue of language was a key consideration to President Putin then and yet President Zelensky cites that the goodwill measures that he put forward were actually not being reciprocated. There are two other vitally important aspects to this unconsidered. Firstly, this time there had been at least three successful or reasonably successful Integrated Strategy Peace Roadmaps that had become peace processes. The first produced in 2017 two years before this. The issues at that moment in time could have been potentially answered in an Integrated Strategy which would have been much easier than today. Yet, it seem like there was not the following of the Minsk Agreement and yet there was no external organisation to have called that out. With president Zelensky relatively new into office then, inheriting issues from previously he was clearly from day one in a very difficult position. Whilst the people between Ukraine and Russia are the issue between Russia and Ukraine. The people between Kiev and Donbass is also the issue. The fact is there was not really any middle ground for mediation to be able to happen as there were simply two conflcting powers and President Zelensky in the middle. What was actually required at that moment in time was a type of International authority to have called out the situation, to have ensured that The Minsk agreement was being enacted, to have acknowledged the genuine reasoning of Putin in terms of the rights for the people of Eastern Ukraine, yet additionally the rights of the people of Kiev. Every country in the world is different, and yet there is a similar dynamic in Ukraine to the dynamic there was in South Africa in so much as there being considered two different people and clearly whilst President Zelensky was positioned by his supporters more onto one side, president Putin was positioned more onto the other.
The situation was complicated and yet in many ways less complicated that the situation in North and South Korea or in Syria. Both of these had been able to have effective peace roadmaps written that then became a peace process in the context of one and an exit strategy in the context of another and preventing a larger war. What the real issue though is that there was no truth and openness about peace processes and them being possible due to peace roadmaps firstly, yet more importantly than even that no organisation in the world that was looking at the issues of both sides and seeking to produce a win-win through peace making answer. As the war was already five years in at that time, it was impossible with the minimal resources I have and the complete lack of information at the time to the entire situation, which historically is complicated so there was nothing I could write. What's more the only time since then that there was really good consideration of the situation historically that I could source to appreciate the complexity of the situation was in the Oliver Stone Film Ukraine Fire. So really, if we are going to consider only what's going wrong in the world and not look towards there being in fact Institutional reform to create an organisation that is able to consider both and all sides of a situation then we get stuck into a very narrow position of their being narratives within countries that influence leadership and very frequently a whole lot of unconsidered information that could otherwise have potentially found the win-win through peace making ways to mediate.
In peace making it's possible for two leaders to be speaking at completely different 'logical levels and to both be right at the same time and yet have a war. This is the situation of today. President Zelensky is absolutely right to want to defend the territory of Ukraine. President Putin is absolutely right to want to defend the Russian people and Russian language speakers in the East of Ukraine. They are both trying to do a noble thing for their people, and yet it's the broader International Institutions that are not coming to the rescue of the people that are caught in the centre of this debate. It really does not require many brains to realise that all people should have rights and all countries should have protected sovereignty over their territory. Whilst this seems obvious, it's not actually been the job seemingly of any institution in the world to actually fully allow for the protection of peoples rights. Another example of this is with the burning of holy books whether they are the Koran, Torah or the Bible, each would of course be deeply offensive to each religion as religious leaders on all sides have stated. The United Nations Security Council protects the rights of individuals and yet not groups of people such as religions. That obviously again is an oversight in legislation. How to get beyond this every Christian, Muslim or Jew sign a petition of the institution realising that there is a lack of common sense happening in terms of laws. If Embassy's of countries are being affected by this issue, then there should be some religious persecution laws in place.
People act differently, look differently, think differently. The biggest problem in the world is the tendency to believe that people think the same. There is not a single person in the world that thinks exactly the same. There are groups of people that think the same, countries and cultures that think in similar ways and of course religions that think in different ways. There are similarities and differences to all of this.
I have travelled much of the world and met many different cultures. I was once offered an alcoholic beverage in South America that had been made by the fermentation process of human saliva. I respectfully declined, however in many other countries spit in someone's drink and they would consider that to be an insult and not a welcoming gesture. Having had an Anglo-American education, lived in Taiwan for a few months and Spain for 14 years, having spent months in South America and North America and years in Asia. Having sat in meetings with Aborigines in the outback at the age of 17. I can say in no uncertain terms that cultures think differently and in actual fact to to be able to have a problem solving, peace making diplomatic organisation requires the realisation that we don't have anyone like Nelson Mandela today that could sit down with both sides and find middle ground and yet in order to be able to have answers good enough, of the quality required, that is what the world needs very much today. If there is that then vast streams of win-win through peace making answers can be produced and where there is fault in thinking that does so often occur between different countries and people within countries there is then at least another perspective of reasoning that can feasibly be able to consider, communicate and mediate answers. Whilst this is what The United Nations is meant to be. This is exactly what the United Nations was for the negotiation of the Grain Deal, this is not what the United Nations was doing in 2019 enough in the context of this meeting. What also has to be considered is that Chancellor Merkel was at that meeting and in many ways she was an outstanding statesperson and mediator. So too has been President Macron Internationally especially and in attempting to mediate between both sides. Yet, in my opinion from a 2019 perspective, there needed to be more emphasis from somewhere, from anywhere on the value of peace making, arbitration and mediation in terms of disputes.
'Lost in Translation'.
The consideration that we eat different food, look different, speak differently is an immediate consideration in our day to day life. The notion that we think differently is not. This is so overlooked in terms of cultural thinking.
The film Lost in Translation was a perfect example presenting just how different cultures are, and for them to have become like that has required that the thinking has been so very different to get there. In terms of Empires, in a way there can be a long terms disadvantage to these in terms of providing for the people that created empires a very different long term way of thinking after the colonies were gone. The reason is that it can be expected when there were the days of empires and colonies for everyone to have to think like us more. Yet that's not really how it is. When you have a world order of red lines and yet you have differences in the way in which people think that then leads them to respond in different ways, that then can cause diplomatic impasses and then conflict.
There has just been a statement made by MI6 and I use wit and sarcasm to try and consider what's been said. Many a true word is said in jest and yet I know in terms of peace making as well as diplomacy it's important to consider when wit is acceptable or not and this is making up the communications between the Ambassador in Kiev at the moment. However, whilst that is one level of consideration and the geo-political complexity of the situation in Ukraine is more important than a few words said in jest. The underlying issue is that there are really important life and death choices being made by the supply of weapons and all I can say is if there had been a much better and more considered supply of improved peace making years ago, the situation today may be much better or could have been completely prevented.
Whilst MI6 are citing that China is complicit in the invasion of Ukraine. China has produced a peace proposal and to ignore the peace proposal and to make the only statement made in the context of seeking to apportion blame rather than use the peace proposal to try and resolve the situation can also be debated as being as complicit or more complicit to the war.
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The world is more dependent and inter dependent upon each other than ever before in terms of economy it has to be an all for one and one for all in practice, when it's considered the links and the dependency on all. The technologies and manufacture processes of both the USA and China with some internet invention from the UK have created the combined benefit we all have today. We communicate technology best when we see the glass as half full and find the reasonable in each other rather than the objectionable. We are all very smart human beings and capable of doing both and most frequently do, survival on this planet is about being able to effectively weigh up the pros and cons in every situation and be able to find a way to progress. So for almost everything there is a thesis to support and contradict one way of thinking and there is the same for the contrary way of thinking. Then in addition to that by using the Integrated Strategy methodology it's possible to find more and more ways to support the thinking of either paradigm or in fact the same is true in terms of inventions and scientific rational as well.
Yes, there is a thesis that China, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Turkyie, Brics, Shanghai organisation, Cuba, Venezuela are complicit, so too is anyone today buying Chinese products that's supporting China, so too any one eating of China plates, yet it's best to consider the glass half full rather than half empty in this case and China has provided a peace proposal, the first of any country in the world that had a ceasefire mentioned. So it can also be said that China has been the most advanced country in the world in terms of seeking to mediate the fastest and most immediate stop to the war. China hasn't been quite as successful in this as Turkyie, that managed to negotiate the most important food deal in history to keep 1/4 of the worlds food in supply.
If we are to consider being complicit in the war, there could be a case to say Boris Johnson is just as complicit as China for the reason that he dared Russia to take action at G7, and was only unaware of previous peace roadmaps used by both the West and the East as a result of Boris Johnson not releasing The Integrity Initiative Report which would have shown and proven that in 2017 Russia and China had both helped mediate peace between North and South Korea as well as the USA.
All sides did that due to the peace roadmap I wrote and published in Washington. So somewhere along the line there is a vast amount of information not known and that relates to the peace work I have been producing and the fact that there is not open acknowledgement of this is not helpful to keeping the functionality of the world going.
Being Complicit to peace in an interconnected world it's not easy to
Whilst MI6 are citing that China is complicit in the invasion of Ukraine. China has produced a peace proposal and to ignore the peace proposal and to make the only statement made in the context of seeking to apportion blame I do not think is wise in any way. The world is more dependent and inter dependent upon each other than ever before in terms of economy it has to be an all for one and one for all in practice, when it's considered the links and the dependency on all. The technologies and manufacture processes of both the USA and China with some internet invention from the UK would have created the combined benefit we all have today.
Yes, there is a thesis that China, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Turkyie, Brics, Shanghai organisation, Cuba, Venezuela are complicit, so too is anyone today buying Chinese products that's supporting China, so too any one eating of China plates, yet it's best to consider the glass half full rather than half empty in this case and China has provided a peace proposal, the first of any country in the world that had a ceasefire mentioned. So it can also be said that China has been the most advanced country in the world in terms of seeking to mediate the fastest and most immediate stop to the war. China hasn't been quite as successful in this as Turkyie, that managed to negotiate the most important food deal in history to keep 1/4 of the worlds food in supply.
If we are to consider being complicit in the war, there could be a case to say Boris Johnson is just as complicit as China for the reason that he dared Russia to take action at G7, and was only unaware of previous peace roadmaps used by both the West and the East as a result of Boris Johnson not releasing The Integrity Initiative Report which would have shown and proven that in 2017 Russia and China had both helped mediate peace between North and South Korea as well as the USA.
All sides did that due to the peace roadmap I wrote and published in Washington. So somewhere along the line there is a vast amount of information not known and that relates to the peace work I have been producing and the fact that there is not open acknowledgement of this is not helpful to keeping the functionality of the world going.
Peace Process administration on an International Level.
There is no one voice, no organisation, no NGO that is specifically set up to present as well as to question thinking and narratives that can help or not peace process and peace roadmap work. That could be what's required. A department for peace in countries to then represent the efforts made in peace making by which country again would make sense. Yet here we are in a geopolitical impasse that then becomes war and communication or the lack of it with a specifically objective of the situation is what's missing, all we hear is one paradigm at odds with another, one action cause and effect reacting with another and the voice of reason that can possibly find progress from here unsupported.
People have said to me before that there are some people somewhere praying now for answers. Answers that realistically can only come from leaders. Yet leaders hopefully considering mostly peace making from here.
Yet I spend each day praying for help and financial support for my work. If this is the level of non consideration for the need for peace roadmap work then there is no platform large enough for peace making work required, innovated. Normality wants to find a way to continue and yet seemingly there is a risk that someone in a position of power wants to destroy so much, as perhaps they cannot get enough of the almost everything they already have.
Every billionaire in the world invests nothing into some of the best peace making that has been helping keep the world going. Meetings for the future are being had when there is not even enough goodwill to seemingly want to even keep the modern world in order enough to progress today, which is only obtainable today by both singular and collective seriousness to peace making. That's not an individual choice, it has to be a collective agreement to want there to be a good future. Any country not thinking of the whole, is thinking in geo-political reaction terms to the desire for their own failure. You cannot make a business without work, you cannot make a future without peace. You cannot make peace work without help.
There is not one single organisation in the world that has funding and is responsible for the proper and correct administration of peace processes and peace roadmaps.
The fact that there are any health and safety laws in the world, ie laws that are created due to the fact that people are meant to be protected and safe in the world, yet there is this control narrative over people and land that has been out of control for centuries, backed up by armies, covert armies and hidden groups all pushing totally contrasting agendas, without a single care and consideration for how the world stays in tact supported only by the thin thread of internet cables proves just how collectively unaware, assuming that humanity can sometime become. In most countries there are rules for people wearing seat belts, yet no rules to govern what can be merely a 'theory' of one or more influential people in one or a few governments and that is enough to bring humanity to the position of a non peace scenario. In any type of smaller, less consequential situation, like a theft of a car for example, there are investigators that look at the situation from multiples of perspectives, knowing that the more the issue is studied the more chance and hope there is to be able to find new information which changes perspective. Yet, in a war situation there is the complete opposite a complete closing of minds, any information that does not fit a pre-conceived idea, notion, theory is simply excluded. Even a school playground punch up usually gets a more balanced perspective than a situation that could become an existential threat to everyone.
In the 400 or so pages I have written since this war began there is so much information that is not properly considered anywhere else. There are perspectives to what's going on that nobody else has been thinking. Potential ways for countries, groups or influential individuals to help leverage steps towards peace making. Ways to build upon the Grain Deal, ways to get both Ukraine and Russia mediating without having a fully complete agenda and plan to begin with, references back to how recent history has been incorrectly reported and ways for one side to be able to see this perhaps a bit more from the other sides perspective. In addition to these documents is the countless efforts I have made aside from writing these documents in order to try and appeal to so many different people in a position to be able to see the fuller facts more clearly. The notion of a win-win world where we can cooperate to produce better answers for all, writing about this for the past 32 years in the past two weeks has landed me with the comment of 'STFU you nutter'. The message sent via the internet helped by the peace roadmaps I write. If everyone does shut up about peace, then the door is closed on all future progress. The implications take us to a place where global paradigms are no longer relevant, those that remain. To be able to see beyond five wrong sentence said geo-politically, the implications that could cause and the position that would then put all into is an exercise in the combination of both logic and imagination. It's about mapping out as much what can go wrong as much as what can go right if fully and properly and logically considered.
Leaders leading countries and people incapable of reconciling in their own minds how a greater sense of cooperation between countries is not only some sort of fantasy, it's the only realistic path that exists towards individual survival as that is so very much linked to collective survival, and yet it's been the thinking of Edward Bernay's that made us for the first time in thousands of years disconnect from the fact that we are all connected.
However, since posting my last document, which explained why the only good way through the current situation is having Russia not reduced to factions, to have a moment to consider the entire situation, the narrative returns from the best hope and prospect of ending this war to a multi-headed medusa's head type of paradigm with every voice saying something that roughly translates as, more war.
More war, more singular focussed logic, that disregards the vast amount of mitigating issues that if honestly considered could stand the chance to move this totally, universally dysfunctional situation into something just a bit more rationally viable, given the full perspective of where the world really is and the real potential risks. How to prevent the biggest nuclear power in the world going into what could become chaos is not something that anyone has experience of. The implications of trying to do that are simply as unknowable as anything else can possibly be.
There has never been a situation even vaguely similar to where the world is today. Anyone that tries to relate this back to WW2 90 years ago, and a pre nuclear filled world without offering anything more relevant for today is is essentially not thinking enough.
The most pivotal 50 years in terms of all human development and progress within the 10,000 year or so context of our development is this time, yes the war is defining this moment, yet peace making can also if heard and either this will become part of something for the better or not and for that I believe there are only two main paradigms of reasoning that need to hopefully find a way into better reasoning than previously. Peace making and cooperation between countries and people within countries.
Mission for the rainforests 1990
I recite this again, the same written so many times before in different ways. The reason I write this again is not to criticise but to explain where the error has gone wrong, and to provide context of how it can be possible today to trace steps back and then to appreciate, understand and use this work properly and fully and therefore answer the many questions this work does answer.
In 1990 I began my work in buy an acre of rainforest, the campaign was the first of it's kind any where in the world and two thousand people shared the idea of saving a 10,000 acre forest, the other side of the world by them buying an acre for thirty pounds. There was a donor that offered to fund half the money if I was able to raise the other half and then then were some thirty celebrities which helped. The campaign got into the media and onto television was broadcast around Europe and a team effort of people that did not know each other, had never met each other succeeded and we bought the forest in Argentina on the border of Brazil before logging companies could get there.
The project was not without some controversy. The project was the first Anglo-Argentinian project instigated just four years after The Falklands War. There was a discussion that I had at the time with one of Margaret Thatcher's most senior Environment advisor. We did not see eye to eye. I cited that the project needed to be the first and replicated, increased and expanded upon. To achieve that required help and support of the government. He was dismissive of that. Today, so much more of the worlds rainforests have been destroyed in some cases 2/3's or more in some countries of what existed then. Whilst Thatcher began towards the end of her time speaking Internationally about the need to protect the environment to International leaders, it never crossed her mind that the people power had already produced a template that could be replicated by any population, in any part of the world copying the original concept.
That was the instigation, randomly of the first Integrated Strategy by the public. An Integrated Strategy is a combined effort, combing components that never existed before in such a way as to obtain a completely new and more dynamic outcome than anything previously ever obtained. The components of The Mission/Misiones Rainforest Project that combined together were 1. The intention to save the forest shared. 2. The science provided by scientists and NGO's to support the project. 3. The concept that each person could spend thirty pounds to save the forest. 4. The wealthy donor offering to fund half. 5. Celebrities endorsing the project. 6. The Newspapers writing about the project. 7. The television news interviewing us about the project. The collaborative potential within society was vast. Yet the dismissiveness, the non-understanding, the non-comprehension of the government was the weakness in terms of appreciating the dynamics of Integrated Strategies then in 1990 was the weakness in the plan. It was the lack of vision, the lack of imagination then as well as today by governments that have prevented the methodology of Integrated Strategies from saving the world's climate. It's the governments that are responsible due to their combined arrogance and stupidity, lack of vision and yet paradigm of belief that there can only be a 'top down' answer towards the prevention of the extinction of the human race that has and is causing the greatest ever risk to the survival of the human species and the vast majority of the species that we share the planet with.
The great 'economics' guru Thatcher, not only did not support that project. She then publicly cited 'There is no such thing as Society'. A notion that is laughable considering she herself grew up in a community Co-operative, co-op shop. Seemingly, she perhaps rebelled against her youth, believed anything of shared vision was wrong, such as The NHS. Trains and the social structure that had made the UK have a balance until then between support of the society as well as the individual. The great economics guru Thatcher was in fact proven wrong. Crowd Funding which evolved from that first Integrated Strategy Strategy project became the single largest economic strategy that funded people in the community that banks had no time for to the tune of £3.4 in terms of investment per year after the dynamics of the Mission Rainforest Project were explained to Franny Armstrong. Who took a major leap for Mankind by coining the term Crowd Funding and that then funding more of the green industrial revolution that emerged from then, than anything else. The dynamics of collaborative economic answers like this can help in economics vastly, already have and yet there is so much more possible.
Yet, even from that time in the early 90's the government could not perceive the potential of Integrated Strategy thinking being used to answer the big problems of the country and the world. By 2003, the concept of Integrated Strategies was going to be put to the test for the first time in the written form. The prime minister announced 'London has a transport problem that the government does not have an answer for, there is over use of the transport system, with bottle necks at Waterloo and Victoria and the government is requesting that if there are any consultants that do have answers for this for them to step forward.' The same announcement was made by the then mayor of London, Ken Livingstone.
Myself and my girlfriend in 2003 contacted them, spoke to the secretary of Ken Livingstone and was asked to produce a document to present the concept for review. So the concept was written down and sent in for review. Yet instead of the government reviewing the work, the New labour government simply stole the work. Four days later Tony Blair was announcing outside ten Downing Street the following. 'There needs to be a third Industrial Revolution. The first being mechanical, the second being information and the third being a Green Industrial Revolution. That concept was stolen straight from my work. I rang up and protested, I was ignored and this is in fact where the first sloganising in UK politics began. Ie Government leaders trying to present concepts that they don't even fully understand, by copying work.
Big Strategy is a drought, famine, social progress development plan that helps align progress towards the wider needs of society and to climate to regeneration. There was some explanation and yet the copied version was what became known.
So Big Society, failed in explanation from 2009 until the day after Brexit where Theresa May scrapped Big Society. Myself or my colleagues could have explained the original version Big Strategy in two hours and that instigated would have enabled to UK to have had within twelve months the most advanced climate connected economy on Earth, more so by far than any country in the world today, yet that being in 2009 or before.
Yet if Thatcher's top advisor had listened in the first place properly by 32 years.
Yet, the implications of this big lie affect everything. There are many articles on the risks of AI in the world. There are many articles on the risks of climate, global warming, global dimming, there are articles on the risk of UFO's, meteorites, Tsunamis and just about anything and everything else other than the most important of risks there really is in the world. The biggest risk is in fact not adequately and fully considering how to be able to organise human societies with all of the pressures of this century when compared and very different from all the pressures of the last century. What is the best organisational system to be able to use the best attributes of mankind in the fastest, most effective way? Well that question my work answered more than two decades ago, the answer is having many 'Integrated Strategies' that are applied in one country and then extrapolate to many others. The best place for this to happen are both United Nations COP events, yet also within national and local places that present these more effective methodologies, practices and innovations, link these to first, second and third sector facilities, link these to people's lives so that peoples lives have more meaning. They are able to help others whilst also helping themselves. My film Ecoplaza Paradise Oasis screened in 2009 in Copenhagen, and whilst the concept of a flexible agreement as presented in the film did eventually become the common idea of the COP21 conference. The actual mechanisms that enable the flexible agreement to be able to function and work better in practice than a fixed agreement, ie a series of 100 Integrated Strategies, that aspect got left out. So in other words the overall concept got agreed globally, ''lets have a vehicle we can all use'', yet the methodology of how that vehicle can work in practice, as had been proven by London's transport answer was completely and totally ignored as it would have shown and proven that various prime ministers had lied about the origin of the work that they had all attempted to steal and yet failed in instigating properly and fully.
So the real greatest risk in the world is the incorrect representation of a methodology that enables people to cope with the levels and scales of issues, that this century is already bringing. If there are water wars, then there will be no issue with AI, we won't even have computers anymore. How could we keep having computers and using the internet if there is no world economy and no connection of the Internet? How could either of those survive countries at war over water? The simple answer is that they can't. No water for any one nuclear power equals no good future for any country in the world.
So the need to be able to fully and properly plan, to understand discus and consider how we do keep countries in water is a vital part of all human development. In order to do that requires there are vast areas of land that are currently deforested and baren replanted and then those replanted areas properly maintained. From there it's possible to have water courses sustained and improved more foliage creates more water in the water cycle. Yet to be able to do this to such an extent so as to be able to affect vast areas, vast amounts of people requires vast amounts of people and resources and countries to massively cooperate. In order to have that require very different narratives in the world than there have ever been previously.
Those narratives to even exist in the world as uncertain as now require a different type of language used in world politics. Multi-polar, win-win through peace making, goodwill gestures between countries. How are those empowered and created, by there being goodwill gestures within communities? How are those created? By a vast program to combine efforts, resources and thinking to answer issues and for people to help each other? How is that possible? Via the instigation of many Integrated Strategies within countries, a bit like the transport Integrated Strategy in London, that then became emulated and modelled world wide, yet these Integrated, rainforest of good interacting ideas functioning in many ways simultaneously.
Yet, how much will and determination in the world is there for this type of rational? I believe India and France meeting together in a combined event for Bastille Day shows and proves there is potentially enough vision in the world to want to get the world into a more win-win through peace making position. I believe that many countries going over to Brics have done so as a quite vote for wanting peace in the world, there are more Brics countries that have produced peace proposals than non Bric countries. Yet there is a unifying Grain Deal that has been based upon the thinking of my earlier work. A good will gesture in practice that is keeping 1/4 of the worlds grain moving, there is at least some goodwill in the war between Russia and Ukraine. However, having progress in peace making is something that I have worked harder for in this scenario than any of the previous peace roadmaps I have written previously and yet sometimes do get a sense that there is a sense of disregard for the work I have been trying to do. I have had no help, no funding, no appreciation for 32 years of work to answer the problems in the world not just for me, but for many. If political systems cannot cope with the level of problems or the levels of cooperation between others fast enough in a world of killer climates emerging worldwide, there will be a world of only ignorance, conflict, famine, and worse, as cited by Nostradamus as being a potential risk. The world from here, make no mistake is either going to get considerably better or substantially worse at an ever perpetuating rate.
Peace making requires a concerted effort by at least two sides and usually more in almost every case.
One side can only at best offer the framework or better still the rationale for countries to seek to obtain agreement, how and whether agreement is obtained short term, long term or not at all has to do as much with the quality of peace making writing as it does with the actual representation of peace. Considering that the combined vote in the world would be overwhelmingly not to live through a nuclear war, the term peace on the International stage is one of the least used terms when considering the value of it. In fact the economic value of everything has to do with the actual results achieved in obtaining peace. If Churchill had not have mediated with Stalin then who knows if WW2 would have ended in the 40's, it could have gone on into the 50's or even later. This would have pushed the influences of the 60's and into the 70's, the 70's into the 80's.
The truth is that most people of middle age today or more could have gained an extra decade without rations and the fear of being in war, the chance to have a free life without the pressure that wars bring simply due to the difference between leaders being good or not good peace makers. However, something else to consider is that Ukraine may not have been a part of the USSR had World War 2 continued. Where Ukraine and Russia are today there could have been so many variables that change the situation. There are many choices by many that have gone before that have led to this situation and yet today there are choices and not only choices of Russia and Ukraine, but who their leaders are listening too. How clearly they are rationalising the whole situation.
People of perhaps less emotional intelligence are unable to even realise or factor into their thinking that all the gains that they have obtained in their lives have been pivotably due to the capacity of peace making in the past by generations of people that have gone before. The modern world a result of that when the implications of modern day peace processes are really fully considered, yet also the imbalance of ineffective peace processes. The imbalances after WW1, that resulted in WW2 caused by a deal that even London said at the time was unfair and would inevitably result in further problems. The people in Germany listened to Hitler, at first not due to the fact that they had all gone completely mad, but due to the fact that he was saying enough things that people could relate to and were true and yet it was only after he was getting into power there was a situation of no going back. The brainwashing so complete that even after the war ended, the Americans made it their mission to prove the German people what had been happening without their real knowledge in many scenarios. So human rights standards have also been obtained every step of the way by struggle. By people being harmed and yet them progressing on to bring through a better future for others.
Yet, at any time in a war, there is the chance to change the narrative, to give hope. This is what happened on December 25th 1914, the Christmas Truce. Where both sides laid down arms and played football. That action has been described as a truce, fraternization, yet really teaches some important lessons that reconciliation is vitally important. To see people as people, stuck within political and geo-political issues they have no easy chance out of. The capacity for the leaders to be able to make a change towards peace making is so much greater and in fact a single statement made by either leader could be enough to create a chain of events to end the war. Either leader today could say, we are taking the path of the Chinese Peace Proposal and that would result in a ceasefire. What President Zelensky may not have factored in is the fact that President Putin cited that the issue of land in Ukraine is only one issue. In media statements it's easier to have singular lines of reasoning, to speak at cross purposes, yet in mediation there is the chance of progress being made in a more multi-dimensional sort of way that would not be ever made simply in statements and within and ongoing war.
One of the other terms that President Putin has mentioned early on in the war is of a more multi-polar world. If it's to be considered the changes that have happened in the world since the war began, like the Arab countries in alignment for the first time, like peace making obtained between Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen for the first time in decades, like there being a singularly focused South America and Africa both for peace making. Like statements by France, India and Chain about a multi-polar world, like twenty countries going towards brics, like a Nato country being one of the closest of mediators with both Russia and Ukraine. In so many ways more so than ever before there are alliances to both the West and the East to both Ukraine and to Russia, there are more members to Nato, there has been complete support of the United Nations Peace process mediate by Turkey and agreed by both Ukraine and Russia three times in terms of it's renewal, the world's geo-politics has never been anything like how it is today with just so many alignments of thinking and reasoning and yet in other ways still so many contrasts, and yet the area of disagreement primarily is in terms of territory in Ukraine, and yet there is something else to this. Firstly for Ukraine to give a major concession on the Russian language issue is possible Secondly, for President Putin to be able to give a major concession of the land issue on the basis that 'the special operation' has already succeeded by creating a more multi-polar world. Therefore two wins to Russia ie language and multipolar world and a win for Ukraine in terms of territory would not be an outright win to either side and not an outright loss to either side.
The benefit to Russia would be the exit from the war that Russia wants and if like in the context of the Armenian and Azerbaijan scenario, which is in some ways similar and yet different to the situation in Ukraine. Yet in the same way if there were defined rules for how Russian speakers, people of Russian ethnicity were treated in future put into law so that their rights are absolutely maintained and guarenteed in future, then there could be the chance of a compromise being obtained. A caveat in all of this I believe would be that there would have to be a revision of the revised events in terms of peace processes so that the principles and ideas of a multi-polar world where many countries do step in and take responsible roles in peace keeping and peace making can be obtained and maintained. A world where there are false narratives and one sided progress reported when there were always two sides or more involved has got to be something that any International organisation, including Nato has to respect. This was is about 'Sovereign Territory', the rights of people, it's about diplomatic success and national security. Good diplomacy has got to be recognised, yet it wasn't. There is one of the ten commandments about not baring false witness. In a world that is trying to obtain sustainability. Without truth and an expectation towards better diplomacy, being more reasonable, there is only sustainable conflict and crisis, if there is incorrect representation then there is only fake news. With that there is both resentment, insecurity created.
Today Europe is concerned over 48 Degree temperatures, the weather estimations are going up by the day. Each day we are losing the capacity to be able to enact change fast enough. As fast as geo-politics has changed in so many ways, so too has the climate. There have not been speculations that the temperature could go up to 60 degrees within a decade or 70 degrees within two decades, we do not know. We do not know how much land will be habitable in the future. Whilst the climate emergency has been predicted for decades, the consideration that the temperatures would be breaking records day on day week on week has become overtly obvious to most, only within recent months. It's not too much of an exaggeration to say that since the war in Ukraine began, both geo-politics and the climate has changed with all factors considered at a rate never seen before in the lifetimes of any people in the world today.
One consideration is that the linguistic issue predated President Zelensky being in office. This was not his fault. Yet it upset the Russian speaking people beyond anything ever stated, only acted upon. This control of the language issue led to the 2014 start of the war, that then led to Russia getting involved in Ukraine. It's highly likely that there were both national narratives on both sides that have resulted in the situation as described by George WH Bush. There is no undoing of the past and yet there is today. There is a saying in business coaching and therapy that if we keep doing more or less what we did yesterday then we are likely to get the same or similar results today. Taking an over view of this situation whilst Cluster bombs are being supplied to Ukraine. If used then they are setting up the future for there being more injuries to innocent people. If there is an interjection proposed that could originate from either side, yet also from outside then there is the chance to break for the first time fully the cycle of escalation. I have said throughout these documents that the actual choices in any mediation are entirely the position of leaders. I cannot say more, I have not even been within a thousand miles of where this war is happening. Let alone spoken to people, let alone been able to obtain any more information than from the internet public information combined with experience in the writing of peace roadmaps from 2017 until today. Some of these have worked and some have not worked. Some have had actual concepts within them applied some have been written and may have brought further consideration of how to take a mediation or conflict more into viable peace making and yet generally had my work ever been properly and fully applied, used and represented then there may well have been much better scenarios in so many areas including climate than there currently is. My frustration in all this is that had my work been even close to fully used earlier fully by any side then there could have been a better set of circumstances or even like with the diplomacy in the context to North and South Korea the chance to prevent the war going beyond what it was in 2014 and possibly even being able to contribute towards a peace process earlier that potentially could have worked. Yet, from where things are today, there is again the chance for de-escalation, there is the chance to create an interjection to the war that takes the situation away from the killing of innocent people to the position of discussion, mediation and even debate. From both the Ukrainian and Russian positions today, the giving only of statements from the perspective of individual countries is not obtaining a better position for either side. It's simply a series of statements that are running in the media parallel to the fighting. There are then geo-political changes where countries are aligning more to one side, the other or to peace making. If there were discussions, actual dialogue between sides and this was either televised or not there then is the chance for a break from the current position. If there was a public mediation that took place, then there may not be agreement on anything, yet there would at least for the first time be the possibility for those observers of this to be able to able to consider all the many paradigms of reasoning and thinking. From that position, there then could be a renewed chance for another country or group of countries to be able to engage in more connected conversation that that which is apparent today.
We have to progress beyond here.
At certain times in human development a level of speed and action is required to keep things normal that is super fast, today evolution is required at a hyper space speed especially in terms of NATO. New members add to the association in one way, yet that creates a greater sense of certainty for some and a greater sense of uncertainty for others. Is that balance and equilibrium in a more multi-dependent, a multi-polar world? A world where at different times many different countries and groups have stepped in to be the peace broker, the mediator the arbitrator. Then this becomes more possible to trying to mediate and understand the whole situation, rather than just parts of the entire situation.
This Multipolar world consideration, France, China, India, Brics etc, where has this arrived from, and where is it going? Bigger sense of global responsibility by countries? A bigger strategy that all can link into that puts people, planet, climate, peace into the same sort of category as being a combined International and national priority perhaps? The rainbow coloured logo of Brics, could that be a path towards some sort of combined, common vision of a better future for all than the past has been, with greater coherence. With a sense that the inter dependency of other countries is a dependency of all. If Russia was really fully considering the role that the people of Ukraine played in the welfare for Russia one hundred years ago and if the people of Ukraine were fully considering the role that Russia played one hundred years ago in helping to protect Ukraine. Both people's were united then. there was a very really common threat to both countries and it could perhaps be debated that without Moscow Kiev could have fallen and without Kiev, Moscow could have fallen. Whilst there is so much today to remind us of the differences between the two, both in the past were as inter dependent upon each other at certain times. The generations before just one hundred years ago, would find the recent history so difficult to even fully comprehend.
The notion that all people are created equal has been an goal, and yet not a full practice. Yet the idea that countries are created equal provides hope in a world of mostly sensible countries. Countries are at least equal in terms of being able to be mediatable factors in the balance of planet Earths geo-relations in the 21st Century seems to potentially be more true today than previously. Yet, whilst some seek to join military alliances due to possible fear of not being in them, other countries are putting faith into something a lot more indigenous, ingenious. Is there a difference? In today's world perhaps less than is usually considered. The putting of faith into people to people relations, more than written agreements has validity in progress in the 21s Century. Yes, the pen is mightier than the sword and yet trust, mutual trust and respect, inter-personal relationships and friendships and nudges into a better world by other countries can generate the capacity to believe enough that there can be a good future. That's more how tribes, which are extended families function.
If there is a Universal win-win then that creates capacity for all. Like in the context of the first peace roadmap I wrote for the USA, North and South Koreas talks. How many enjoyable moments have you had since 2017. many more than if there would have been a major war. The same is true today with Ukraine and Russia. Yet, if you were born in 2000, were 23 today, you would not have had a single day in your life without there being major wars.
The good diplomacy, good peace making of the past, win-win relations, the ability to be able to see beyond differences is what really got the human race through 2017 in one piece. To believe that was the effort, the commitment to peace making by one or two is simply not the case. It was the commitment of many behind the scenes, outside of common knowledge which were the difference that made the difference.
Everything written on the lines of newspapers failed to really represent this, yet in between the lines, there remains the common need, common interest, common necessity of how, where and why the world carried on without war in 2017.
Peace making was made in Asia by agreement on all sides due to the fact it would have ended normality, modern day civilisation and the only reason that nobody got to hear about that is due to the fact that the Rubicon was so close to being crossed and with the truth so clearly evident to see in decision makers they all made the best choice, step back from the edge. give humanity a chance, the future a chance, mediation a chance. The situation in fact was too sensitive to even want to contradict the official line. That's not how the modern day history books, the press wrote it all up, yet there really was more to what happened. Whether that truth ever gets a day in court being known to people is another matter. Yet, from where we are today, peace making obviously needs to get taken seriously, more so than the past if we are to be able to cope in a world with more problems to list. It used to be once a year or so there were major events happening in the world. If you recall 1985 there was almost astonishment that such a vast famine could be occurring, it was at the time related to being as if it was of biblical proportions. However, there are today these biblical proportion levels of event happening continuously. Every week there is a new norm created.
A new sense of mutual respect, a new sense of mutual need and the ability for the East to have a position of mutual respect from the West was met then in 2017, and the need for the West to tell the world it was all down to one of us, was what happened, yet what the problem was that the West really believed their own publicity. Asserting 'maximum pressure' and that's how the West talked it all up. Yet, it was more obtained in a way that aligns to the thinking of Mandela than to that in practice. IE cooperation, ie win-win for all. The only problem with that narrative is that this was what got genuinely believed in the West whilst the East knew that peace really had been obtained by mutual win-win peace making, cautious, step by step, careful diplomacy and this beginning from a position of mutual respect. So the statement made about China is aligning to an incorrect paradigm of thinking that is not creating peace by 'maximum pressure' it's resulting in China to question if peace making is possible. Which I hope they consider, yes it certainly is possible.
So the real greatest risk in the world is the incorrect representation of a methodology that enables people to cope with the levels and scales of issues, that this century is already bringing. If there are water wars, then there will be no issue with AI, we won't even have computers anymore. How could we keep having computers and using the internet if there is no world economy and no connection of the Internet? How could either of those survive countries at war over water? The simple answer is that they can't. No water for any one nuclear power equals no good future for any country in the world.
So the need to be able to fully and properly understand discus and consider how we do keep countries in water is a vital part of human development. In order to do that requires there are vast areas of land that are currently deforested and baren replanted and then those replanted areas properly maintained. From there it's possible to have water courses sustained and improved more foliage creates more water in the water cycle. Yet to be able to do this to such an extent so as to be able to affect vast areas, vast amounts of people requires vast amounts of people and resources and countries to massively cooperate. In order to have that require very different narratives in the world than there have ever been previously.
Those narratives to even exist in the world require a different type of language used in world politics. Multi-polar, win-win through peace making, goodwill gestures between countries. How are those empowered and created, by there being goodwill gestures within communities? How are those created? By a vast program to combine efforts, resources and thinking to answer issues and for people to help each other? How is that possible? Via the instigation of many Integrated Strategies within countries, a bit like the transport Integrated Strategy in London, that then became emulated and modelled world wide, yet these Integrated, rainforest of good interacting ideas functioning in many ways simultaneously.
Yet, how much will and determination in the world is there for this type of rational? I believe India and France meeting together in a combined event for Bastille Day shows and proves there is potentially enough vision in the world to want to get the world into a more win-win through peace making position. I believe that many countries going over to Brics have done so as a quite vote for wanting peace in the world, there are more Brics countries that have produced peace proposals than non Bric countries. Yet there is a unifying Grain Deal that has been based upon the thinking of my earlier work. A good will gesture in practice that is keeping 1/4 of the worlds grain moving, there is at least some goodwill in the war between Russia and Ukraine. However, having progress in peace making is something that I have worked harder for in this scenario than any of the previous peace roadmaps I have written previously and yet sometimes do get a sense that there is a sense of disregard for the work I have been trying to do. I have had no help, no funding, no appreciation for 32 years of work to answer the problems in the world not just for me, but for many. If political systems cannot cope with the level of problems or the levels of cooperation between others fast enough in a world of killer climates emerging worldwide, there will be a world of only ignorance, conflict, famine, and worse, as cited by Nostradamus as being a potential risk. The world from here, make no mistake is either going to get considerably better or substantially worse at an ever perpetuating rate.
Peace making requires a concerted effort by at least two sides and usually more in almost every case.
One side can only at best offer the framework or better still the rationale for countries to seek to obtain agreement, how and whether agreement is obtained short term, long term or not at all has to do as much with the quality of peace making writing as it does with the actual representation of peace. Considering that the combined vote in the world would be overwhelmingly not to live through a nuclear war, the term peace on the International stage is one of the least used terms when considering the value of it. In fact the economic value of everything has to do with the actual results achieved in obtaining peace. If Churchill had not have mediated with Stalin then who knows if WW2 would have ended in the 40's, it could have gone on into the 50's or even later. This would have pushed the influences of the 60's and into the 70's, the 70's into the 80's.
The truth is that most people of middle age today or more could have gained an extra decade without rations and the fear of being in war, the chance to have a free life without the pressure that wars bring simply due to the difference between leaders being good or not good peace makers. However, something else to consider is that Ukraine may not have been a part of the USSR had World War 2 continued. Where Ukraine and Russia are today there could have been so many variables that change the situation. There are many choices by many that have gone before that have led to this situation and yet today there are choices and not only choices of Russia and Ukraine, but who their leaders are listening too. How clearly they are rationalising the whole situation.
People of lower intelligence, or perhaps less emotional intelligence are unable to even realise or factor into their thinking that all the gains that they have obtained in their lives have been pivotably due to the capacity of peace making in the past by generations of people that have gone before. The modern world a result of that when the implications of peace processes are really fully considered and not, yet also the imbalance of ineffective peace processes.
The imbalances after WW1, that resulted in WW2 caused by a deal that even London said at the time was unfair and would inevitably result in further problems. The people in Germany listened to The Third Reich, at first not due to the fact that they had all gone completely mad, but due to the fact that he was saying enough things that people could relate to and were true and yet it was only after he was getting into power there was a situation of no going back.
The brainwashing so complete that even after the war ended, the Americans made it their purpose to prove the German people what had been happening without their real knowledge in many scenarios. So human rights standards have also been obtained every step of the way by struggle. By people being harmed and yet them progressing on to bring through a better future for others.
Yet, at any time in a war, there is the chance to change the narrative, to give hope. This is what happened on December 25th 1914, the Christmas Truce. Where both sides laid down arms and played football. That action has been described as a truce, fraternization, yet really teaches some important lessons that reconciliation is vitally important. To see people as people, stuck within political and geo-political issues they have no easy chance out of. The capacity for the leaders to be able to make a change towards peace making is so much greater and in fact a single statement made by either leader could be enough to create a chain of events to end the war. Either leader today could say, we are taking the path of the Chinese Peace Proposal and that would result in a ceasefire. What President Zelensky may not have factored in is the fact that President Putin cited that the issue of land in Ukraine is only one issue. In media statements it's easier to have singular lines of reasoning, to speak at cross purposes, yet in mediation there is the chance of progress being made that would not be ever made simply in statements and within and ongoing war. One of the other terms that President Putin has mentioned early on in the war is of a more multi-polar world. If it's to be considered the changes that have happened in the world since the war began, like the Arab countries in alignment for the first time, like peace making obtained between Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen for the first time in decades, like there being a singularly focused South America and Africa both for peace making.
Like statements by France, India and Chain about a multi-polar world, like twenty countries going towards brics, like a Nato country being one of the closest of mediators with both Russia and Ukraine. In so many ways more so than ever before there are alliances to both the West and the East to both Ukraine and to Russia, there are more members to Nato, there has been complete support of the United Nations Peace process mediate by Turkey and agreed by both Ukraine and Russia three times in terms of it's renewal, the world's geo-politics has never been anything like how it is today with just so many alignments of thinking and reasoning and yet in other ways still so many contrasts, and yet the area of disagreement primarily is in terms of territory in Ukraine, and yet there is something else to this. Firstly for Ukraine to give a major concession on the Russian language issue is possible Secondly, for President Putin to be able to give a major concession of the land issue on the basis that 'the special operation' has already succeeded by creating a more multi-polar world. Therefore two wins to Russia ie language and multipolar world and a win for Ukraine in terms of territory would not be an outright win to either side and not an outright loss to either side.
The benefit to Russia would be the exit from the war that Russia wants and if like in the context of the Armenian and Azerbaijan scenario, which is in some ways similar and yet different to the situation in Ukraine. Yet in the same way if there were defined rules for how Russian speakers, people of Russian ethnicity were treated in future put into law so that their rights are absolutely maintained and guarenteed in future, then there could be the chance of a compromise being obtained. A caveat in all of this I believe would be that there would have to be a revision of the revised events in terms of peace processes so that the principles and ideas of a multi-polar world where many countries do step in and take responsible roles in peace keeping and peace making can be obtained and maintained. A world where there are false narratives and one sided progress reported when there were always two sides or more involved has got to be something that any International organisation, including Nato has to respect. This was is about 'Sovereign Territory', the rights of people, it's about diplomatic success and national security.
Good diplomacy has got to be recognised, yet it wasn't fully. There is one of the ten commandments about not baring false witness. In a world that is trying to obtain sustainability. Without truth and an expectation towards better diplomacy, being more reasonable, there is only sustainable conflict and crisis, if there is incorrect representation then there is only fake news. With that there is both resentment, insecurity created.
My work is written for people and planet. It's objective is one thing and that is peace and perpetuation of the world in a way that works towards the common interest and dependency of all. There is a vast amount of knowledge, information and knowhow that is possible by the full instigation of Integrated Strategies and yet these are held back by conflict, wars and not considering the glass can be half full as well as half empty.
The Statue of Nelson Mandela stands outside the House of Commons. I feel humbled and quite astonished to be fair that someone that is a distant relative to me, that is within my own family tree helped reason, debate, argue and win the case for peace making in South Africa and around the world. The case for helping to Free South Africa and progress with all included contributed to that vision for a better country and a better world.
The work has just begun and if we are to consider what Nelson Mandela is gesturing in that statue, it could be the coming together of two sides. Perhaps it's an attempt to put together the intangible, the not known and to help it make form to fill in the gaps of making a better situation? Perhaps, it's a gesture that although there are two sides there can b a connection in the centre. We have two lungs from which to speak, two ears from which to listen, four parts of the heart, we have two arms to use to make, two legs to use to progress both forwards and backwards, we have two hemispheres of the brain, and yet so frequently we allow ourselves to believe that we are only capable of thinking in one way.
The exact methodology of peace brokering I can present, I can seek to explain here. However, the exact choices and decisions I have cited elsewhere are completely the choice of leaders individually and collectively. What is possible, viable, fair, honest, legal, legitimate, tangible and workable. I believe there can be better thinking today, I do believe we can help finish each other sentences in a way that provides real answers to the real problems today and that if we can combine thinking, and do so in a way that brings together the best of the best then there are answers to the war in Europe and all wars. In order to get beyond a problem between two people, sometimes requires a journey of the imagination to show and to prove that it is possible for all to have better.
The untapped capacity of human being alone we are in the early days of, in terms of the combined capacity we are only months into, in terms of the capacity to be able to make errors there is a vast capacity for that, and the best way in which to avoid that is to be conscious of when we are communicating from a glass half full or glass half empty perspective. The issues of Ukraine are as complicated as Reagan, Churchill, Thatcher, Bush Sr cited, they knew of the potential risks and these have not been navigated around effectively in recent years. There is the chance for that now, yet peace making needs to be top of the agenda whichever country, group or organisation is helping to perpetuate that. Without great peace making today, there is not much else other than a not very good future for all.
These documents have become an ever increasing vast volume of ideas, thoughts and words, I'm simply just racing through my mind, putting out ideas, trying to find an answer to this war from the best thoughts I can find in the moment, if I had a better answer I would write a shorter document, the choices in all of this are far beyond me and if any of this in any way helps anyone to make a better choice towards the peace making direction with the same sorts of thinking that so many others have had collectively in the past and singularly in the past as well then that's the best I can hope for. I don't have the answers, I simply want the war to end the answers to how that is possible is within the decision making position of not only some other people but to some extent within the decision making ability of all people. My work here is one contribution to the cause of peace yet there are others that can do more, do other things and the best way to find these other new resources for peace making are found in conversation with others and with the larger discussion on peace making today and before. It's only by trying to entrain our thinking towards the best peace making thinking of the past that we have the best hopes of finding the resources we need today to realise that with enough collective imagination there is a way through this to a better reality than that we have at the moment.
Nelson Mandela.
If the last statement is considered to be the only relevant statement in here, if there is the real desire to do that, then the resources can be found and obtained by peace making documents that make any peace process much better via process than was ever considered previously when there are only statements made that are not at the same logical level of reasoning. Any peace process, and diplomacy can be improved with imagination and logic considered to be two of the most important building blocks to better diplomacy.