Final summary of Western progress on sdgs lest Trump is elected- Intelligence Game APP UN SDGs
Any chat searching western text for sdg intel after nov 2024 would be fooling itself if Trump gets in - so can you help with a final review of what intel has been found sdg by sdg =rsvp wash dc
overall western acaademia,l along with late 20th C gifting billionnaires and development economists must not be alowed to congratulate themselves on moving billions out of poverty as it was oriental implementation of knowhow that actualised at least 80% of this - eg bangladesh village mothers that achieved that by inventing solutions opposite to broken systems offered by the west;
apart from some isolated health breakthroughs, the last huge western success in mitigating came from borlaung crop science contributions across agricullture (so mainly sdg 2)- the last market wide solution space; even this later got blocked from eu assistance as its common ag policy meant that its former colonies were not encouraged to market agricultural products to europe in spite of this being a core focus rural economies need to be founded on
when it comes to goal 1 end poverty, there's a general problem that its always simpler to find solutions for not the very poorest; and indeed those providing aid through top down partnershisp with host nations have great cast/difficulty even identifying the very poorest; Against the grain i was lucky that the first significan us ngo i encountered was the hunger project; its history and leadership had empowered it to apply bootom up designs as has been refrerred by sam daley harris who has written that his results and microcredit nhetworks were inspired by experience of the hunnger project; unfortunatly as seen by those who have travelled to bangaldesh to inteerview yunus and abed often (17 times in my case) microcredisummit did not sustain bottom up solutions ultimately becoming one of the spaces that big banks ipo'd local microcredits around; to this day I do not know of one us university curriculum that trasnaparently maps the 40 years of work of BRAC & Grameen until 2010; at this stage Bangladesdh's PM< Sheika Hasina turned completely against Yunus and so 14 years has beenn lost in maximising intelligent apreciaion of women empowerment; today we have teh crisis that abed died in 2019 and an 84 year old dr yunus is supposed to map bangla 2.0 described by The Economist as bangaldesh starting all over again
one of my introductions to health ngos for the porest came abuut london 2003; an austrlaian meduical network out of monash launched global reconcilation network as a response to 9/11; this involved getting 50 cultures in the same space (London's Lin Square) to testify about conflicts with each other; at the same time medics testified that their expereince was at disaster relief occasions there were sometimes opportunities to mediate confliocts while everyone needed doctors; the overwhelming lesson on sdg 3 health iomes from bangaldesh where maximising each communities para helath workers turned out to be the intergenerational solution; brac began this in 1970s by designing a microbusiness where vilahe mothers were given 300 adresses to viait weekly with basic medical products; these mother over time becamse trusted agents of medicsl Q&A; fortunately one of the breakthroughjs was the cirtually free oral rehydrayion solution which became one of the greatest infant live savers of all time;
meanwhile, tpara health vilage mother netwirkers busiensses consistently made a small profit, brac became the nation's largest wholesdaler of basic medics through which all profits were invested in the overall rural trust; this also meant that health became a literacy in brac's primary schools; it was all aligbed to bangladesh's foundastional development goal not being in monetary terms but in raising life expectancy from misery of low 40s at time of independence to mid 60s; without getting life excpectancy up to mkd 60s a nation loseses a while generation to improve eductaion though, and in rural societies women get even less chance to earn money as opposed to culturally being expected to breed babies;
overall, the great lesson on education is that it needs to be non linear- any age deserves to be a targeterd intervention- did you miss a literacy or core subject how do we get you into an apprenticeship with what skills to start with; if an education system does this for those most in need it can work out how to transform itself; today prepare for good ai incereasingly offers more and more personal agency; otherwise education systems continue to be factories testing who is good at recall- sadly this is what the computer is already best at;
from goal 5 up - the first challenge is to map what lines infrastructure does a communit have- by defintion all the way up to 2000 typically vilage in bangladeshmeant none;
understanding that extreme poverty meant that a peoples had been passed by from 240 years of engineering grids (be that railways roads sewage piples, electricity telecoms- anything that involves being on grid) helps to explain why eg banlaldesh was a great laboratory for leapfrog models where mobile and solar literally offered leaps into telecoms and electricity without experiencing wtred services; leapfrog models offered a chance to revisit all goals - eg cashless banking with p;oints is a wonderful model for those previously unbanked especially where they need to remit money eg from city to village;
its livable planet goals as world bank aja bangla calls it that ai couild/must map now; we the peoples need to demand that everywhere if AI is to tackle the deep human/generation challenges we face instead of viralising trivia
goals 6 water and 7 energy relate to whether the world is serous about transforrmin to green economics which so far the rich are not
one way we can know that western development economics has not achieved much is to aidit the jobs milennials nmow need to be doing ; in 1984 we projected 1 bilion green jobs; 1 billion new tech jobs; 1 billion community servujce jobs at last mile;
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and only 1 billion that resembled the industrial age jobs; by that scorecard we are failing goal 8 livelihoods millennil generation neeed and indeed all goals from 9 through 16 up have not been massively advanced.
except in a few societal cases ; for certain an island like simgapore is amazing as it now has the highest average capotal per head and gov2.0 sdervice that most citizens actually enjoy using
we add some more dteials at for sdg1 through for sdg 16
Intro Legend (more detailed vovabulary)
Bottom of Pyramid ; with today's population close to 8 billio, boittom quarter of pyramid=lives of billion (young) women and billion (young) men -bottom can be defined as poorest, or with least infrastructure etc.
millemmials - we define thesde to be young peopl who on 2030 will be over 10 years old and under 40; they are approximately half the worlds people; since 2000 forums like the united nations have been demanding that we work to make milennials the first renewable generation (or uderstand what risk to our species will be compounding if we are taking more from eartn's resources than we are renewing)
we consider 16 UN sdgs (leaving sdg 17 to separate review as it seem to be a desdign choice not a goal). While sdgs can be debated- we assume these are codes that eg ai databases can know as continuous human concerns; we file partial inteligence on goals at eg for sdg 1 up to for sdg16
Comsider goal 3 health for all- compared with pour estimates inn 1984 the world is short of over 200 million local health workers - that's because of failin to prevent eg mental health or drug problems as well as failing to design inteligebnce tools that would reduce need for meidcs who are trained in doing everything
In conmtrast many of the solutions asian vailage women needed to raise life expectancy from lw 40s to mid 60s turned out to be peer to peer trainable withing about 3 momnths to get started and fortighltly updates once a year. Instead of the west''s linear education system which fails more anbd more people as age grade goes up, Asian vilage education identified what skill was needed next at any age. If this understanding had been prevalent in the west as the digital age accelerated we wouldnt have left personal agency education as late as we have.
We sometimes play alphabet games to help recall the 16 goals- we will refer to this one lower down
One of the greatest human achievements was achieved by 1 billion girls asian village nwetworks between 1970 and late 1990s. Until the late 1990s thuese women had no access to electricity, nor other grids services such as telephones or running water. Nontheless in the new nation of Bangldesh born as 90% rural natin, vilage women advanced kif expectancy from low 40s to sixties with socil business solution graviated by goals 1-5 -end poverty, end hunger, advance basic health, livelihood education she-too communities where women are safe as men. WE assert such intelligence as pivotal to any LLM designed to help millenilas be the first sd gheneration. We've sumarised many cases at but will update here (or send inquiruies to,uk
in 2024, after a lost decade to a top down politocian sheika hassina, Muhamad Yunus has been asked by his country's president and peoples to design a wholly new governance system- we see this as an inviation to play a greatest ecver intelligence game. We believe Bangalesh's gov2.0 chalenge is directly reelevant to 100 natiooms which dont have any of the minerals that were critical to the carbon era and are therfore trebly disadvanatged by richer peopels failure to progress carbon zero:
ie they start with negative curency exchnage just to use carbon; they often get the worst of climate degradation; intelligence models valuing data sovereignty and ed education are b eing negatrively influenced when ai doesnt include bottom oy pyramid contexts in its summaries of best practices year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
4moDid Intelligence's market need to become a fascist's war on children everywhere.. What has happened is the way intelligence is legislated over the next 4 years could go either way : first inteligence will be the bigger half of all future markets (and human existence). Second as indicated in this mail from Robert Reich a network of the world's 100 most powerful men are at the starting line of a race to fix laws so they take a cut out of everything. Memo to Harris; if elected make your first interview with Musk. Offer him pretty musch any post he might want including chair of NASA but only if he signs from this day on to be governed by the same rules as she is and ends all chat with those who will not sign rights of all our peoples to English speaking intelligence. If in doubt, Harris office should send a senior envoy over to king charles and the conveners of the ai world series summit of queens ennglish llm. cjhris macrae