International negotiation skills: Prepared for projects, confronted by culture?

International negotiation skills: Prepared for projects, confronted by culture?

When negotiating partners from unfamiliar cultures meet, the result of weeks and months of preparations hang on the chemistry of the first few minutes.

Some of the most embarrassing cultural blunders happen at the beginning of meetings. At personal meetings, newcomers mistakenly introduce themselves to hotel staff, occupy the host’s seat or initiate an awkwardly unwelcome handshake in a non-handshaking culture.

Online, talkers irritate listeners, small-talking and straight-to-business cultures mutually find the other rude or, as I share an example in my new video, people unfamiliar with a certain ethnic group humiliatingly confuse negotiation partners. Either way, hard-earned trust and long hours of preparations go up in black smoke.

There are stubborn intercultural hurdles that even many years of global negotiation experience cannot remove. Wide culture gaps create bias and misunderstanding. Negotiators won’t magically alter their nature and cultural routines. But one thing can dramatically reduce the chances of disastrous cultural mishaps: preparation.

Check my brand-new East-West Leadership video on 3 common mistakes of leaders preparing for intercultural negotiations:

  1. Preparing professionally but ingnoring preparation for cultural hurdles,
  2. Thinking that everyone acts out their national culture (and being shocket that they don't), and
  3. Letting old habits hijack them as negotiations intensify,

...and the three tactics I recommend to overcome each of them:

Of course, if you want to go further and prepare like a pro, check my site and ask for a custom coaching, workshop or advisory proposal:

For those who prepare for culturally challenging international negotiations, I can especially recommend my advisory packages combining online meetings and back-office background research, due diligence and preparation work I do for you or your team. Check and find “Advisory” towards the middle of the home page!

East-West Leadership intercultural coaching, training, advisory and keynotes: intercultural skills for global executives.
Click to visit my site.

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