Introduce programming with H.urna-Blocks Games
Mainly destined for kids and youths, this module is the first of H.urna games dedicated to learn programming without having to write any line of code. Players will instead drag blocks to tell our mascotte Globo how to escape the mazes.
While professional programmers create softwares by writing lines of code for a computer to interpret, you get started here with a visual programming tool you can freely play with. And don't worry, this game is progressive so you can learn programming concepts step-by-step.
Go to H.urna Explorer and try to solve those first 10 mazes:
Note: the difficulty is still interesting even for those who do programming ; )
You may go to H.urna Wiki to learn more about mazes, the game as well as a solution for each level. If you want to discuss about the game and/or request for the next ones, do not hesitate to get in touch with H.urna Community.
Note: With this update we also improved the general user experience flow : you now have quick launch and no more interaction necessary to change any model/level within block, fractal and graphing calculator modules.
Note bis: This first game is inspired from Blockly; new original games development are on the pipe : )