Introduction to Power BI

Introduction to Power BI


In this article I will be showing you what exactly Power BI and what are the advantages of using power bi and why you should choose power BI, let us see that one by one. I promise, if you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your data, Power BI is your go-to solution. Let’s embark on this journey together and harness the power of data-driven decision-making with Power BI.

What is Power BI?

I can define power via in two ways. In a simple language Power BI is a business intelligence tool which will help you to analyse your data to clean your data and convert that data into visual formats. where you can create different reports and different dashboards.

In the other language if you ask me, I can say power bi is a collection of components the first one is a power query, power query is a ETL tool, which will extract transform and load the data or in other language, if I see, it is used for cleaning the data when you have blank records null values empty records or different unclean data, it will clean the data for visualization.

The second tool is we have Power Pivot, Power Pivot is used for data modelling. when u have multiple data sources if you want to connect them to create relationship between them, you can use power pivot.

The third tool is for visualization that is Power View, power view will help you to create 250 + charts. That can be bar chart or do nut chart or column chart. these different type of charts will be useful for presentation for reports and dashboards.

If You want to share the support with different people across the world, you can use power bi service. so Power BI service will help your users to communicate between each other via that reports. So it’s a package of four components power query, power pivot power view and power bi service.

Why should go for Power BI?

What are the reasons for jumping to Power BI, why not the other tools I can help with the top 5 reasons why you should go for Power BI

1. search volume in Google

There is one website named as Google Trends which will help you to find out interest over time for any search item. So I try to search for power bi in last five years across the world. How are people searching for power bi has it increased? or decreased so you can see? There are for power bi here it has an increasing format.

same way i try to compare with other tools like tableau , power Bi and tableau which one is growing in the market. Carefully we observe the red line is for tableau and the blue line is from power bi. the tableau line if it’s constant it’s not that much changing but power bi is increasing. So if you observe here then trend or the search volume for power bi is increasing as compared to others.

2. Maximum number of features

If you compare with other tools in the market. power bi has maximum number of features. You can write 1200 different functions m functions and DAX function. You can create approximately 280 visuals different charts in power bi so this features are not available in other tools. There are there, but they are not that much great or not much in quantity as compared to power bi.

3. Costing

Now the other reason you should go for Power bi is costing part power bi is one of the cheapest tool in the Gartner Magic quadrant the compared with other bi tools. Power bi is the cheapest it’s hardly $10 per user per month and if you try to purchase in bulk for many users the licence cost will come down.

4. Data Connectivity

Data connectivity power bi has a capability of importing data from 100 different data sources. You can bring data from Excel SQL oracle big data Hadoop. You name the data source and it can pull data from that data source. You can pull data from structure. Semi- structured and unstructured data sources in power bi, so it has a great capability in terms of data connectivity.

5. Recognized by Gartner

Now there’s one more reason why you should go for Power be in the fifth reason it is recognized by Gartner. Gartner is a company to compares all the bi products in the market, now in year 2024, it has created report where you can see Microsoft belongs to leader magic quadrant here. Now if you compared with all the bi products Microsoft is on the top , Microsoft is not only for power BI but it is a package of others also. so still it is the leaders quadrant here.

How Power BI works?

The last part is how power bi works? let us consider power bi as a package and i can divide power bi into two parts, Power bi a desktop and Power bi a services.

1. Power BI Desktop

Power bi a desktop is a developer tool is a desktop application download and install, the power based service is online version it’s a cloud version which is used for sharing and collaboration. Now suppose if you want to create some dashboards and reports first of all, you need some data, so power bi can pull data from Excel , MS Access, share point, outlook , PDF or website etc. so you can bring data from any number of data sources all together or one by one.

2. Power BI Service

After doing that you can eat a modelling and also you can work on creating different charts and maps. After creating this reports you want to focus on publishing the report on online service. So from here, you can just publish to power bi service account.

After publishing, you want to share with different people sitting across the world, so from power bi service you can share the reports with different people, departments, organizations or individuals. So this is the complete architecture of power bi,

Now the best part about this power bi I can say is, it is completely automated you do not have to do anything manually, so once you teach power bi that will data from so and so data source clean data in this proper manner and then send reports, this complete architecture will be done automatically. So that is the best part about power bi and therefore is known as business intelligence. I hope you have understood. What is power bi? Why you should learn power bi and how we works?

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