Invest 2035- the pitch for Britain
We’re certainly riding a wave of optimism and positivity this month. And so we should as momentum builds around Mission Growth and the shared goal for investors to land securely on British terra firma.
The magic three ‘Stability, Strategy and Standing’, and (a fourth commitment) a government keen to move quickly to provide the right Regulatory framework for business – the wealth creators – to invest for the long term is the order of the day.
In his conversation with the Prime Minister at the International Investment Summit, Eric Schmidt suggests that there’s plenty of money around to invest, but it’ll require tactical leadership to “pull this off” and overcome some of the blockages to growth. Mission Growth Boards and a horizontal mindset across government departments is an important part of the response. Leadership will need to be galvanised from much deeper and far broader to be fully joined-up and to realise the transformational growth that really delivers for the benefit of all our communities. Whilst Government moves with its plans for Mayoral Combined Authorities, partners collaborating cross-boundary directly with the Oxford to Cambridge pan-Regional Partnership are ready to deliver.
As we work towards our shared pan-regional vision for growth, our Partnership continues to pursue the magic ‘Cs’ being: Consistency, Connectedness and Collaboration with government. That, and the need for leaders from local and central government agencies, business and universities to be given the support and tools to Commit at every level, long-term.
In navigating the choppy waters of the last few years new coalitions were created, new ways of working together have formed. The momentum is strong.
Just last week teams from eight cities and regions came together with big UK investors through UKCAP and headed out to Expo Real to present the scale of opportunity for sustainable development and growth right across the UK. A litmus test for the sectors identified in the Industrial Strategy Green Paper, the UK delegation presented a strong picture of the complementarity and growing interconnectedness (not competitiveness) of research and technology capabilities, innovation, industry and supply chain strengths of these sectors within and across the different regions. With the Industrial Strategy, and with each region focusing on its strengths this will enhance further. Each region presented a range of projects seeking capital investment in a bid to secure the infrastructure needed to support growth across their growth industries. (See the Oxford to Cambridge Region Investment Prospectus)
And as the new policy and regulatory landscape continues to settle, there will be a firm focus on ensuring that change brought about brings the much-needed positive impacts and benefits for business, communities and our environment – the shared endeavour.
The Oxford to Cambridge pan-Regional Partnership will be hosting our second annual conference on Friday 29 November. Taking a mission approach and zooming in on investment, the emerging industrial strategy and how we want to deliver growth, we’ll be discussing:
1. The Oxford to Cambridge region we see today
2. Headwinds and tailwinds: and how we can stay ahead in a fast-changing economic landscape
3. Our joint actions to surge forward – our shared regional blueprint for success
If you’d care to join us, please check out our programme and register: All Partner Conference