Investigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings Joint statement September 2022
What is this document and what changes will it make?
This document has been produced following a combined discussion and agreement between RICS, Historic England and the PCA, it is an agreed unified approach to how the investigation of moisture defects are investigated in historical and traditional buildings.
The document has been adopted by a number of influential authorities across the United Kingdom.
The aim of the joint statement is to provide a minimum standard to which surveyors should be aiming to achieve in relation to their level of knowledge, and ability to undertake a systematically and educated inspection of a historical or traditional building.
Having a full understanding of the environmental conditions, and what is required to be able to undertake diagnosis testing and have a clear understanding of the materials and how these will be affected by moisture ingress and how they will react once the excess moisture source has been rectified.
When undertaking an inspection, the surveyor must also take into consideration and advise on legislation or possible legal issues which may have to be considered.
Following the inspection, the surveyor must be able to provide a detailed written report providing a holistic description of the building structure, external influences which may have a bearing, materials and methods used in the original construction, detail any changes undertaken to the property and how they have or may affect the properties structure.
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Clearly reporting on the nature and the extent of the defect, methods of repair, taking into consideration the building construction, use, requirements and budget of the client.
So will this document make a difference?,
It will make no difference to the way ethical professional qualified surveyors undertake surveys and write reports, it will hopefully make qualified surveyors who are falling short of the standard step up their game, it is unlikely to have any influence on the unethical/ unqualified who advertise themselves as surveyors.
What this document will hopefully do is inform lenders and the general public of what is the expected standard and reject any survey reports or information which does not meet the parameters set out in the document.