Issue #46 - TikTok Introduces Out-Of Phone Advertising
Ohhh it's been so long since I've written a newsletter article! I have been dying to get back to it however a slight shift in managers and job role spec I have been busy writing other pieces of content - including a blog about Taylor Swift written by yours truly, so stay tuned for that! But first, as much as I love Miss Swift, we have some social news to be breaking down so let's get to it!!
The first story I want to discuss is, what seems to be, TikTok's new type of advertising, 'Out-Of-Phone'. Which, as you can imagine, is some play on from 'Out Of Home.' Which, you can imagine what this new type of advertising might be.
We consume more and more content from our phones thanks to social media and social media apps developing better and improved ways of us gaining and retaining the media we are shown. From TikTok dances to adverts selling you some face cream.
For those who are interested, what will this mean for you? I can imagine some of you are probably wondering how you can get your brand up on a TikTok 'Out Of Phone' billboard whilst this style of advertising is trending and people are loving the idea. But hold onto your hats because the 'Out-Of-Phone' experience will be just more than a billboard. According to TikTok, brands will be able to leverage their TikTok content on 'billboards and kiosks and in cinemas, bars, restaurants, automobiles, airports, gas stations, retail stores, and more.'
In the true TikTok way, there is a video that accompanies the press release for this announcement and as much as I can use a relatable metaphor, such as referencing Black Mirror, that I'm sure many of you adults would understand, I'm going to reference something different to describe this. Something a bit more child-like. Wall.E. (Although for a split second typing this I start writing E.T. - Wrong film!)
Yes. I watched the video and whilst the advertisements in the Wall.E film aren't the exact same (when he's making his way around the human dystopia) something still just seems very similar. Very flashy. Very modern. Very everywhere. If you have no idea what I'm referencing then please... it's autumn now. You have no excuse to not get yourself a Disney + subscription and binge-watch all the classic Disney films. Those who maybe actually have things to do on a weekend but are still interested in knowing what I'm on about then watch this little clip here.
Anyway, back to the news, for brands this now means, "brands can kick off a campaign on TikTok, generate authentic growth within communities and creators, and then amplify their work onto billboards* reaching new and far-ranging audiences."
A surprising aspect is that TikTok has included cinema in this advertising launch. As much as we hope that cinema isn't dying, we've all seen or at least read an article stating that it won't be around for much longer. Maybe TikTok knows something we don't?!
To read more have a look at these articles:
It seems like TikTok isn't giving up on the long-form content anytime soon. Despite the 10-minute limit, which the platform currently has, not many people seem to taking advantage of the 10-minute limit. In fact, I think I even wrote it in a previous edition that TikTok were knocking it on the head. But nope. Maybe TikTok see an opportunity here with streaming prices going up, what feels like each week, and are taking this opportunity for
This news came from one of our trustee social media informative - Matt Navarra. He posted the following image via Threads. (Glad to see someone is still using it)
Social Media Today makes a good point in the fact this could create a chance for more advertising opportunities seeing as time on the platform would hopefully increase. This could be a reason why we're seeing more discussion about TikTok's paid 4.99-a-month plan.
To read more have a look at these articles:
As much as I love TikTok, I find I'm always more interested in Instagram updates. As I'm not a creator on TikTok maybe that's why I struggle to get excited over their updates? I say I'm not a creator however, let the records show that my last video (which was a recap video of my time in Leeds) did get a whopping 78 likes and 3 saves...woohoo.
I thought when Instagram introduced gifs in the comments section, life couldn't get any better. We could text comments, we could gif, what else would you want? Well I'm about to blow your mind because it seems Instagram are testing polls in the comments section.
Since introducing Broadcast Channels, it seems polls have been the go to content for accounts. I know a lot of the meme-style accounts I follow use polls within their Broadcast Channels and then the results of that poll are used as content on their feed. The feature of Polls have already been on the platform for years, thanks to the Stiry element however it seems they're not as redundant as some users might think.
Instagram seem to be finding all sorts of ways to squeeze engagement out of its users however it seems Instagram want to perfect this new features as according to Social Media Today, Instagram have been testing this feature for 6 months.
Will people partake in this? Off the top of my head, when watching a Reel I'm sure the first few comments pop up so I'm guessing it will prioritise the account's poll? Do people even check comments? Will I have to check every post's comments to see if there's a poll or will there be some signal or sign that there's a poll to answer?
To read more have a look at these articles:
Suggested Reads:
Last week we introduced a new section called Suggested Reads, where I get to share with you articles or videos I've come across when doing my research for the newsletter. As much as I want to boost my own work, it's still important to share what's going on in the world! Here's the top 3.
No.1 - Black Friday Insights
Black Friday is just around the corner so here is are some quick Insights
No.2 - Tips for first-timers (Marmite edition)
No.3 - Netflix Expands Advertising Opportunities
Recommended by LinkedIn
Facebook is receiving a cool new feature! About time I say. Facebook is that social media platform that seems so classic and timeless it's almost a shame to modernise it. Whilst Facebook is still one of the most used platforms globally it seems to be one of the platforms I find never get new features.
Well, this week is different. But what new feature is it getting? Broadcast Channels! For those who have forgotten what Broadcast Channels are, like I did for 2 minutes, then this image might spark a reminder.
So now, rather than annoying just Instagram users with constant notifications, Facebook and Messenger users will be introduced to the joys of Broadcast Channels.
For those who are unaware, or may not have an Instagram account, Broadcast Channels was a new feature launched back in February for accounts to share voice notes, text, photos/video and GIFs to their audience who wanted more content than what they were already getting.
Mark Zuckerberg announced the new feature on his Facebook page and stated that the new update will be coming in the next few weeks. So be on the lookout!
Whilst most have welcomed the feature the expansion of the new feature hasn't gone down massively well with one user commenting "I miss how each app used to be unique." and someone else commenting "How does this help?"
To read more have a look at these articles:
Do you feel like burning some of your hard-earned money? Well look no further. Have you considered joining X? Be a part of a platform where the CEO once brought a sink into the HQ; because that's the new normal.
Musk has come forward and has detailed new packages that will be soon coming to X. Whilst there's no specific date of release just yet, I'm sure these two premium packages will be released just before Christmas time so that all the X lovers can celebrate Christmas in style! Ad-free social media... when you pay.
I will admit it seems like there are several different paid packages that are all offering different things. I genuinely can't keep up. One for a blue tick, one without a blue tick, one for having the option for a blue tick but you can hide it, one to read tweets but not be allowed to comment, the list goes on and on.
The news comes with Musk announcing 2 new paid packages. X Support announced that New Zealand and the Philippines will be the start of this testing programme, charging new and unverified accounts $1 a year. That means they will be allowed to post and interact with other posts.
What seems like the 2nd plan is for new users who opt out of subscribing will only be able to read content on the platform.
No surprise this has all been done to combat bots to which many users are saying bot numbers are actually the worst they've ever been, 'pre-Elon'. These 2 new packages come under the scheme called 'Not A Bot.' Creative.
To read more have a look at these articles:
Other articles:
WhatsApp has brought us an update we all needed! For many of us we work on our phones and laptops and whilst Google chats takes a central form of communication for many of us, or Microsoft emails, WhatsApp seems to be our go to for business discussions.
Now not everyone wants to mix work and personal together. Sometimes we can't help it. I know many within the marketing industry tend to spend most of their personal lives ingrained in work as well however, WhatsApp is contributing towards this change that is so needed.
Users will now be able to swap between work profiles and personal profiles. WhatsApp quotes:
“Today, we’re introducing the ability to have two WhatsApp accounts logged in at the same time. Helpful for switching between accounts – such as your work and personal – now you no longer need to log out each time, carry two phones or worry about messaging from the wrong place.”
However, they then go on to state:
“To set up a second account, you will need a second phone number and SIM card, or a phone that accepts multi-SIM or eSIM. Simply open your WhatsApp settings, click on the arrow next to your name, and click “Add account”. You can control your privacy and notification settings on each account.”
Which still means you're forking out for a separate SIM. That's like Instagram charging you to have your work's social media account on the side. Although, thinking from WhatApp's point I understand why they've had to do it this way.
To read more have a look at these articles:
Opinion of the week
'Lidl has the best 'fresh' bakery'
Recently, I've had to start shopping in cheaper places. Sadly, the luxury of Saturday shopping for clothes and a morning coffee has had to come to a stop (so that I can afford a roof over my head) but instead of buying my pastry and coffee at Costa, I've started going to Lidl. I will admit, one of the good things about my previous relationship was being introduced to the bakery at Lidl and the pretzels...omg. Although every morning when I've been getting there, the pretzels haven't been ready! If you haven't tried the pretzels there yet, I urge you to splurge 65p to give them a try!
More From PinPoint Media...
Need a break from all the socials news? Looking for more content writing from PinPoint Media? ( Why wouldn't you be?) Look no further than PinPoint Media's own Insights! Yes, we have our own Insights written by more than just myself. Maybe you'd like to read more about James's experience being the lead producer at The 2023 Royal International Air Tattoo.
Or maybe you would like to learn more about the term 'de-influencing' and how the future of influencer marketing is changing. Well we have an Insight on that too!