It’s All In The Way You Think! – Building Resilience

It’s All In The Way You Think! – Building Resilience

It’s All In The Way You Think! – Building Resilience

In business, the reality of life and any part of it, is that whilst we take notice of what a person/boss may say, think or feel; mostly we judge them on what they do or don’t do as the case may be. It’s the behaviour that we take most notice of in situations. There remains a belief that what we do is a result of what is happening around us, we simply act out to whatever situation comes our way. Human behaviour, however, is much more complex than that. 

It is what we think that determines how we feel and most importantly, what we do...

There is a famous line from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet that states, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” It is our self-talk that determines both how we feel and what we do.

A business owner’s lifestyle is a challenging one. It challenges our:

  • relationships with our loved ones, 
  • our health, 
  • our home and family situations, and
  • income can oscillate and affect future planning. 

These challenges are stressful. 

How do we cope? 

Drink? Drugs? Infidelity? Ignoring?

Consequences for avoidant behaviours: 

  • Separation? 
  • Bankruptcy?
  • Addiction? 
  • Suicide? 

Business owners are likely to experience high levels of psychological distress particularly in the incidence of depression and anxiety.

They have a higher frequency of suicidal thoughts and intent. They report feeling lonelier and more isolated socially, experience greater stress and burnout.

Business owner’s wellbeing is challenged differently than their workers working regular hours.

At the center of wellbeing is one’s ability to think well or positively.

It is our thoughts that often determine how we feel, and it is our feelings or emotions that often motivate our behaviours.

Thinking well or positively relies on recognising what we are thinking and indeed whether such thoughts are of benefit or not. This is a big component of developing resilience and requires practice every day. Rational thoughts often lead to stable emotions and flexible behaviours. 

On the other hand, irrational or unstable thoughts often lead to negative emotions, which motivate avoidant or poor behavioural choices. It is estimated that the average person has some 4,000 to 7,000 thoughts each day. Most of these go unnoticed and consequently we are often unaware of our own self-talk or interpretation of an event, and only become aware of our emotions when linked to some behavioural outcome, positive or negative.

Irrational, faulty or maladjusted thinking is common amongst all of us. We all, from time-to- time, experience distressing thoughts and emotions. It is when these maladjusted thoughts create prolonged negative emotions and result in a pattern of negative or avoidant behaviours that mental distress is born.

When positive self-talk is practiced, resilience is built. It’s all in the way you think! Building a growth mindset will also support you on this journey and having SMART goals will maintain your focus.  Remember we are never alone, in fact there is always someone to talk to and you are never the only person going through a crisis. 

I am blessed to have overcome many challenges in my life, and most were self-inflicted. I learnt the hard way, but you don’t have to! You see you need to find people that have been there before, and they can shine a light unto the path you are following. They can support and guide you and be a sounding board in a time of need. 

I often get referred to as a cheerleader or an industry evangelist. At first, I didn’t know what to make of it, but I soon worked out it was a compliment. You see changing people’s state and mindset in business is critical.  It gives them the edge and allows them to perform at their peak state. We help them avoid burnout and inspire action.  We focus on fulfillment above achievement, as this creates a winning formula for our clients and their teams. 

If you are looking for a winning formula that rewards you with more time, more freedom and increased momentum, get in touch with my team

Priya Mishra

Public Speaker| Our Flagship event Global B2B Conference | Management Consultant | Corporate Strategy | Solution Provider | Business Process Enthusiast


Kristian, thanks for sharing!

Don Dobson

Implements InfoSec Technology ♦ Security Controls and Assessment Delivery ♦ 20+yrs. InfoSec ♦ ↙️Learn More about Cybersecurity ♦ Dad


Very useful Kristian. Thanks!

John Bates

I Help Great Leaders Become Great Speakers Through Team & Individual Training | Worked With 12,000+ Clients To Become TED-Worthy | 92+ Net Promoter Scores


Very useful article. A lot will benefit reading this Kristian Livolsi! Sharing this to my circle.

Dr. Bruno Gervasi

The Dr. that helps busy MEN lose 30 lbs of belly fat without spending hours at the gym or cutting carbs.


Always great insights, Kristian Livolsi. Keep sharing! 😊

Bianca Carbone

Empowering women to achieve weight loss, muscle tone, and hormone balance Trainer | Nutritionist | Hormone Pract. Grow & Glow with me Free Resources👇🏻


Yes! Mind is key

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