It’s Not the Beginning of the End. But It is the End of the Beginning
For months, I have raised critical concerns regarding the possible, even probable, stealth weaponization of deadly pathogens to be used in efforts to disable the US and its allies—or worse, destroy the fabric of our existence. In an article to follow, I argue that significant movement in this direction has already occurred.
No person of sound mind disagrees that we must sustain a “reasonable level of biosecurity” here and abroad that prevents not just physical injury but mental/psychological injury to workers and their family members.
As always, the base questions are:
Regrettably, in the US, at least currently, this is a zero-sum game for political, social, and cultural reasons. Americans are unwilling to spend more.
I have repeatedly argued publicly that nuclear security preparedness is needed “just in case.” But it has already been established at many more times than required to deter our enemies.
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However, I realize the same political, social, and cultural forces will prevent significantly lowering the spending on “continuous massive upgrading” of the nuclear part of our national security arsenal.
Neither others nor I can change that now. So, the only feasible strategy for tipping the scale even slightly in the direction of biosecurity preparedness is creating demand from our leaders, especially our “more at-risk” healthcare leaders.
This is a prelude to my fundamental arguments:
It’s not the beginning of the end. But it is the end of the beginning.
FDA Former #2; 20x Board Member; Executive Chair Safely2Prosperity; formerly managed ~14,000 EEs and ~$6B budget; ~30,000 LinkedIn followers; Former Harvard Life Sci and Mgt Faculty Member; facilitated raising $Billions
3wDear readers -- Thanks for your support in helping me with getting the message out. Best, John
Product Owner for FHIR Services
2moDear John, thank you for opening this topic! I hope your words and initiative will be taken seriously. We learned from Covid-19 pandemic that, unfortunately, many countries are not capable to fight the pandemic off. This topic needs more attention, and governments all over the World need to prepare (hopefully already are) for management of potential crisis of this nature. I hope indeed stakeholders will recognize it is the end of the beginning, as you suggest. Best, Rijad