It's Not Enough to Listen - October 2
"Every Day in His Presence: 365 Devotions" is the primary information source for the content of these daily articles written by Charles F. Stanley in 2014.
"Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat. Genesis 2:16-17."
"True listening has a crucial companion: obedience. Sadly, today's verse illustrates what the Lord said to Adam was heard, but not heeded. There was no way for Adam to mistake what God said---He was very clear and concise."
"But this is how the enemy operates---he tempts you with the one thing you have no business doing. Satan focuses your attention on the objects forbidden to you and stirs up dissatisfaction in all the blessings God has given."
"But realize, every "you shall not" in the Bible is a promise of God's protection. He is not preventing you from enjoying life; rather, He is saving you---keeping you from destroying yourself. Every command in His Word is an expression of divine love to you, His beloved child. He wants to protect and preserve your life so you can enjoy all the blessings He's planned for you."
"Adam and Eve didn't understand this and the world is still paying for it. Don't you make the same mistake."
"Likewise, when you make time alone with Christ the priority, it affects and influences every single facet of your life---He gives you His energy, wisdom, and strength to fulfill His purposes and make you fruitful for His Kingdom."
"Lord,, forgive me for the times I've heard You speak but have not obeyed. I want to follow Your voice faithfully from now on, amen."
"In His presence . . . commit to listen and obey."
To know Jesus as Lord and Savior: Pray this prayer to be washed in the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, and have everlasting life in heaven. “Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. Guide my life and help me to do your will. In Your name, amen.
I pray that you will be Washed in His Blood, Follow Him, Walk with Him, Glorify Him, and let Him lead you as you serve Him for eternity because He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
If you would like to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, follow the link below to "Steps to Peace" and be assured of eternal life in heaven, to chat, or to ask a question, go to
Or you can call Need Him Ministry at 1-888-NEED-HIM (1-888-6333-446). The delay can be awhile due to the number of people calling when you call.
”After making your decision to receive Christ, you are encouraged to prayerfully seek a local church, congregation, or assembly that will assist you in growing as a new Christian by the clear teaching of the Bible.
The picture at the beginning of the article is added to enhance the article. The evangelistic content is added to offer via LinkedIn God's marvelous and miraculous grace through Jesus' atonement for our sins by His being crucified on the cross.