It's Not About The Guns
Disclaimer: The following article has not been edited. I do that to encourage you to also speak your mind. It is time to step through your fear and into your voice.
The shootings that have happened in our schools, on our college campuses, in our theaters, at our gas pumps, and in the open spaces of Las Vegas have nothing to do with gun control. The act of horrible violence that tears our loved ones away from us is not about the gun. It is about the fact that hurt people hurt people. It is about the fact that pain isolates and when you are isolated you are separate from others. When the world is viewed through that lens of disconnection, you can perpetuate savagery against those who are different from you.
This colossal problem of hurt people committing mass murder will not be solved by passing more laws or adding more restrictions. You will only solve it by helping people heal their pain. We must teach our children, spouses, neighbors, and coworkers to deal with emotions appropriately.
The first step is to remember we are all human beings that bleed when we’re cut and hurt when we’re labeled different from everyone else. We have a need to be part of the group while at the same time needing to stand out. There is a fine line between rebel and outcast. Many can band together as rebels but nobody wants to be an outcast.
While pain isolates, love connects. We start healing the pain by accepting who we are. We need to be able to strive for a better body while concurrently loving who we are. We have become a land of people who try to numb ourselves with food, drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, movies, music, and video games. Anything we can to just stop the hurting for even a little while.
I invite you to take one small step today to start your healing. I invite you to write down on a piece of paper one thing that is causing you grief. Get out a writing utensil and something to write on. Start with, “I feel ______________ (hurt, sad, frustrated, angry, overwhelmed – pick one) because …”
Let the words flow. Let them come up and out of you so you can get them away and out of your life.
Once you are done writing, take what you have written and shred it or tear it into little pieces, burn it or flush it down the toilet. Do something to get those painful feelings out of and away from you.
Step two is to put in the good. Write about what is good in your life. Write about your incredible dreams for the future. Write about what you desire. Write about what you love; what gives you joy and lifts you up. Write about what you are grateful for. There is so much to be appreciative of. You may be thinking; “Jeanie, you don’t know what I’m going through right now. You have no idea what I’m dealing with.” The only thing that matters in that case is that you are alive and you have the power to change your circumstances. To go deeper into that subject you can pick of many books there are so many that can help you. Of course, I recommend my best-selling book Bully Proofing You: Improving Confidence and Personal Value from the Inside Out.
Whatever you focus on gets bigger, so focus on what is right with you. Put emphasis on happy. I’m not saying to ignore the bad. I’m saying to spend time looking at what is right. I’m saying choose to enjoy things again. I’m saying to fall in love with who you are and where you’re going.
Step three is to repeat steps one and two daily. Take a moment and be grateful for what you have. Take the time to smile at yourself and others. Take the time connect on a deeper level with other humans. If you’re not ready for people, find a pet that you can love and enjoy companionship with.
Take a moment and write down the hurtful feelings you are having so you can get them out of you and away from you. Get out the toxic festering yuck inside of you so you can heal.
Learn to manage your emotions so they don’t manage you.
You have just learned how to stop the violence. Some of you will not do it because it is to simple. Some of you are addicted to the hate and anger and like others to feel the same way. Some of you will take what you have learned and change your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Those mighty souls that have the courage to make a difference are the ones I write for. You are the person that will make the difference. You are the citizen who will change the world. You are the one responsible for stopping the violence and you did it with a writing utensil.
Yes, my friend, the pen is mightier than the sword always.
Thank you for your time and have a blessed day.
Supply Chain Business Professional
6yThis article is written from a place of ignorance. Forget mass shootings, let's just talk about criminals and how easy it is to purchase a gun without an ID at a gun show. It's a loophole that ignorant people don't even know about. The second amendment make it so darn easy for a criminal in states like Arizona, Texas, Georgia, Florida to purchase a gun without tracking of it, or a background check. It's not about hurt, it's about cash. Cash rules everything around me, including the 2nd Amendment and most if not all Americans.
Art Director & Graphic Designer at Helius Creative and Owner, Helius Creative
6yMass shootings have increased by more than 260% EVERY YEAR since the expiration in 2004 of the assault rifle ban and continue to increase. I need no more proof than those dead children to know these human-hunting rifles need to be taken off the streets. Anyone who sweeps that fact under the rug is the dictionary definition of the word evil. Those dead children are just numbers and afterthoughts to some people but they are not numbers to me or anyone else with a soul. They are flesh and blood lives that have been forever snuffed out. The light in their eyes has been forever exterminated. Thoughts and prayers DO NOT WORK. Shame on anyone who prays to God to send prayers to the victims and their families after so many mass shootings that have not stopped the next one and the next one. God is clearly not existing ...errrrrr, listening. Step 1, ban assault rifles and other high-powered military style weapons designed to kill humans. Step 2, then do all the other things you've mentioned about helping mentally sick individuals and educating the communities. All those things need to happen but banning assault rifles is priority #1. It's essentially unstoppable now. Sane people have had enough. The NRA can't stop this new wave and when Democrats regain the house, senate and presidency, this ban will become part of the constitution, not just a 10-year ban. To say guns don't kill people is just a line that they have used to FOOL all you FOOLS that they want to FOOL. ...and it worked. They FOOLED you. FOOLS. #WeAreNotFools #EvilNRA
Owner/ Independent Design Consultant
6yThe challenging part - and more than the great points brought up in this discussion is convincing politicians that the safety of our community is greater than the party lines they tow. Second and just as important is to understand points of priority so that a clear consensus on where to start is defined. Now and depending on who you talk/ listen to, that starting point is on two different sides of the same coin and heading in different directions. With the political climate these days, the only semblance of any 'coming together' will sadly happen during these very public and very tragic events. Not sure which is more heartbreaking, the scenes of horror we see unfold on the news or the government who is unable to come together to fix that horror....?
Owner at Getter Dun Construction and Floor Coverings
6yReal life kids raised with guns carry respect, value and make wise decisions. Not in to drugs and tidepods !!!!
Broadband Consultant
6yThe media can lie and tell stories all they want but the truth always comes out. Dont take them serious. This demonstration is nothing more than another fake news story from the left and the media who claim the kids Organized this. What kids paid for the permits? What kid paid for the stage? What kid paid for the signs? What kid coordinated the police to be there? What kids planned the street closures. What kid paid for all the transportation? NONE. All planned and paid for by left wing Groups who also planned the Womans March and support BLM. They just used these kids as stage props