Today is the day to stop making excuses. We all know that there is not enough time in one day to do everything we have on our to-do list. That is why you wake up earlier. If you get up a little earlier then boom, those are the extra hours you’ve been searching for.
I don’t mess around when it comes to putting in the work. That’s all I did to get me to where I am today and quite honestly, it’s why you are here. You were curious. And in your subconscious mind you are all ready to do more today. To be more.
You are ready. You know it. You can feel it and you just needed that extra push, so here I am. I just want you to know that I will be your biggest cheerleader. I know you can crush your goals. Again, I am not an expert I am just following a successful formula.
Everything is Messy could be your number one tool to help you up level and create the happy, healthy, positive, and productive life you’re currently craving. And by the way you are so deserving of it. We all are. Just make your goals a priority and own all the feelings that come along with this. The blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifice. It does pay off, I promise. Even at the darkest hours little miracles find their way to you.
The first step is to get organized. Your mind, thoughts, home, office, kitchen, busy brain; All of it. Find the time to make a list of everything you want to accomplish and put together a schedule and create achievable goals.
There are going to be some hard projects and tough times you may encounter but eventually they will become much easier to work through than you ever knew possible.
It’s just that you’ve chosen to take this path now. I’m a huge “use what you have” supporter. That’s honestly how I came up with some of my best recipes and business courses. The purpose of me sharing this information with you today is to help you heal and grow, not to spend money. I want to help you get to that exact place you deserve to be at. In both your personal and professional life.
Now that you know what you need and how to start this process, I want to get into the gritty part of getting organized. I’m a huge planner, always have been. It’s such a good trait to have. An even better one would be to know how to roll when sh*t on your list doesn’t get checked off, a wrench gets thrown into your day. That took some work for me as I am hands down a perfectionist and borderline OCD, but in a good way you know…
If you're looking for more tips and a visual head to my TikTok.
Let’s recap here…
Plan ahead, prepare the night before, wake up earlier, make your list, use what you have and get organized. Put alarms in your phone if you need them and put yourself first so that you can be the best for those around you.
Today’s LinkedIn Newsletter is an excerpt from my book, Everything is Messy. In this one-of-a-kind publication you are going to experience a little bit of everything. Personal development, life lessons, real solutions, budget friendly vegan recipes, and proof that anything is possible when following the right formula.
Want a signed copy delivered straight to your door? Send me a message or click here today!
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Wishing you a happy, healthy, positive, and productive day!
Kelly Ann Gorman
Podcaster. Author. Patient Advocate. Entrepreneur.
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