Japan Climate Watch: Political Upheaval Meets Clean Energy Ambitions
Welcome! I am Hiroyasu Ichikawa, ichi, and this is issue 128 of the "Japan Climate Curation" newsletter📬 The newsletter has been curating Japan-related climate news
I hope you find the articles below beneficial for reading (or skimming)!
Found this week's insights valuable? Please give it a quick "like" or "share" on LinkedIn – you never know who else in your network might benefit from staying in the loop on Japan's climate scene🙂🙇
*note 1: "Climate Curation" newsletter in 🇯🇵 Japanese (every Saturday) is available on Linkedin / note / theLetter. It curates Japan and global climate-tech trends. I hope you like it.
*Disclaimer: Generative AI tools such as Claude Sonet 3.5 have been used for summary and translation assistance 🙂
[🇯🇵📰👀Japan Climate News Headlines]
【1】Voters deliver a historic rebuke to Japan’s ruling coalition - But the Liberal Democratic Party may still hang on to power [10/28 The Economist]
【2】Japan’s election leaves energy policy in limbo [10/28 Argus Media]
【3】Japan to commercialize carbon capture by 2030 as power demand grows - Technology expected to be pillar of much-anticipated energy strategy [10/30 Nikkei Asia]
【4】Japan Restarts Nuclear Power Plant Closest to 2011 Quake [10/29 Bloomberg🔏 / 🎁GIft URL ]
【5】Tesla to retail home batteries through Yamada, Japan's top chain - As car sales slow, U.S. EV giant expands virtual power plant business [10/23 Nikkei Asia]
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【6】Japan's jet fuel shortage forces airlines to scrap new flights - Downsized refining, shipping capacity lead to crunch amid rising travel demand [10/23 Nikkei Asia]
*Japan jet fuel shortage costs Hokkaido foreign tourist dollars - Lack of airport workers also prevents the island from welcoming more international visitors [10/29 Nikkei Asia]
【7】Shedding Light on the Global Water Cycle: Oki Taikan / Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo [10/21 NHK World]
【8】Youths argue for right to live on safe planet in climate suit against Japan firms [10/25 The Mainichi]
【9】Videos & Slides available: Japan Climate Action Summit 2024, 18 October [10/24 Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)]
【10】REOPEN to COP29 | Join a JCI message: Japan needs an ambitious 2035 emissions reduction target aligned with 1.5℃ targets! [10/29 Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)]
📬That's all for this week! Thank you for reading(or skimming) 🙇. I hope you will have a wonderful week ahead!
Found this week's news topics valuable? Please give it a quick "like" or "share" on LinkedIn – you never know who else in your network might benefit from staying in the loop on Japan's climate scene🙂🙇
*note: "Climate Curation" newsletter in 🇯🇵 Japanese (every Saturday) is available on Linkedin / note / theLetter. It curates Japan and global climate-tech trends. I hope you like it.
ichi (Hiroyasu Ichikawa)