Japan's Power Market News 2024/W5
Japan to Set Rules on Undersea Carbon Capture Storage (CCS)
On January 19th, the Ministry of the Environment released a report on the future rules for subsea carbon capture and storage (CCS). This report is an outcome of four meetings of the MoE’s Expert Committee on Subsea CCS Regulation to align domestic rules for #subsea storage and export of CO2 with the London Protocol. The London Protocol outlines strict monitoring and safety measures for the transnational export and storage of #CO2. This framework ensures that project owners and operators abide by the rules and restrictions to ensure #marine protection while working towards the global energy transition.
The report highlighted seven key issues and measures required to ensure that subsea #CCS is implemented safely and efficiently:
The Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) predicts that Japan will store 13 million tons of CO2 per year in domestic and international storage sites by 2030. Rules for safety and business operations such as the ones the MoE is currently considering will be critical in facilitating the growth in the CCS market as well as preventing accidents. The MoE’s report will now be used as reference material for other government committees tasked with developing this nascent market in Japan, about which we can expect to hear much more in the coming year.
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This is an interesting development...would this make offshore oil and gas more sustainable?
Oil & Gas; Renewable Energy; Energy Transition; Sustainable Development
11mowhat technology would be used for CCS?
Project Manager | C&I Utility Scale Solar BESS at IPP, EPC
11moThere are all severe doubts about the safety and economic feasibility of CCS. Doing it in the world's most earthquake-prone zone only adds to these uncertainties.
Japanese Energy Market | Energytech | Renewables | Power Wholesale and Retail | Bilingual Expert Team | Consulting & Local Representation | Helping worldwide companies enter the Japanese market and thrive
11moKevin Newman Maor Shwartz Oliver Senter Cedric Daubord, ACMA, CGMA Munenori Fernando Horie Matthew Croft Charles Fahy Yoav Ramot Casey ケーシー Abel エーブル Jamie Miyazaki Matthew Kyle Yuriy Humber Koyama Isamu Baro Hyun Luis Perezagua Pérez Jose Antonio Millan Ruano Antony Stace