Jensen Hannah John

Jensen Hannah John

So happy that my alma mater DAMTP (Cambridge) has inaugurated Chair of pub;lic understanding of maths - braco hannah

With intelligence changing so fast I expect your nation's future depends more on deep understanding of maths at every age from 6 up than anything else

Can you help me miantain a top 20 view points of Jensen Huang and compare these with Von Neumann.?

To get started with Jensen- are you partnering any of these ideas:

Hong Kong how to chabge every university - digital twin

India what happens when a nillion epople get data 10 times chepaer than americans

Japan given Maso Son track record of seeing tech futures is lomnger than any of us, what can Japan Maso and Bvidioa uniqquely contribute

In his bong king fireside chat last week jensenn referred to this 2018 summit - most people thoughht he was exagerrating then; hopefully Hannah wii balance such educatoonal folly

======================here's one of 10 actions hong kong assisted by genius Harry Shum and Nvidia abd energetic students are co-piloting around the world

Hong Kong last week

SHUM: you know I really want to pick up bring anding and think about uh uh what we


should do uh at HK it's really about you know the areas now with AI technology AI


infrastructure your gpus and everything and your software ecosystem many things we can choose to


do and one particularly exciting thing now we call the AI for science uh you have been championing that uh for


instance who have uh been investing quite a bit of uh uh computing


infrastructure gpus in our University uh president Y and I specifically encourage


our faculties to collaborate between physics and the computer science between material science and computer science


between biology and the computer science and you have been talking a lot about uh


the Futures in Biology one very exciting things right now happening in Hong Kong is that our


government has decided that uh we are going to build the the third medical school in fact HK us is the first


University to submit our proposal uh would very much appreciate and that your


advice and now especially our alarm


no yeah what what yeah what what would be your advice to president year myself


and the the university uh where we should invest so first


um I introduced artificial intelligence at the world's scientific Computing


conference supercomputing uh in 2018 and it was met with great


skepticism and the reason for that is because artificial intelligence is somewhat of a black box it was a black


box at the time in fact it's less of a black box today it's much more it's a


black box today like you and I we're black boxes but you can ask an AI today


you couldn't do it then but you can ask an AI today reason with me tell me why


did you suggest that tell me step by step how you arrive at that answer


through that probing process AI is more


transparent today AI is more explainable today because you're asking you're probing through your questions and that


your set of questions could be like professors probe their students to understand their thinking process not


just that not just the fact that you can produce an answer but the way that you reason about that answer is sensible


it's grounded in first principles and so we can do that today in 2018 we could


not and so it was met with great deal of skepticism because of that that's number one number


two um AI is not AI does not produce answers not yet from first principles it


produces his answers from learning from observed data and therefore it's not


really simulating first principled solvers like first principal solvers but


it's emulating the intelligence it's emulating the physics now the question


is is emulation valuable to science and I would I would I would suggest that


emulation is invaluable to science and the reason for that is in many fields of science we understand the first


principles we understand Shan jur equations we understand Maxwell's equations we understand many of these


equations but we can't simulate it and understand large systems and so instead


of solving it from first principles and have it be computationally limited computationally impossible we could use


AIS we could train AIS that understand that physics and use it to emulate if


you will very very large systems so that we can understand large systems with large scale now where is that use


you know first of all the human biology has a scale that goes from nanometers right from nanometers to a


time scale that goes from nanoseconds to years that's the bi human biological


system those kind of scale across that kind of time scale is simply impossible


using principal solvers and so now the question is can we use AI to emulate the human biology


so that we can better understand these very complicated multi multiscale systems so that we could you know if you


will create a digital twin of human biology and that's that's the great hope the great hope is that we might now have


the computer science technology so that digital biologists climate


scientists people who are scientists who are dealing with extraordinarily large complicated scale problems um can really


understand uh your physical systems for the very first time and so that's my hope that that you're able to do that at


at the intersection now speaking of your your hospital one of the great opportunities for UK for HK uh us is


that that um uh a hospital is going to be created here uh where its original


domain expertise is technology computer science and artificial intelligence


that's the reverse of almost every hospital in the world it was started as


a hospital now trying to insert artificial intelligence and Technology into it which generally is met with


skepticism distrust um uh of the technology and so


you have the opportunity for the very first time uh to create something from the ground up where the technology is


embraced and Technology could be Advanced and the people who are here are advancing the fundamental technology


yourself and so you understand its limitations and you understand its potential

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