Jeremy's Blog 18th October 2024: Staff for the Future - #RoutetoRural
This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 17th October 2024
Today, the Lincolnshire Association of Agricultural Valuers is celebrating its 150th anniversary with a conference for the agricultural county’s professionals at the Lincolnshire Showground. LAAV was founded in 1874, a year before Disraeli’s government brought in the first tenant right legislation, building on custom. It was a time of change as farming fortunes turned from the high farming of the mid-century with poor weather and global competition imperilling farms and estates alike.
In marking LAAV’s first centenary, its then President, Gordon White (CAAV President in 1970-71), concluded:
“… I would say to the Young Valuers in particular and yet to all of us, I believe our job is and will be ever more intricate, arresting and widespread … “
LAAV’s secretary noted that “owing to the complexity of modern legislation its objects have had to embrace wider subjects than tenancy valuations.”
If only they had looked 50 years into the future and seen the work now with Lincolnshire’s emerging rural land uses, from solar to natural capital, alongside its high value farming. In a much more complex and changing world, valuers are still the trusted advisers to their clients as they were in 1874 and 1974. Yet Lincolnshire has about the same number of members as in 1974.
The CAAV, looking at the work today and the next 50 years, is promoting its Route to Rural campaign, seeking a larger number of future agricultural valuers from a wider audience to meet these challenges. It has developed this is conjunction with employers and universities, working together.
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Today, we have more Fellows and more Probationers than ever before, yet members are overflowing with work, and not only in the fevered weeks before the coming Budget. It is up to us, the CAAV, members, employers and universities all to work together to attract the larger and wider pool of future staff needed to serve the rural economy. That is just what we are doing with Route to Rural.
The website’s home page now hosts a Route to Rural section with a button linking to an initial range of materials which will continue to develop. This briefing is going with the News Letter to all members, explaining the campaign, encouraging firms to offer work experience (with an appendix giving guidance) and prompting social media themes – on #RoutetoRural as well as using #TrustedAdviser. Members may be asked to speak at careers events – these slides and a growing set of summary postcards have been prepared (available like other papers from the Secretariat). This QR code poster gives a direct link to the website.
Work experience may be for local sixth forms and colleges, clients’ children, second career people and others. In districts where recruitment is harder, it can be a key way to find future staff. We are asking employers to use this form to let us know of their work experience offers so that we can have a register in the Route to Rural area of the website to help attract people. This sheet can be given at the end of work experience outlining what the interested person might do next.
Local associations are encouraged to promote the profession in their areas, as to agricultural colleges, young farmers groups and further afield.
The CAAV is working with and promoting university insight days, open days and careers fairs – see this calendar.
This work is now accompanied by a first podcast, to be followed by videos and more podcasts while also joining with the careers work of The Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture (TIAH) and others.
Route to Rural is self help by the CAAV and members to strengthen the profession for the future. The more we can attract good, interested and committed people from any background, the more there will be people for everybody, whether on university courses or to be employed and ultimately be successors in taking businesses forward. We make our future.
Penrith Farmers & Kidds PLC
2moA great initiative for our profession!
Partner , P Wilson and Company LLP
2moThis is a really important initiative for the Profession and recruitment to it so please listen , support and spread the word of the campaign amongst fellow professionals - its for our collective benefit hashtag #routetorural #trustedadvisor