The Journey, Not the Destination

The Journey, Not the Destination

I remember it - like it was yesterday. It was a sunny afternoon and it smelled like Spring, with the flowers in bloom and a pleasant warm breeze that felt nice. It wasn’t exactly a perfect day, because my allergies were also kicking and screaming. And my forehead was shining, because the days were getting warmer, when you never know quite how to dress because the seasons were in transition. There was that constant excitement, yet anxious feeling in the air because you knew summer was just around the corner, but you also had unfinished business…

I went to grab the mail myself that day in the Spring of 1989, or as my daughters would describe as “back in the 1900’s” - and glaring out from the pile of mail, I saw this pristine white envelope with the SMU logo - but I waited until I got back inside the house before I opened it. I never looked up, but I could sense that my Mom was watching me from the corner of her eye the entire time - my hands were shaking a bit, when I cracked open the letter and there were the words that would change my life forever – 

Congratulations! Welcome to the Hilltop!

It was world changing for me to be accepted to SMU, because I had grown up in the Northeast - a combination of Montclair, New Jersey and Providence, Rhode Island.

I graduated from a prep school, where I was quite often the only Black kid in class, but I was very grounded in my culture, thanks to my hard-working parents, who were originally from Texas and often talked about our heritage and their journey growing up in the segregated South of the 40s and 50s, when they attended a Historically Black College. Basically, my parents were woke, before woke was even a word…or a thing to even debate about.

As a result, they gave me a strong sense of values and helped me to stand confident in who I am and what matters most to me, no matter what environment I am in.

So, when I first stepped foot onto the stunning SMU campus, as a 17-year-old freshman, I was a long way from home, yet it somehow felt like I was at home at the same time - because I was confident and I knew who I was – but what I didn’t know was all the things I didn’t know – which reminded me of a quote that my Dad used to say as a spin on the old African proverb…

“A Freshman knows not and knows not that he knows not.

A Sophomore knows not and knows that he knows not.

A Junior knows, but knows not that he knows.

A Senior knows, and knows that he knows.”

But as of today, you are no longer seniors.

Thinking of what to tell you in this moment, as you stand at the precipice of your next chapter, reminds me of the same thing my Dad grappled with around this same time 30 years ago - and I came across an old letter, written just before my own graduation ceremony here at Meadows.

It turns out, my Dad was also reflecting on just what to say to me, as I approached this moment on my journey of trying to find a job, searching for an apartment, balancing the anxiety of graduating and the overall question of what does life hold next for me in the near and long term future. The letter provided several nuggets of wisdom as he discussed his own journey, 

of course making bad Dad jokes and admittedly trying to find just the right words to say to his son in this special moment.

He mentioned things like – “the rest is up to you”“it’s the end of the beginning” - “if I truly know, it will happen” - “make it happen your way” – which were all great, but you could sense that he was still searching for his final masterpiece nugget of wisdom to pass on – and then he found it! 

And it came in the form of 3 words - 3 words that I will never forget - 3 words that I would carry with me for lifetime – 3 words that ended up shaping my life journey in ways that neither he nor I, ever could have predicted. And the true meaning and impact of these 3 words would not reveal itself until later in my life – which is why I also am not going to reveal these 3 words to you, until later in this speech…

And I know that’s hard for you – because we are all hardwired to want to get to the point – fast forward to the end - the final message – the destination.

But what I’ve learned is that the things that truly shape who we are, lie in the journey, not the destination. The journey is what

shapes our world because the journey is ever-evolving, just like the world is ever-changing.

That’s what’s so powerful about the SMU mantra – 

World - Changers – Shaped – Here! That’s a big statement! And if you’re like me, when I was sitting there in those same seats, you’re probably wondering how can you be a World Changer in a world that’s constantly changing? How can you change an ever-changing world?

That – just – sounds – stressful…

Change is a stressful concept for all of us. And when you really stop and think about change, you realize that it is everywhere, and it is constant at the same time. From how we communicate, connect and create to how we inspire, inform and involve one another – everything is always evolving! Just think about the presence of AI in today’s world or the concept of that little thing called the INTERNET - again as my daughters would say - “back in the 1900’s.”

In fact, change is the very essence of life.

Even Taylor Swift has shown us that embracing change has meaning in life through her tour of musical eras, which has shaped her journey, as a pop entertainment phenomenon, selling out consecutive night shows in cities like Dallas and around the world.

So, when we think about how World Changers are being shaped here at SMU, we must embrace the trust factor of the journey. And this does not mean that we need to simply react to every change that occurs in life. We don’t always know why things happen to us or the meaning of a certain message that we are receiving. We may not even know exactly when the message will be relevant in our life. 

Yet, part of what we should do in the development of ourselves, is trust our ability to understand that whatever is supposed to happen is going to happen - and be willing to stay the course, and allow ourselves to both shape these moments, as we are also being shaped by these moments.

Because to be a World Changer in a world that is constantly changing, you must be comfortable with change. You must be intentional about how you create change, and intentional about how you let change create you. And doing that requires high levels of self-awareness and confidence in who you are.

The first time I really got into the power of confidence was right here at SMU in the African American Studies course I took from Dr. Clarence Glover, JR., who shared a quote from Marcus Garvey that would stay with me for a lifetime. He said:

“If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.”

Confidence has played a major role in my life and truly helped shape the wins that I often reflect on and celebrate from my journey… 

For starters, when I reflect on the wins in my life…I think about my better half – my wife, Angela Jones Patrick, also an SMU Alum.

Wins like becoming a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and committing my life to a brotherhood of Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love For All Mankind.

Wins like completing the New York Marathon, even as a former SMU sprinter, who previously vowed to never run a race longer than 400 meters.

And especially all the amazing experiences and wins that I had working for Nike.

Like working on global campaigns that amplified the brand during the Olympics - the Super Bowl moments - the World Cups, the Grand Slams and the Majors. Or the insider moments like traveling to Asia with Tiger Woods or working closely behind the scenes with Colin Kaepernick on the influence he has on us all to “trust our power.” Or the art and science of advertising and working with entertainers like, Drake, or KRS One, for the hip hop fans of my generation.

Or better yet, I could talk about the creation of a film documentary about a sneaker, called Air Force One, that transcended the industry and amplified the impact a sneaker can have on the intersection of sports and culture. There are so many stories from my career at Nike.

But the story that changed my world the most, was when that career appeared to be finally coming to an end.

It was about 4 years ago, when many of you were freshmen, just before the pandemic took over. I was rounding out 2 decades at Nike and I found myself having a strong desire to create change for myself in my career. I could feel myself getting too comfortable. And as an SMU World-Changer, I had an inherent need to push myself out of my comfort zone and keep challenging myself, to keep creating new journeys.

So, I did the unthinkable – I told Nike “I’m out.” I knew this would change my world, but the only reason I was brave enough to do this was because I assumed the rest of the word would just stand still and not change on me. I thought the world and I had come to an agreement – like hey, I’m about to change everything, and you-world are going to change nothing, okay! You stand down and stand still, right?

And the world was like: “that’s cute, but no! Change-is-a-coming!” 

And that change came in the form of a global pandemic, right when I quit my 20-year secure job. 

So, what did I do? Well, luckily the rapidly changing world didn’t take me out, because my ability to be a World Changer was shaped right here!

So, I went exploring…like into the plant-based food industry, changing the way people eat. Then I went even farther with another chapter into the tech world at Amazon, leading their efforts in changing the way people stream sports content, where we launched Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime Video. 

And through it all, I never stopped asking myself - who am I or challenging myself to not be defined by any one thing, while working through the fear, and new surroundings. And I never stopped trusting that as long as I stayed confident and secure in who I am and trusted the journey, the point of everything I learned along the way would be revealed at just the right time.

And that was right about the time when the world tapped me on the shoulder and said – “we see you” and we see the type of person you are - we see what matters most to you. We not only see your purpose, but we also see the value and influence you bring to others. We not only see your journey, but we also see your respect for the journey. We see your bravery and willingness to embrace the journey wherever it takes you.

And because of that – “how about you come back home…to Nike!” But not to the old home for the old you, to a new home for the new you – a bigger job, for the bigger you – a changed role, for the changed you - that is directly aligned with your values and your purpose. 

And yet, I still wasn’t sure what to do. I worried about it and I asked myself – am I going backwards in my journey and was I making a mistake? As I prayed on it, stressed over it and went back and forth - I suddenly remembered those three words that my Dad had given me 30 years ago in his letter.

Those 3 words were simply: Just. Do. It.

How crazy is that?! Years before I started working at Nike - years before helping build some of the most successful campaigns around the words Just Do It, my Dad gifted me 3 words that wouldn’t come into their full meaning for me until I contemplated the decision to return to the company that defined those very words for the world!

But that’s what Just Do It means. Advertising legend, Dan Wieden, who I would eventually meet and work with, said, 

“Just Do It is about making a change in your life, that urge to move on to some higher great, even if it’s a small step. Just Do It means - pushing yourself a little further, giving it your all, taking a risk.”

And you’ll never trust yourself to take those risks, if you don’t first spend this time right now getting to know yourself. Giving yourself the confidence that you’ll need to stay anchored by your purpose, in order to navigate all of the ways that the world will change, and all of the ways it will change you.

That’s the beauty of understanding the power of the journey vs the destination. 

The power that you own is not to know what is next, or to have the power to predict what is next. It is about the power in stepping into whatever is next with confidence in who you are.

So, the best things you can cultivate, harness, and embrace right now are confidence…purpose…adaptability…and gratitude. I am grateful for every step of my journey that has led me to this destination right here. Grateful to Dean Samuel Holland for inviting me to speak today. Grateful for the parts of my journey that led me to my wife, Angela. Grateful for being able to share so many moments on this journey with my family - and with my closest friends, who I also call family. And my closest mentors like Advertising Professor, legend and friend, Dr. Alice Kendrick, who helped shape my journey, by shaping me into someone who is unafraid to shape this world. All of them have given me sayings and nuggets of wisdom and messages that continue, to this day, to reveal their significance in unexpected ways.

So, I say to you, the SMU Meadows Class of 2023, just like my Dad gave me multiple sayings of wisdom, that wouldn’t have meaning for me until they were meant to be meaningful. Not from one of the most ubiquitous ad campaigns ever, but simply from my father’s prophetic letter given to me 3 decades ago as I sat where you are…

And you may not know if this is the right message for you or what this message means for you until it is ready to reveal its meaning… 

For you… “just do it”

might not make sense until you lose your first job and decide to bravely create your own business.

And for you… “the rest is up to you” 

might not connect until you decide to try something completely different.

And for you… “it’s the end of the beginning” 

may not have deep enough meaning until you have experienced the loss of a loved one.

And for you… “if I truly know, and know that I know, it will happen”

might not matter until you have found the perfect partner to share this experience with.

And for you… “make it happen your way”

might have meaning that helps shape your very life when you wake up tomorrow morning.

And for my daughter, Jazzie - as you sit here with your twin sister Rachel also present today - and your younger sister Alessandra here today - and with all your friends and classmates among the entire Class of 2023…all that matters to me is that you are at peace with yourself, as you go out into the world to find it, embrace it, trust in it, do it and then do it all over again, because you have been shaped, and you are continuing to shape your role as a World Changer from SMU, who is on a journey like no other, not a destination.


Class of 2023! Congratulations!

Welcome to the Hilltop! Welcome to the Journey!

And God Bless.

Darlene M. Fenrick Washington

President & CEO DMW Publishing -


Congratulations to You and Your Daughter!!! Proud to know ya!🥰😉

Christof Wittig

Founder and CEO at Hornet


Amazing. How inspirational!!

Brenda Scott, M.S Ed

Director of Cultural Intelligence-Athletics ✨Director, Coordinator, Programmer & Trainer | ✨Coach | Financial Consultant| ✨Author, “All I Need Is My Tablet” | ✨Business Owner | ✨ Leadership Trainer| ✨ Youth Development


Congratulations Marc Patrick! 👏🏽 This was an amazing moment and I’m so grateful that we have crossed paths and excited to know you even better. I look forward to next year and hope you are able to be a part of SMU’s Black Excellence Brunch because you truly are just that! 😃 #ponyup

Shea Jackson

Creative Strategist • Brand Marketing Director • Freelance Consultant •


Read the whole thing. So happy for you and your family ❤️

Charlene Edwards, CMP

Director of Programs and Events at Project Unity


A beautiful moment... thank you for sharing Marc! Pony Up!

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