Joyful or miserable?
There is a light inside you, that shines upon whatever you choose. You focus on something, that’s where your light will shine!
That’s how you create each day and, eventually, your whole life.
You can be one of those people who light up a whole city, or just a room, or even only a closet. But, you see, we need light everywhere. Maybe more in the small closet where we keep so many important and useful things and where there is no natural light, ever.
Your choices make you co-creator of the day you’re living. Co-creator of the day other people are living, too.
You focus your attention on the problems ahead, you light them up.
You focus your attention on the beauty around you, you light that up.
That’s when our personal lights take different colors, different intensities. Waves that bounce and reach or stay stable and soothe. Energy that can be disturbing or pleasant.
Some people are like potent flashlights bringing up the most distressful things around them, reaching nooks and corners that were better left unattended. Others rather aim ahead of them, guiding everybody else to safe harbors. All a matter of choice.
Every morning, you have the chance to choose which kind of creator you are going be, what kind of things you are going to light up for others – and yourself - to see. What kind of energy you will be releasing into the world, into your workplace, into your friends’ and family’s life.
Whatever you focus on gets brighter and bigger and much more powerful. You can create either monsters or heroes, and they will populate your world. Choose carefully, responsibly, generously. Pick whatever things are good and you’ll be surrounded by goodness. Pick evil, and evil will follow. We don’t need weeds to grow in our garden… We need lush greens and wonderful flowers. We need beauty that inspires and makes everybody happy, productive, motivated and successful.