Julian Paul Assange Case : Letter to the leaders of sovereign countries

Julian Paul Assange Case : Letter to the leaders of sovereign countries

Paris, Sunday 17 January 2020

Dear Sir or Madam,

Enclosed is a complaint filed to the judicial authorities of sovereign countries.

It concerns the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.

It highlights a number of crucial fundamental problems that threaten the global geopolitical balance, the sovereignty of different countries, threatens democracy and fundamental human rights.

We call for an investigation into private entities belonging to the Crown of England that we suspect of having set up an extra-state, extra-constitutional, extra-territorial global "governmental entity" that seems to have infiltrated many institutions in sovereign countries, of which France is a part.

These entities are holding incommunicado and torturing the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, a detention that is in fact similar to that of a prisoner of war held hostage.

We show that the United States of America is not a sovereign country but a conglomerate of corporations subject to the diktat of this extra-constitutional and extra-state entity, via the Crown of England, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Navigation Act of 1660. Territories, such as the Virginia "State" of the United States and all those under English domination before the War of Independence, can therefore be assimilated to colonies of the Kingdom of England rather than States belonging to the federation of the United States of America.

Like the dominions, Australia, Canada, the Kingdom of Hanover in Germany and other areas scattered over several continents which an investigation will have to identify and list, these territories are possessions of the lineage of the heir to the English crown, the descendants of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Hesse-Darmstadt and the Romanovs. The descendants of Xenia Romanov can be the direct custodians of the legacy.

There are several serious international security concerns.

As the US is not a sovereign country, the US army is a mercenary army and not a State army (see US constitution). Moreover, it has no legal right of presence land in any of the territories of the Union of Corporations that make up the US draft state federation. It is thus forced to base its troops, out from international legal grounds, on the territories of sovereign countries using all the legal loopholes at its disposal.

While the Queen of England, who is the citizen known as Elisabeth Bowes Lyon, aka Elisabeth of Windsor, aka Elizabeth II, is actually the head of the British armies and appoints the Secretary of State for Defence who also her Minister, it is legitimate, in view of the legal points mentioned above, to request that an international investigation be opened to determine whether she is not also the leader of the mercenary armies of the United States, the armies of the Dominions or the armies of other territories, property of the Crown of England, which have yet to be identified. Elisabeth Bowes Lyon, aka Elisabeth of Windsor, aka Elisabeth II, the head of private entities that are not subjects of international law, is the person in charge of the nuclear button for the sovereign government of the United Kingdom, a task that falls only to the leaders of sovereign countries that are members of the UN Security Council. Is she also responsible for the American nuclear button?

This is all the more worrying since Elisabeth Bowes Lyon, aka Elisabeth of Windsor, aka Elizabeth II, does not seem to belong to the line of heirs of the Kingdom of England. Only Prince Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Prince of Battenberg, her husband, can claim it. Why doesn't he reign? Why don't his children and grandchildren bear his prestigious Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg surname? His mother, Alice, Queen of Greece, Princess of Battenberg, was promoted to Righteous Among the Nations for having saved many Jewish children.

As the United Kingdom's police forces, including Scotland Yard, do not appear to be serving the under control of sovereign English State, it is legitimate, in the light of the legal points raised above, to request that an international investigation be opened to determine whether the Queen of England, the citizen known as Elisabeth Bowes Lyon, aka Elisabeth of Windsor, aka Elisabeth II, manages the United Kingdom police force, the MI6 and/or the MI5, but also private security agencies in the USA, or security agencies of the Dominions or other territories yet to be identified.

As we have shown in our complaint, our requests for release and our reports, during the trial of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, private entities, in possession of the Crown of England, organised false trials and rendered false justice which did not respect any of the laws of the sovereign English government, any international law. If, however, there is a legally defined English sovereign government. The investigation we are conducting seems to lead us to demonstrate the contrary, since everything suggests that the majority of institutions are under the control of the Crown, or at least of citizens who are in command of the Crown of England and private entities that are not subject to international law.

The private territorial entities which belong to the Crown of England are not sovereign countries (Australia, USA, dominions, etc). They cannot therefore be actors of international law, neither from an administrative nor a judicial point of view, and cannot be signatories of international treaties. They are, in fact, subject to the rules of international law which apply to any private entity and are liable to prosecution for any crime committed by them, in the same way as a limited liability company or a private individual do.

Moreover, as their private entities status does not allow them to affix their signatures to treaties, the validity of international treaties, texts creating NATO, the UN and other organisations created under the aegis of sovereign countries can and must be questioned, at least in part. Do they remain legal between the sovereign countries that have signed them? Do they need to be rewritten and re-submitted for consideration by sovereign countries, excluding the possessions of the Crown of England, which was not empowered to sign them nor to discuss their terms? Should they be rewritten before or after determining the territory limits and composition of the Kingdom of England, as well as identifying clearly the true heirs of this Kingdom? Since the Kingdom of England never abolished feudal law, it is necessary to determine its geographical contours in order to begin talks with those who are its legitimate lords. This is of capital importance because several sovereign countries are linked to the heirs of the Crown of England, Russia, Germany, Greece, the role of Spain being still to be determined, and may interfere in international negotiations concerning this kingdom. Indeed, which kingdom is it exactly? To which heirs does each of these territories belong? To the same sovereign? To several?

The USA, Australia and other private entities will only reach to their independence and sovereignty after negotiation with the authentic heir to the Crown of England, the only one authorised to negotiate and validate any official agreement by its signature. This heir must therefore be identified and his identity must be irrefutably authenticated and the documents attesting to his identity must be public. Many citizens will see their countries, which they believed to be democratic in nature, fall under feudal royalty. It is therefore vital that they have access to all documents relating to this legal transformation, say, legal revelation, since the situation seems to not have changed since the American War of Independence, which are of the utmost concern to them. They are indeed entitled to ask for their independence and their right to national sovereignty from the sovereign of this kingdom, who will be entitled to deny it to them, hence the capital importance of an unquestionable identification of the said Sovereign.

Similarly, except in the case of a popular Revolution occurring, only this Sovereign can enable the United Kingdom to become a sovereign country, subject to international law, functioning as a genuine democracy.

In the attached complaint, we have shown that there are serious doubts about the identity of the Windsor family. Indeed, the Windsor family appears to be unrelated to the heir families of the Crown of England, the Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Hesse-Darmstadt and the Romanovs, except for Prince Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Prince of Battenberg, but who, surprisingly, is not in charge of the kingdom and calls himself Mountbatten, a name which has no connection with his birth identity.

We state in the complaint that there is an urgent need for an investigation to determine the birth identity of the Windsor, aka Mountbatten, aka all their fancy titles, and to determine who, to date, is the descendant of the Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Hesse-Darmstadt and Romanov lines to whom the throne and possession of the territories belonging to the English crown belongs. Only he or she can complete negotiations under international law.

In the past, when an enemy seized a kingdom or fiefdom, he would take hostages the family members of the defeated person, which he could use as bargaining chips or blackmail, or as a title deed, if no official document between him and his enemy had made him the owner of the conquered territories. It would appear that some of the descendants of the Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- Glücksburg, Hesse-Darmstadt and Romanov lineages, heirs to the English throne, were taken hostage by an enemy whose name remains to be determined but which could be related to the birth name of the citizens known as Windsor. Wherever they are and whatever the identities of those holding them hostage, they have the status of prisoners of war. This capture of war could have taken place at the time of the surrender of the Kingdom of Hanover and the agreement between Queen Victoria and Bismark. Perhaps at the time of the Russian revolution for some of these hostages. Our investigation is ongoing.

In our complaint :

The Kingdom of Hanover was an artificial creation of the Congress of Vienna, the European powers that defeated France in 1814. Its basis is the Braunschweig Lüneburg Calenberg dynasty reigning in personal union in England and the Kurfustentum Braunschweig Lüneburg or Hanover. The Personal Union between the two countries ended in 1837 when Victoria von Sachsen Coburg Gotha, a member of the Braunschweig Lünburg Calenberg family, came to power in Great Britain. The Kingdom of Hannover is ruled by her uncle Ernst August Braunschweig Lüneburg and his son George V. In 1866 the kingdom is annexed by Prussia and ceases to exist. Legally, the liquidation of the Kingdom of Hanover and the theft of the assets of the Welf dynasty by Otto von Bismarck were illegal at that time, especially as the "Reptilienfonds" were used to fuel the corruption of aristocratic families and (already) the corruption of the press.

The suppression of the Kingdom of Hannover was carried out by Bismarck's Germany without the agreement of the people of the country, who were attached to their public liberties, but also without the agreement of George V Sachsen Coburg Saalfeld, the last King of Hannover, whose property, called the "Welfe Funds", was seized by the Prussian King William I and was used by Bismarck to corrupt the press and other princely families. The people of Hanover fought for their autonomy and in 1924 in the framework of the Weimar Republic demanded their autonomy in a referendum. The last prince of Hannover Ernst August von Braunschweig Lüneburg was a collaborator of the Nazi regime, took over the property of Jewish compatriots and ran the Messerschmitt aircraft factory which used slave labourers from Eastern Europe. He is therefore guilty of war crimes but was never prosecuted. His wife Marie Louise de Hollenzollern, who died in 1980, also profited from war crimes and was a conservative political activist in the FRG. Their son Georg Wilhelm was founder and director of the Salem School and the Gordonstoun School, schools and boarding school for the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie where Philip Mounbatten and Charles Windsor were educated. Their daughter Frédérique de Hohenzollern became Queen of Greece until the Revolt of the Greek People in 1976 by marriage to Paul of Greece and she was known for her Nazi sympathies and membership of the Hitler Youth.

Salem School


Gordonstoun School


In 1946, the British army led de facto by the citizen known George Windsor retook possession of the Kingdom of Hanover: it dissolved the Kingdom and formed the Land of Hanover in its place by Verordnung Nr 46 of 23 August 1946 without consulting the people of Hanover or the anti-Nazi Allies. It was also the British army that created the Land Niedersachsen by placing at its head a notorious war criminal, Hinrich Wilhem Kopf, a member of the SPD but also of the Nazi secret organisations Schwarzen Verbindung Lunaburgia Göttingen im Miltenberger Ring hiding under the cover of student organisations in Hannover. 

Hinrich Wilhelm Kofp was on behalf of the Nazi regime head of the Hauptreudhandstelle Ost, the administration of the property of Polish and Jewish citizens who were plundered by the Nazi occupiers in Nazi-occupied Poland. He is therefore responsible for spoliations and deportation of the Polish owners. He was prosecuted by the People's Republic of Poland, which issued an international arrest warrant against him in 1947 for crimes against humanity. The British military government of the British occupation zone in Germany never wanted to honour this warrant and protected the war criminal until his death in 1961. The Control Commission for Germany was therefore made by this denial of justice as an accomplice to Nazi war crimes.

These new investigative elements highlight the close links between the Crown of England and the Nazis. They show violations of fundamental human rights, disregard and violation of international law, spoliation of territory to the detriment of sovereign international countries from the very beginning after the 1939-1945 war.

Polish archives on Nazi crimes in Poland


The incarceration incommunicado and the torture inflicted on the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange by the Family known as Windsor are therefore only a violation of additional laws to be added to the long list of their misdeeds.

The citizen known as Philip of Mountbatten and his alleged son, known as Charles of Wales, attended the Salem school splashed by a paedocriminality scandal in 2010. We recall that Louis of Moutbatten, presumed uncle of Philip Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, aka Philip of Battenberg, aka Philip Mountbatten, is, like many members of the family known as Windsor, accused of paedocriminality.

On the other hand, the identity of the members of the family known as Mountbatten-Windsor is once again in question, since Prince Philip, known as Mountbatten, is listed there under his Edinburgh title and not under his birth name of Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg.

It would seem that the family known as Mountbatten-Windsor, at the head of the Crown of England, is customary for all kinds of lawbreaking and usurpation. Our investigations concerning them are ongoing. It is likely that they will be the subject of further proceedings.

According to several of our English informants, this authentic royal family members of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderbourg-Glücksbourg, Hesse-Darmstadt and Romanov, are held prisoners at Kensington Castle, a castle which has been designated to us on several occasions not as a royal residence but as a prison, known as « Kensington System », for influential figures. Our informants also told us that they believed that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was also being held prisoner in Kensington. This hypothesis seems plausible to us since we have demonstrated that it was private entities belonging to the Crown of England that incarcerated him incommunicado, tortured him and subjected him to a mock trial on English soil (See Complaint and Requests for Release).

At the last hearing, police officers pointed out to our delegates that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was leaving the Westminster Court in a minibus and not in a prison van. Moreover, during the previous hearings, witnesses also pointed out to us on several occasions that the Serco van carrying the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was not leaving in the direction of Belmarsh, but rather in the direction of the city centre and Kensington. This important information, given by English police officers, once again points to the Crown of England as the entity imprisoning and torturing the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and reinforces his status as a prisoner of war held hostage and therefore a high-ranking figure of value in international political dealings.

Indeed, why would the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange be incarcerated incommunicado and tortured in a royal residence if he did not have the status of an influential figure and prisoner of war held hostage? Has he been tortured in royal psychiatric hospitals where he was admitted, publicly, by representatives of the entities belonging to the crown of England, that he had been interned? Is he a member of one of the heir families of the Crown of England? Is he a member of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Hesse-Darmstadt, a descendant, in direct line, via Princess Xenia, of the Romanovs? Is he an agent working for the secret service of a sovereign country? A military man?

If it turns out that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is an heir of the royal family of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Hesse-Darmstadt, Romanov, or that he would be likely to reveal the name of the true heir to the crown of England, it is urgent that the judicial authorities of sovereign countries reveal his identity or give him the floor, because any misalliance with citizens such as Prudence Murdoch or Nathan Rothschild, or Stella Morris aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson in connection with the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), suspected of being major players in the illegal "extra-state", extra-constitutional and extra-territorial governance cited above, could compromise, in the long term, all negotiations aimed at the autonomy, independence and sovereignty of "corporations" wanting to break free from the English crown to become sovereign states, or lead to deadly wars.

Our current investigations suggest that individuals connected with, or members of, the aforementioned extra-State governance have appropriated some or all of the assets of the Crown of England in a cuckoo-like manner, by artificially infiltrating, either by taking on one of the titles of the family concerned, or by creating a fictitious title, into families of the Anglican nobility, and there are indications that they have done so in other countries. They seem to give concrete expression to this theft of identity, function and heritage through unions that appear to be fake, even though they are sometimes highly publicised in the media. It seems that legitimate and illegitimate offspring are mixed together in the same nest, with the legitimate ones hidden, serving as hostages and property titles, while the illegitimate ones taking centre stage and evolving in the arcane of power in the place of the legitimate holders of the name.

Whether the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a member of one of the heir lineages of the Crown of England or an agent on mission who holds information about the Crown's heir, he is one of the key pieces in the peaceful rebalancing of the world chessboard. Indeed, only the heir to the crown of England can grant independence to parts of its territory, territory to which certain States of the USA belong. He is the indispensable interlocutor of the President of the United States of America and the governments of the different States, but also of New Zealand, Australia and the sovereign government of Great Britain. He is a crucial interlocutor of the World Chessboard since he is at the head of the most important Kingdom still existing.

Everything possible must be done to free him, to protect him, to give him a voice, because on his safeguard depends the safeguard of many citizens.

If the eviction of the genuine families in charge of the crown in favour of private mafia-like entities is confirmed by investigation, it is legitimate, from a legal point of view, for these families to regain possession of the property from which they were spoiled. The authentic sovereign of this hidden kingdom, once the territories are listed, will become one of the most powerful heads of state on the planet and will have the heavy and complex task of restoring freedom to his provinces or keeping them subservient. If he is of the Romanov lineage, Russia will be concerned by his negotiations, as will Germany, Netherlands and Greece.

It is therefore imperative to provide for the negotiations to be supervised by several neutral countries in order to preserve the interests of all parties concerned and the global geo-political balance. They must be public and involve citizens. Too many lies have been told. Civilian populations will only be able to regain confidence in their institutions once transparency in states management has been established.

The WJJA wants to ensure that the public interests, those of the citizens of the countries concerned, and the private interests, those of the true sovereign of the Crown of England and his heirs, are respected and that the geo-political maps are reshuffled in accordance with the democratic principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in order to establish a lasting peaceful global cohabitation between the different sovereign countries and those that have become sovereign after negotiation.

Furthermore, it is essential that the crimes committed by the entities that have held hostage the members of the families who are heirs to the Crown of England be denounced and judged. The proceedings should be public and filmed. The legal documents made available to the civilian population. The victims must be given the opportunity to speak.

We recall that many members of the family known by the name of Windsor are involved in paedocriminality as well as many members of the extra-territorial government entity incriminated by our complaint.

Above all, given the way members of these private entities proceed to appropriate the property of others, it is urgent to investigate the birth identity of the citizen known as Stella Morris, alias Stella or Sarah Gonzalez Devant, alias Stella Smith Robertson, because the determination she puts into presenting herself as the fiancé of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and to formalize their union by a paternity he never mentioned, may suggest that she wants to appropriate, through a false union, property which he, like the other members of the spoiled English noble families, would be the only one to inherit. This state of affairs reinforces the presumption of a high-ranking prisoner, with hostage status, concerning the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.

It is time for the birth identity of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to be revealed and for him to be given the opportunity to express himself freely, to bear witness to who he is, to what he has lived or done. The WJJA also urges him to give, himself, publicly his birth identity, if none of the governments who know who he is would resolve to do so, abandoning him to his fate as a hostage or using his condition as a hostage to put pressure on his decisions and actions as head of state. WJJA is committed to supporting him and helping him to assert his rights.

The Treaty of Versailles validated a 76-year truce marked by wars fought over sacrificed territories and by a murderous world economic war. The time has come to sign the Peace Treaty, requested by the Soviet Union and the peoples making it up at the end of the 1939-1945 War, which the Americans refused to sign and to establish a planetary balance that would benefit everyone.

On behalf of WikiJustice Julian Assange

Véronique Pidancet Barrière

Joseph Adja

Scénariste chez Profession libérale


Les lanceurs d'alerte sont les dénonciateurs des dérives de nos gouvernants qui sont eux même esclaves des lobbys et des loges maçonniques on peut dénoncer le système par le cinéma j' ai écrit un scénario qui est l histoire d' un lanceur d alerte qui décide de se retourner contre ses anciens maîtres dont les services secrets accuseront de porté atteinte à la sécurité de l' état alors qu'il veut alerté le président de la république dont l assassinat a été planifié parce que ce dernier ne veux pas cautionné une guerre contre un petit état qui refuse de bradé ses matières premières un faux attentat sera programmé dans le pays pour justifier l agression du petit état dans ce scénario il y a l action l amour et je veux dénoncer le système qui fait des dirigeants des exécutants des programmes des lobbys et groupes de pression mon contact téléphonique 2250101339853


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