Greetings! I'm Sara Perry, The Profit Prophet. Welcome to my monthly where I share information to help you live your most abundant lives. Below are some links so you can engage with my online and on social.

  • Website: SaraPerry.Me
  • Facebook: @TheSaraPerry
  • YouTube Channel:
  • Media Bookings & Interviews: denise@writebrainmedia.com (Publicist)

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Are you being what you set out to be?

Are you happy?

There is so much peer pressure these days to match up to others, but what is that exactly?

Why isn't being us enough? So, we may wear our hair differently, and dress in a fashion that suits a style of our liking. So, what if our job isn't 9 to 5 and we live in a dream world of creativity?

What is the correct way to be?

Somewhere, somebody created a trend for people to follow, but there isn't a law to do the same. Create your own trend and that way you will stand out from the crowd.

What if people are staring?

Wouldn't you rather have that than be ignored completely?

See yourself as a unique individual who represents new possibilities and an interesting bit of colour within the dullness of normality.

Be flamboyant like the peacock and show your exciting exoticism.

We are all variety boxes within crates of plain chocolate. We are the hot spice that when added to a simple basic recipe makes it zingy and the only golden ticket in the 'Wonka Bar' which may just make us famous.

For goodness’ sake, if you do things the wrong way, then at least do them 'wrong' with conviction!

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The giver of gifts and planet of miracles, Jupiter is still very much present throughout July amplifying passions and courage, inspiring us all to push forwards with our dreams and desires. Faith and confidence will be increased motivating us forward, closer to fulfillment. 

If you are on the lookout for luck and fortune then take the chance this month to embrace and step into new territories. Be powerful, innovative, and step outside the usual boundaries. If you are looking to re-invent the future then this is the time to do so. 

Let go of what isn’t working and connect with your emotions at the beginning of the month as the new moon energy will still be strong. This will help you to assess and improve the general flow of things. This could be a very social time for many, but do be aware of overindulgence.  If you are looking to make new connections, you will find it easier at this time, but keep things steady; there is little need to rush or force things.

Look out for some power struggles and confrontations that will come from feeling stifled or restricted.  Put independence first, but do things in moderation up until the 5th of July. After this time we will have a more cautious approach to things and be looking at long-term approaches and strategies. This is a particularly good time to get finances in order, lay down the groundwork for some new plans, and consider ways to create a higher income. This month favours communication, but watch out for passive aggressiveness when expressing thoughts and ideas.

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The full moon on the 13th of July will bring focus on ambition and what mark we will be leaving on the world.  Be practical and realistic about future plans and conclude matters before moving on.

Life will become intensified from the 22nd, so expect the pace to lift as we enter Leo season. Indulge from the heart and allow some recreation into your life. This will be a wonderful time to introduce enthusiasm and passion.

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This is a motivating month of change, and even though Saturn will bring growth challenges, Jupiter’s magic will bring in opportunities for expansion. Consider now, how you would like things to play out over the next 10 years or so and begin to create the groundwork for goals to succeed. If you have been following a monotonous and restrictive pattern for some time now, then what changes can be implemented to create better progress?

What are your desires? Your goals? Which direction do you want to go in from here on?

It's time to offload some responsibilities that are a struggle and understand that doing less sometimes is more than okay. Simplify as much as you can and if necessary, take a few days off just to connect with guidance. Even if that means cashing out because an old investment isn’t paying off. Connect with your deepest soul instincts and replace the darkest fears with possibility.

Neptune is retrograde, so be aware of outside influences projecting negativity, as this could create questions or doubts about your own truth.

Make a clear and concise checklist of your plans and your priorities and where you want to go, which will keep you on track if and when confusion sets in.

It’s really important to be grounded throughout this and do things one at a time.

There will be a major 'hole' in the market happening near the end of July, around the 26th and signs have already been shown to many of us in June. There was a definite crack that appeared and so if you are involved in financial marketing, you may well have already noticed. It could be something that has been flagged up on a media site or something that has been spoken via a client or business connection.

If you need further confirmation, then look back at the movement pattern and flow of investments, stocks, and shares, etc. in the last 6 months and you will see more than one crack has already appeared.

There could be a clash of wills this month as a new sense of assertiveness arises in most of us. Be aware of this if you are wishing to push forward with a 1-on-1 meeting with the boss to discuss personal goals. It's important to remain calm and steady as a forceful attitude will only attract the same in return.  

There will be changes in the housing market this month and the 11th could be a significant date for some. There will be a drop and then a decline followed by a slow and continuous incline. October and November will be a better time to start making new investments so hold off till then if you are able, as there are a lot of changes happening right now.

There are different disputes going on between world leaders and during mid-July, a parliamentary concern will be highlighted that is connected to May 2021.

Tread carefully with focus, as this month could be like an online action game at times or a minefield where patience could be tested. Use emotional intelligence and stay connected with your highest vibration, as that will lead to more prosperous resources.

More Insights for the Year Ahead

We are at a major crossroad and a turning point in 2022; the remainder will have more importance than ever when we look back at the last 10 to 15 years of our lives.

There will be some agreements coming and offers, including some major co-contractual changes and agreements, mergers, and alterations to social media marketing. These things have been in the pipeline for the last 7 months.

Politically, July is a  pinnacle of change and linked to April 2017 and something that came up concerning legislation and grants. This issue will be re-addressed to turn things around for the good.

A major agreement will be made in September as the battle between two parties will become tiresome.

By the end of 2023 there will be a lot of new millionaires out there that were unexpected.

There will be a more streamlined service and collaboration between airlines creating a double-barreled name i.e., Easy-Air?

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A New Chapter begins bringing in brilliant blessings personally and professionally. Show the Universe what you desire and start building the dream. This could be the time to stand in the limelight, so step into your power and allow others to see your value.

Things will dissolve to make space for the new, and a thin line will appear to cross over revealing less restriction and a new playing field. There will be matters to be dealt with at home and some financial issues arising throughout the month, so nip them in the bud quickly. Watch out for disputes at work and take some time out to re-energize when needed.


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One of the most important months of the year where career is concerned.  Expect more responsibility and hard work that will lead to long-term glory. This is the time to establish yourself in the workplace and set yourself up for success.

Execute big plans, but complete things before moving forward. Let go of complications and focus on positive actions that will bring the best results. Watch out for burnout and where situations around vehicles are concerned, do a checklist for the best purchase. Look at long-term commitments in detail and listen to your heart's desires as happiness is just as important as practicalities.


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A unique month highlighting your friendships and network Popularity will be increased, enhancing leadership qualities. Life will be dazzling and social with a possible realization of a long-term goal. Let go of small change this month and go for gold.

Discussions and paperwork on how to move forward more positively will be highlighted. There is a chance to take advantage of an opportunity however, a grounded point of view will bring the best results.   Focus on expansion and be inspirational when dealing with disputes.


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The best and most important time for initiations. Decide now how you wish your year ahead to look and take action accordingly. Be ambitious and positive, as is quite likely you will be successful.  

Be open to some deep healing to discover the root of a cause of something and a situation. Boundaries collapsing will bring better clarity, so allow this to happen. More opportunities will follow and doors opening with more than just one choice.  There is support from others as you experience a rebirth, trust in your instincts, and avoid outside opinions.


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Major shift bringing luck and expansion. A great month to look to new horizons. There is a bright green light shining for you to move forward on anything linked with media or international connections.  

There could be differences linked to an emotional issue, but a new beginning is on the cards. Look to a fresh start and more balance. Simplify things to maintain power and clarity, and focus on what makes you happy. Remain confident in your own skin and understand the importance of value…



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A memorable and fun month to be had where close relationships are a highlight. Support is around financially, so it is worth embarking on that new venture. Work will be busy, so take steps to improve your diet, and well-being, and above all, focus on fulfillment.

Playfulness and bigger horizons coming in. A lucky win financially or monetary blessings could create restrictions if you allow them to. Follow your own plans and only yours, remaining within your power. Watch out for anxiety linked to the digestive system 


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Partnerships will be highlighted bringing greater prosperity and business connections will be favoured. Life lessons in love, creativity, and passion will be given and the more persistent you are to overcome challenges in these areas, the larger the rewards.

This is a chance to use inspirational energy, and a chance to think outside the box. Consider damage control and watch out for other less beneficial projections or old triggers. Allow things to roll off your back more as big transformations are happening. Break a habit by taking a chance on yourself


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Marking a turning point in life and relationships this month encourages the setting down of roots for the long-term. Consideration and focus on relocation or refurbs will be highlighted whilst family challenges will bring strength.

Time for fresh new horizons and a fresh perspective or approach. Things will fall into place and become more secure with a sense of justice taking place in one aspect. Think ease and breeze floating high above the rest. Transform addictive behaviour by becoming more connected with spirit.


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A highly productive time has arrived, especially where love and passion are concerned. There will be more time for fun and games and opportunities to manifest new beginnings. Be open to the magic of the Universe and start communicating with the world through creative outlets.

Listen to the loyal words that are being spoken to you; somebody is showing you great faith, and great respect and they're going to help you take that control. Consider your own self-worth and your value and be aware of things or others becoming a drain. Dizziness will be a sign of change.



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This month will bring happiness and peace to the home and family affairs. Many will find expansion in this area in maybe extra additions or finding enjoyment in different locations. There will be more energy and important life lessons about money management and growth in investments.

Something will be signed, sealed, and delivered, and an issue you make a decision upon will bear fruit. Focus on well-being and doing things for fulfillment rather than monetary reasons. A door will be closing to help forward movement and this will be the opportunity to take a path of happiness and freedom.



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Many shifts await you and communication will be key. A period of luck surrounds, writing, marketing, and intellectual aspects and more money are on the cards if you pursue these.  Lessons in perseverance and responsibility are highlighted, and in some cases ‘growing up.'

 A breakthrough in your circumstances where emotions were low. There will be a major release and something coming full circle. Let go of the protection a little and trust in the changes that could come in suddenly. Your world may feel turned upside down, but your perspective will be clearer.


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This month is fast-paced and fortune awaits around financial aspects.  Karma is strong and for those who have put the time in rewards could be great. Watch expenses, but work rapidly making sure to take time for inspiration.

Focus on the self and the fun elements of your life. Be open with your feelings and allow others to become aware of these by communicating more. Expansion and healing be a long and continual process, but is necessary. Nurture yourself, as a new beginning is taking place and an option for a fresh partnership.


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Exciting news: I Am Now Taking on Reiki Students.

After nearly 10 years, I have now re-introduced Reiki courses back into my list of workshops.

As an intuitive energy healer and teacher with more than 20 years of experience in healing transformational and psychic practice, I am dedicated to empowering those who are keen to commence their healing journey.

Along my own healing journey, I have worked and learned from some truly amazing spiritual healers and teachers, including Kathleen Milner.

I am very passionate about transforming lives and making that difference for both, my clients and my students.

As a spiritual guide and therapist, I aim to provide the highest quality, bespoke teaching, enabling students to reach their fullest potential.

Individuals can be initiated in groups, on a one-to-one basis here in Spain, or via distant attunements as Reiki healing transcends time and space continuum. The same holds true for attunements, too.

I offer fun, interactive, detailed courses and workshops for both, novices and trained therapists: from a broad foundation to understanding energy to training to initiate others into Reiki.


No previous training or experience is necessary; in fact, Reiki is a great place to start if you have an interest in energy work. My belief is that Reiki is a benefit to ANY parent, as an alternative tool to help soothe your children (and yourselves/spouse/pets) on another level.



The energy of pure Universal Reiki comes from the elemental healing ray of Earth. The 4 elemental healing rays come from the Source or God. They have been used for aeons by all successful healers, shamans, and saints. Tera Mai Reiki is more appropriately described as Tera Mai Earth Healing Rays from God.


Tera Mai Seichem initiations pass on the healing energy of all 4 elemental forces. Tera Mai Seichem is correctly described as the Tera Mai Earth, Fire, Air, and Water Healing Rays from God.


Tera Mai is registered as a Healing System, which has standardized initiations.


The healing system, Tera™ incorporates Reiki, Seichem, and other Universal energies, and was trademarked by Kathleen Milner, an American artist, author, and natural healer.

In February 1991, in her first consciousness-raising experience, she met a Higher Being, whom she later learned was Buddha. Buddha built on the ancient healing energies that Kathleen was born with by simply adding to the original Alliance Reiki Initiations. Tera Mai Seichem initiations pass on the healing energy of all 4 elemental forces.

UPDATE from Kathleen Milner

The energies of Tera Mai began accelerating rapidly in the spring of 2010. This increase in energy began when it was discovered that the Tera Mai initiations had been altered in England years ago. As great numbers of Tera Mai initiates were cleared and re-initiated for a donation, God and His Chosen Angels used the monumental increase in healing energy in these individuals to raise the healing energy of the entire Tera Mai system. The increase in healing energy continues to accelerate every day."

Tera Mai Seichem Reiki is an expansion of the Usui system and balances out the energy flow. It includes both Reiki and Seichem and is a healing system dating back to ancient Egypt (Seichem) and ancient Japan (Reiki). Seichem is more powerful than Reiki and uses the elements of Earth (Reiki), Water (Sophi-el), Fire (Sakara) and Air/spirit (Angelic light). Reiki uses only the Earth (Reiki) element. These gentle-yet-powerful energies can be received and learned by anyone, regardless of their spiritual beliefs or age (including new & unborn babies!).


• increased energy

• decreased pain and stress

• feeling more open and loving

• ease and joy in facing life's challenges

• things seem to work out better

• better sleep

• improved relationships

• speedy recovery

• improved emotional state

• clear-minded

• inspired creativity

• weight loss

• relaxed and confident for interviews and auditions

• grief

• ease death and

• ease death and dying

• release addictions

• autoimmune disease

• financial abundance

• and so much more

To Book, For Availability & More Details CLICK HERE

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