June 15 – Devotion on Galatians
June 15 – Devotion on Galatians
Gal 1:4: Who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.
In Vs 4, Paul reveals that Jesus Christ did three things for us. First, Jesus gave himself for our sins. The reality is that we could not save ourselves. Jesus was the avenue in which all mankind could be saved. It was our sins that kept Him on the cross. It was the will of father that gave Him the grace to endure the cross and death. Jesus gave Himself willingly to rescue us from our sins. Sin has only one destination and result and that is death and hell. Secondly, Jesus came on a rescue mission. He came to rescue us from the present evil age. Satan is the god of this world and he has an agenda of robbing, killing, and destroying. All who have not given their lives to Jesus are under his authority. Their ultimate end is hell so Jesus came to give all mankind a choice between heaven or hell. This present age with its images and standards is a direct enemy of the child of God.
Jesus Christ came because of the will of God the Father. Paul was very specific in his wording in this greeting because later in this first chapter he would reveal this reason for the letter and his view of salvation. Paul believed that salvation came alone through faith in Jesus Christ. He fully supports what Jesus said in John 14:6, that He was the way, the truth, and the life and no one came to the Father except through Him.