Greetings! I'm Sara Perry, The Profit Prophet. Welcome to my monthly where I share information to help you live your most abundant lives. Below are some links so you can engage with my online and on social.

  • Website: SaraPerry.Me
  • Facebook: @TheSaraPerry
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  • Media Bookings & Interviews: denise@writebrainmedia.com (Publicist)


What price would you put on happiness, and how much do you believe you should be offered to deem yourself worthy of a job?

When--or if--you find yourself in a needy state where the bills are overdue, money is scarce and your mind is full of worry. Anything would be ‘good,’ wouldn't it?

At that point of real fear, when you wonder whether you will ever dig yourself out of a financial hole, it would be easy to take up any offer of help. At that moment, your only aim is to release the stress and burden of debt. It is at this time, though, that one should really be the most vigilant. Sometimes these offers come as 'sheep in wolf's clothing.'

This is the time when you may receive an offer of a loan and go for it, regardless of the repayments. Because you are in such a fearful state, the energy around your acceptance of that loan solves the problem short term, but then money becomes tight once more.

This is the time in life when a job offer comes through after months of waiting, and you accept it without reading the small print because it seems like the only solution, regardless of whether it is something that fits your long-term needs.

There is little or no thought about whether this job will bring you any sort of happiness, or that it is worthy of you.

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I need to be delicate here, as I understand that often a job is a job and when times are tough, I would not suggest to anyone to shun an opportunity completely. The point I am making is to look at it from a long-term perspective and ask yourself questions like:

  •  Will it create a block in your life and bring more challenges?
  •  How long is the contract or engagement?
  •  Is there an opportunity for progression?
  •     What are the terms and conditions, and can you accept them?
  •     What are your terms and conditions?
  •     What is your ultimate goal?
  •  How much further burden could this opportunity bring...and at what extra cost
  • Consider the benefits and non-benefits, but most importantly, will this situation bring you joy?

It is the frame of mind you are in when dealing with abundance that determines the flow. Like love, money needs to be free to have energy. Like love, it needs love to exist. Give yourself a moment before taking up an offer, before jumping in with both fee. You may discover the hot water you are in will soon turn into a boiling pot. If you have even a moment of uncertainty, then step back and give yourself another moment or two to digest the proposition. You may feel flattered right now, but later, you may feel flattened. What are you truly worth? It's the price tag you put on yourself that truly matters:

It's not about the money, money, money...

Sara Perry The Profit Prophet Delivers Planetary Business Alerts for June 2022

The eclipse season is finally over this month, and with the bright beams of the NEW MOON at the start of JUNE, everyone will begin to feel less restriction, making it easier to achieve goals. Take everything that has occurred throughout APRIL and MAY and start to integrate themes, as the foundations will be perfect this month to set some ideas in motion. 

Be ready for intense conversations to continue with authority figures until June 13th.

Still remain vigilant when signing off on important deals or entering major contractual agreements until mid-month. MERCURY will enter GEMINI at mid-June; at that point, things will be much clearer when making decisions based on fact and logic.

As MERCURY GOES DIRECT, the teacher planet SATURN goes retrograde this month until October 23rd 2023. Whilst the start of the cycle will be more intense, it will slowly ease. This will be a good thing, especially for fixed signs of SCORPIO, TAURUS, LEO and AQUARIUS.  During this period, expect blasts from the past in areas of anyone’s chart ruled by AQUARIUS, bringing much necessary closure.

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On the love front VENUS and MARS will be in strong positions this month until the 21st, making it a great time to attract love and romance, more money, and connections. There will be a freedom-loving theme with lessons in how to let go of morale and reaffirm how we choose to connect with others. Surprises in love will come between the 6th and 15th.

The FULL MOON IN JUNE will take place on the 14th in SAGITTARIUS, challenging us to think bigger and expand our mindsets, but beware of NEPTUNE’s influence throughout the week, creating doubts. Avoid making important choices at this time as you may be lacking info and details. If you can, take more time to practice meditation or pursue creative hobbies.

SUMMER SOLSTICE 2022 happens on JUNE 21st. Everything will go through a complete shift. Starting this autumn, we will face many different situations where we reconcile the ego with our emotions.

On JUNE 28th there will be a NEW MOON IN CANCER. This will be a sensitive time for all, providing us the perfect time and drive to have a fresh start and new beginnings. Value yourself first and focus on success, not failure.



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The Arowana Fish is also known as the "Golden Dragon" and regarded as a Feng Shui symbol to bring wealth luck to its owner. Place a picture in your NORTHWEST AREAS in June 2022. (To commission your personal painting, contact: SaraPerryArtist@gmail.com)

Who needs fish and water when you can have a makeshift pond? This beautiful, versatile feng shui option is suitable for inside or outside and can be moved accordingly, if desired.

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Each pond is painted and sized to an individual’s needs. The surface is varnished for protection; rock and stone decoration design is separate. 

For more info, please contact: SaraPerryArtist@gmail.com

Create A View Of Paradise

Live the dream without going anywhere; perfect for those who are unable to travel or are living in the city. Create the illusion of a beautiful setting to add a calmer, stress-free ambiance with a trompe l'oeil mural.

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ABOUT BUSINESS FENG SHUI: Based on ‘Flying Star Feng Shui’

Predictive Intel for the East, West, North, South, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast & Southwest Centers of Any Workplace. 

Note: Changing The Position of Your Desk, Altering the Place for Meetings, or Making Phone Calls, or Moving Offices Could Make ALL. THE. DIFFERENCE.

Flying Star Feng Shui uses the compass directions to define the luck of 9 SECTORS of a building. There is one yearly star that remains in one area for 12 months, and then it moves to an alternative in the 13th month. Some stars are more fortunate than others, and depending on where it is placed, it will determine the best place to take part in activities, work, sleep etc.

‘Flying Star Feng Shui' does not limit itself to buildings for the living. Rules pertaining to directions equally apply to all built structures; it also applies to grave sites and buildings for spirits.

The positive thing about this method of Feng Shui is that no matter whether a star is good or bad, there is a cure that can either neutralize the negative energy or enhance the positive energy. It is also easy, accurate, and precise when you follow it correctly. You will see immediate and amazing results.

There are also monthly flying stars that create new energies throughout the year.

Here is Your Feng Shui Update for June 2022:

Spend as much time in NORTHWEST areas of the workplace to activate luck as this will bring fantastic energy where success, fame and prosperity are concerned. Add some wealth enhancers to attract more luck, such as pictures of arowana fish, also known as the "golden dragon," and regarded as a Feng Shui symbol to bring wealth luck to its owner.

 If your office or workspace in a CENTRAL POSITION of a building, then take any private conversations or meetings out outside of this area, especially if you are wishing to keep an idea top secret. If spending time here is unavoidable, then install a metal desk fan to neutralize any negative vibes. On a positive note, anyone working in real estate could enjoy some financial luck and return on good investments.

The WESTERLY POINT is looking good this month for some good fortune, so expect the unexpected when it comes to increased wealth and promotion. Avoid or discard anything around this area that has triangular shapes or items in oranges and reds. This will help combat any unwanted demands, eviction notices, or last-minute changes. Add some earthy tones to your décor, and maybe a ceramic pot or two.

Add fire elements such as red rugs, pillows, candles, etc. to any NORTH SPACE if you wish to decrease any trouble within office relations. This is a great position for increased intellect and fame, but could also bring unnecessary gossip that could decrease personal status.

Any females who work in the NORTHEAST will find power is strengthened, especially if up against any male competition, but illness could be a high-risk factor, so up the metal objects, dragon, or turtle decorations to create balance within unisex team projects and increase wealth.

Accidents, conflict and obstacles are likely to occur in EASTERN sectors, although for anyone working in a physical career type, there is luck around. Add metal objects to block any negative energy and keep an eye on valuables. This may not be the month to expect any wins where it come to legal claims, so it may be best to delay disputes 'til a more auspicious time, or take any important discussions or mediation to the NORTHWEST meeting space.

Anyone working in the SOUTHEAST part of an office may feel low in June, so take time to meditate and stay away from anything stress-related. Adding a water feature some blue or black color when working will also help. 

In the SOUTHERN areas there is potential for fame and fortune; however, there could be some arguments arising, so to keep the peace, add some metal objects. This strategy will also work in the SOUTHWEST, as this is also the likelihood of obstacles causing imbalance throughout the working day.

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