With just 100 days to Brexit firms need to intensify plans for no-deal Brexit
Following recent political events in the UK, and with just 100 days to go before Brexit, the challenge remains for the UK Prime Minister to secure the support of the UK Parliament on the Withdrawal Agreement for Britain to leave the European Union by 11pm on 29th of March 2019.
From a business perspective, nothing has changed. Time is running out and there still remains a material risk of a no-deal Brexit. Yesterday the UK Government published more technical notices in relation to No-Deal Brexit Planning. Today the European Union is also expected to publish a range of No-Deal Brexit Planning documents and draft legislation and tomorrow the Irish Government will follow suit.
While the political uncertainty is likely to continue, business leaders need to focus on running their businesses in the ongoing disruptive environment. Having contingency plans while remaining flexible and agile are key at this time.
Doing nothing is not an option! Check out PwC Ireland's latest Brexit insights HERE.