Just send me 1 quick pic on GameFi.. Marketing, Money, and the Maps.
Wagmi to the GameFi Marketing Great .lib
Are you looking for experts in marketing web3? The go to agency in marketing and selling NFTs? Are you looking for ways to market your Metaverse?
Link up with us at Rocket Now 24/7 via WhatsApp: +1-778-760-0329
Or email us anytime at info@rocketnow.com
The First 0xPost
This .lib file repository is for fun, and to keep my ideas fresh and my mind pure from lack of sharing and lack of posting. In no way are any of these digital txt files to be considered investment or financial advice, and in no way am I representing anyone else's opinion except my own, which I disclaim is right once in a while and both wrong some of the other while.. However I truly appreciate you for having interest in the metaverse of marketing and hope I can share some value or spark some new angle that helps you on your journey in any way.. or at least keeps your spirits up ;) What follows my friend is very understandable not my best writing whatsoever but on this newsl.ether my goal is more to write and less to rewrite..
Thank You..!!
Electric signals from my brain have me loving life every time I go on my LinkedIn feed, to everyone I'm connected with- thank you for continuously pushing community, Metaverse Blockchain, NFT, and Crypto to the Magnetic Moon day in and day out- absolutely every post has been valuable, exciting, creative, engaging and educational. Thank you for sharing, it makes my day sometimes.
Interestingly today my mind is overwhelming too excited so I want to share what some of my projects on the go are (now these are actually far. like very far. but i need partners. i need you. and i need you yes you. these have been progressing in stealth since 2014.. and will continue in stealth without u on board to see it through.. !
Qu.eth- ions
Questions I'm going to be answering in this periodical:
This newsletter is meant to be on marketing, but I want to put you guys in the know in case you see an idea you want to get in on.
Some things I want to talk about I've been working on for the last several years with a lot of partners, and a lot of geniuses and it's cool because these ideas are finally coming to life post local storage, post testnet, post paperweight, post server bills, and honestly I finally am approaching closure with them due to my incredible network who have been interlinking all the incredible projects into their roadmaps, and since I get to head the marketing for them also, I no longer have to go insane when I open my inbox to a new Docusign from Googl.. and I go wow.. oh a higher rev share.. in our favor.. from G..asp..eth.le.. man I need programmers.. natiive Chrromium.. web3..
Recommended by LinkedIn
[These are a few of our projects in motion I desperately need your help finding co-conspirators on]
The OM.eth-a List
Anyways signing out friends. If you like it, hit me up, web3 right now is one team and nothing is more fun than bringing on major movers like yourself. Stay-.eth safe, and enjoy the Sun, it's digital, it's 3d, it's pixel perfect, it's web3 and baby is it decentral. GM to all and to all a sunny wagmi. #TheGM #RocketNow #NFT #NFTmarketing #blockchain #metaversemarketing
M.Eth: B.eth there is some serious quality on this jpeg.. it's either I somehow accidentally exported a non-transparent PNG or this is some kind of digital holy jaypeg shaped cracker..
BF.eth: Just check the file extension please
M.Eth: The file name is so long I can't see the extension.. is this some kind of Golden JPEG.. B.eth is this what they call an NFT..? ..Nearly Fixed Transparency..
#invisiblefriends #bayc #apecoin #otherside #png #jpeg
Rocket Now: The Best in Marketing for Web 3
Are you looking for experts in marketing web3? The go to agency in marketing and selling NFTs? Are you looking for ways to market your Metaverse?
Link up with us at Rocket Now 24/7 via WhatsApp: +1-778-760-0329
Or email us anytime at info@rocketnow.com