Katalon Digest: Issue #4
Welcome back to the Katalon Digest!
This week, we share how QA is done in Big Tech, how you can leverage a literary device in software testing, and a lot of exciting forum discussions on testing.
Happy reading!
1. QA in Big Tech
☝️ Do you know that Microsoft played a pioneering role in the history of the QA industry? In 2014, they retired the SDET role and introduced a new specialized testing role. This shaped the industry's direction.
Learn about their evolution and impact in this how Microsoft does QA article from The Pragmatic Engineer newsletter.
☝️How do companies outside of Big Tech approach QA? Dive into insights from a survey of 47 tech professionals in QA Across Tech.
☝️ "The Spotify model" is an innovative Agile model that has influenced tech organizations worldwide. Learn more about Spotify Agile Practices in this article from Atlassian.
2. QA Methodologies and Principles
💡 In literature, Chekhov's gun is a principle stating that "every element that appears in a story must be necessary". If a writer features a gun in the story, there must be a reason for it. All elements must eventually come into play.
In this article from the Solid Dry Kiss newsletter, Paweł Świątkowski shares the connection between the Chekhov's gun principle and testing.
💡 Ask yourself 3 fundamental questions before testing. They provide you with all of the required knowledge to effectively design the test scenarios.
3. QA Metrics and Analysis
📊 Counting bugs sounds simple, but does it actually measure success? What metrics truly matter, and how to avoid the pitfalls of weaponized data? Here's an article for all of that: What Does a Bug Count Mean?
📊 QA testers are often evaluated through metrics like bug counts, test coverage, or stakeholder satisfaction. But are these truly effective? Redditors are discussing this topic in this thread: How Do Employers Measure a QA Tester/Engineers?
4. Practical QA Discussions
🎉 We had a blast at our first Roundtable Connect! Roundtable Connect brings Katalon's community members together to exchange testing best practices in a collaborative setting.
With an intimate group, we discussed scalable automation design, shared insights, and learn from each other's experiences. 👉 Check out our recap & join our next session here.
🎥 Here's a mini challenge: Share Your Katalon Use Case Videos & Win $125! 🎁 Showcase your Automation Testing skills and Katalon expertise by creating 3 use case videos for our community. Submit by Dec 1, 2024 for a chance to win up to $125!
☝️ Is it a risky business to document risks? Here's a hot thread on Ministry of Testing on how you document and communicate risks?
For example, here's how Stuart Thomas navigates the "risk" landscape. Join the discussion to share your insights.
☝️ What unique things do you do as a QA? From creative solutions like automated SQL validation to bridging teams with clear documentation and communication, QAs often think outside the box to add value. Join the Reddit thread and share your innovative ideas!
Found this insightful? Don't forget to hit Subscribe and follow us on LinkedIn for future issues!
Until then, happy testing :)