Kurt Nederveld To Speak At Thriving Investor Mastermind In Phoenix August 4-6!
I wanted to make you aware that I am scheduled to speak at the Thriving Investor Mastermind in Phoenix August 4-6. For more information and if you are interested in attending please sign up here:
My speaking session is going to be focused on the following:
1. What tools you need to raise unlimited capital for your real estate and note deals!
2. How Raising Capital becomes a lot easier if you leverage social media.
3. The Power of Credit Lines- what credit line products you need to start using today to grow your real estate portfolio!
4. How to speak the language of the investor you are raising capital from.
5. How to raise capital from the 3 types of Investors for your deals- Affinity, Private and Institutional.
I will be in Phoenix the whole first week of August meeting with some of our business partners and fellow fund managers for some of the deals we are working on so if you are in the Phoenix market and want to meet me while I am town shoot me an email: Kurt@rainstarcapitalgroup.com or give me a call 616-821-6535!