The Labour of Our Heroes Past - Monday Inspiration (2 Minutes Read)
Happy Veterans Day!
This Veterans Day marks the Centennial Commemoration of the end of World War I, on November 11, 1918. By the end of 1918, 4.7 million Americans had served in support of World War I with more than 116,500 paying the ultimate sacrifice and another 205,000 wounded.
We are thankful for those courageous men and women willing to give their lives to protect our liberty and freedom.
Today, the wars have not ceased, our men and women in the uniform are still engaged and in harm's way in different locations across the globe to keep the peace and keep the homeland secure. Just last week Major Brent Taylor was shot to death by an Afghan commando he was training to combat the threat of terror in the region. May his soul and those of the others who have paid the supreme sacrifice rest in peace.
On this veteran’s day I am reminded of the words of the Nigerian National Anthem that I sang every morning during my time in elementary and high school:
“The labor of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain
To serve with heart and might
One nation bound in freedom, peace, and unity”
As we commemorate this day, let’s take some time to reflect on how we each can honor the labor of our heroes past.
For those in the military (active and retired) we thank you for your sacrifices. For those of us not in any of the armed services we can still contribute to making our communities prosperous through the work we do. We can serve our customers with heart and might, we can work to improve our organizations and we can contribute to making our country a land of opportunity and prosperity.
The labor of our heroes past shall never be in vain!