Laparoscopic re-operative rectal surgery
Along with Hayim Gilshtein, Shlomo Yellinek, and Ilana Setton from the department of colorectal surgery at Cleveland Clinic Florida, we identified 78 patients in whom re-operative laparoscopic rectal surgery was undertaken. These 78 patients underwent re-operative rectal surgery for either anastomotic failure, recurrent cancer, or other less frequent indications. 22 (28%) of these patients underwent re-operative laparoscopic surgery. The patients in whom redo laparoscopic surgery was successful benefited from significantly reduced length of stay, superficial surgical site infection, and avoidance of a permanent stoma. Although the caveat for these results is that a high volume laparoscopic surgeon would appear fundamental and essential to achieve these laudatory results. Nonetheless, in that context of a high volume skilled laparoscopic rectal surgeon laparoscopic re-operative rectal surgery is indeed not only safe and feasible but seemingly preferable to laparotomy.