Leadership Quality: Applying the right leadership style
Leadership is all about knowing yourself and seeking self-improvement. To know yourself, you must understand your - be, know, and do, attributes. Seeking self-improvement means continually strengthening your attributes. This can be accomplished through self-study, formal classes, reflection, and interacting with others. Being technically proficient as a leader gives a solid familiarity with your employees’ tasks. Knowing people and looking out for their well-being is key.
Before understanding the leadership styles, let's make a differentiation between a manager and a leader
Managers are people who know how to do things and leaders are people who know what things to do …Aart De Geus
Some great quotes on Managers vs Leaders
Leadership Style:
For the different behaviors a leader has (Authoritative, Commanding, Supportive, Collaborative, Inclusive, Helpful, Secretive, Participative, Delegative (Free reign)), there are different leadership styles: Autocratic (Dictatorial), Democratic, Bureaucratic, Charismatic Leadership, Participative Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Transformational Leadership, The Quiet Leader, Servant Leadership, laissez-faire (I don’t care model), McGregor (Theory X Y) …etc. Which is the right leadership style? It really depends on the situation. This leadership style is defined as “Situational Leadership”, developed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard
Leaders exhibit two kinds of behavior: Directive Behaviour (Task-based) where the focus is more on structure, control, and supervision, and Supportive Behaviour (Relationship-based) where the focus is more on praise, listen and facilitating. Whereas the follower’s development levels are based on two factors: Competence and Commitment. Competence involves job-related knowledge and Skills, experience, and transferable skills like Planning, Time management, Interpersonal skills, etc. Commitment involves confidence, Self-Assurance – A feeling of being able to do a task needed without much supervision and motivation – Interest and enthusiasm in doing the task.
Situational leadership is a leadership style that involves adapting one's leadership style to fit the developmental level of the employee or team. The idea is that the most effective leaders are those who can adjust their style to meet the needs of their team and the specific situation at hand.
There are four primary leadership styles that are used in situational leadership:
The key to situational leadership is the ability to assess the needs of the team and adjust one's leadership style accordingly.
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Developmental Levels of the Follower:
If you look at the journey of a follower to master any skill, he/she moves from Unconscious incompetency to Conscious incompetency to conscious competency to Unconscious competence. Note that the developmental level is a task-specific concept and not employee specific.
Journey of gaining knowledge, experience, and motivation of a follower:
As per the development levels of the follower, one can change the leadership style accordingly. This is the core of situational leadership
If one oversteps in Leadership Styles, it can have a negative impact as the follower will see it in a completely different way. Overstepping in any leadership style can result in following
Conflicts and differences of opinion happen only because of a mismatch in Ds and Ss…wrong leadership style to a follower who is at some developmental level. If work does not get done by D4 with S4 style, always go through the bell curve. i.e. Don’t switch from D4 àD1, but do D4 àD3. Sometimes for a person who is at some level (D*), none of the S* style works…Here there might be a problem behind a problem. So do counseling. For developing people, sometime you will have to be a S4 for a D3 so that they can be moved to D4 soon.
Paradigm means “A set of rules which define the thought process”. As a leader, one should not become a victim of “paradigm paralysis” and should become a paradigm pioneer and think outside the box (paradigm shift). Everytime a paradigm shift happens; a leader should have the capability to go back to zero
In summary, you need to have better clarity of your role as a leader. Practice the three key responsibilities of Developing People, Delegating, and Managing time better. Develop an insight into your own Leadership Style, identify points where you overstep, and apply the areas of improvement committed by you. It's important to consciously use Situational Leadership in your daily interaction with your teams. But always remember to apply the right leadership style to the appropriate development levels of people. Apply the formula: Directing for D1; Coaching for D2; Participating for D3; Delegating for D4. Your responsibility is to develop your people from D1 through to D4. Once you commit to it, complete the development plan for each of your direct team members and use positive language and strokes to motivate your team members. Always develop a self-awareness regarding the impact of your own behavior on the influence process and do consider other person’s position/personal style/perspective in order to tailor your approach
If you want to know your styles, visit the following sites: