The Leadership vs Management riddle
What is the difference, & can you be successful in a position of authority with only one of the 2 skills sets?
To my mind, a Leader has to also be able to manage & vice versa.
So, what are the basic differences?
Are driven by a cause or a vision
Can translate vision into action.
Create a strategy & set the direction of an organisation
Open to explore & seek new ways, innovations & opportunities
They can visualize the future & ways to get to the destination
They motivated by their passion & focus on unshakeable values
They create excitement & influence inside beyond outside the organisation
They Inspire others to follow them on the journey
They sell the vision & embody changes that need to be made
They drive the strategy
Execute & implement the vision of the Leadership
They manage & maintain processes & systems
They ensure efficiency & that things happen on time, & in compliance
They ensure control & structure within the organisation
They hire, develop & motivate individuals to achieve the goals of the business functions
They manage the functional & 0perational aspects of the organisation in line with the leadership vision
They ensure team performance & productivity are maintained
I would love to hear your thoughts on this important topic.