Learn from Failures, Communicate for Transformation and Pay it Forward

Learn from Failures, Communicate for Transformation and Pay it Forward

"The world moved and history was made when someone communicated and touched hearts. We must learn how to communicate effectively if we want to drive transformation"  

ClarlTea Chat is a show where I talk to CIOs and Business Leaders. We discuss different aspects of successful transformations with technology programmes. We learn from their experiences through their own professional and personal stories.  

In the Eighth episode, I had a refreshing session with Mohammed Wasim (Transformation consultant, Veteran and Member of IT Advisory board of Publicis Sapient) on- 

● Key learning from his Transformation filled Journey e.g. failure in the first entrepreneurial venture failure. 

● Things that matter the most to leaders when they invest in you 

● Mental blocks related to adoption of technology and transformation 

● Mentoring and giving back 

The 8th edition of "Transformation Clarity by JCB" will be decoding the first principles of  finding success with technology transformations; will ponder over the concept of paying it forward, essential qualities required to succeed in future and also the behavior and attitude of great leaders which is always carried forward. 

Build credibility inside, before going out to the world 

Here is the link to the complete ClarITea chat episode. Let’s get started now. 

Key insights and major learnings:-  

Sometimes Leaders might not trust the capability that you possess, but they can always trust your energy and the honesty in your eyes.  

1) Critical Lessons to Succeed: 

  • Learn from your Failure and have mentors or coaches in your life. They make you sail through your failure.   

If you fail to the point that it doesn’t threaten your job, or your life, it is a learning worth every time. 

  • Start remembering good things which are always there amongst whatever bad things happening around; to have positive vibes.  
  • Efforts matter, but honest efforts matter the most. Because if you do not succeed after honest effort, you will still learn a lot with honesty. 
  • Usually in the marathon race, the last 2 laps are most difficult, but if you continue to push harder, you will actually break the barrier of failure and you get on the side of success.  
  • You may have some wonderful life-changing idea but unless the customer approves that idea, it is not going to work and make you money  

Customer is the king, no matter where the customer is, who’s the customer, he’s the ultimate king whether he buys a luxury car or a simple shirt. 

2) Importance of perseverance:  

 Wasim told the beautiful story (at ~16.00 min) adapting to the culture of Delhi after coming from Lucknow. The crux of the story was when you lose confidence or feel disassociated, just hold your footing  and wait for your time to arrive – “apna time aayega’.. When the waves settle and if you are still standing, people will start recognizing and respecting you.   

This is a caricature of Jagdish Belwal and Mohammad Wasim discussing putting honest efforts matters the most.

In the long run, the subject and substance matter. People are looking for substance and if you have substance, you will be successful. If not today, tomorrow definitely.  

3) Journey of Transformation:  Listen to your leader or manager in meetings or while delivering speeches. When you listen visualize, you are able to create a bigger canvas for your thinking. 

  • The trust and confidence shown by leaders motivates you and gives confidence. To help you grow and deal with difficult situations confidently.   
  • Therefore, being a leader, sow the seeds of confidence in your people. 
  • Leaders have to make sure that enablement is not just about imparting the knowledge. You also have to give them the armor and ammunition of your own learnings and experiences - mentoring.  
  • The best way to pay tribute to your mentor is to pay it forward. Pay forward to the next generation whatever advice and wisdom you have got from your mentors.  
  • Leaders must learn to communicate effectively – "The world moved and history was made when someone communicated and touched hearts. We must learn how to communicate effectively if we want to drive transformation"  

We must learn to communicate effectively if we want to drive transformation.  


  • The hunger for learning is very important. The attitude : that I will work for it, I will beg, borrow and learn. But I will learn - gives you great success in your own transformation.  
  • People Invest more in the Intent than the Content. When you ask for money for your project, first your leaders look at your Diligence, Persistence, Honesty, Passion and Desperation towards your idea; rather than quality, technique or technical excellence of the idea or plan.  
  • Huge difference between leader and manager is that the manager passes on the pressure whereas leaders take that pressure on himself.  

This is a caricature of Jagdish Belwal and Mohammad Wasim discussing that leadership provides confidence in difficult times.

Leaders play an important role by providing confidence and support when you face tough times  

4) Younger workforce, IT team & Change in Dynamics in covid era 

This is a caricature of Jagdish Belwal and Mohammad Wasim discussing how young talent of today give importance to themselves and demand time for themselves too.

  •  Young talents are different. They have a great sense of time management. They give importance to themselves and demand time for themselves.  
  • Proficient and equipped with knowledge and confidence; they need the right amount of guidance and enablement to move forward. 
  • Post Covid dynamics - Covid has changed the adoption of cloud and related services. Our services have to be kept relevant to the business; so that the business remains relevant for the future.  

5) Mental Blocks related to Transformation:  

There are a few major mental blocks which work against the adoption of the technology.  

  • First is, people want to hold the information to themselves only. They want to keep everything close to their chest, which makes it difficult for the company to move forward.  
  • Second mental block is related to IT folks. We really love our own server rooms and data centers. We want everyone to come here and learn. At the same we are not ready to go out and learn about business.  
  • Old way thinking was very product centric and new way of thinking is more experience centric.

Learn to evolve from being an enabler to a critical differentiator of the company.  


6) Lesson from Golf game 

Golf games and life are parallel because playing golf breaks your ego. A golfer does not play against nature, he is playing against the golf course. You collaborate with a set of equipment to fight against the course; and yourself.. 

This is a caricature of Jagdish Belwal and Mohammad Wasim discussing their common interest of golf and how playing golf break one's ego.

Golf game and Life both ask for persistence, patience and punctuality. Which makes you more disciplined. 


In conclusion, it was a great session with a lot of learning and lessons for success. One of the major lessons from Wasim was – “Never fear from failure, instead start treating your failure as your lesson. Plus, as a leader, develop tolerance for failure” 


The concept of paying it forward is very important. We have to understand the young talents who bring wonderful changes – adapt to them. Last but not the least, Mental blocks are keeping from adapting to the newer world of technology.  

Overall, a very powerful and impact session with great learnings.  

About the Author  

Jagdish Belwal is CIO turned global advisor on business growth using technology and digitalisation. He is also the founder of FlocknGo startup after having been an angel investor in tech startups. He is a regular speaker & conference moderator at various national and international platforms. 

His ClarITea Chat show brings out the wisdom and experiences of CIOs and Leaders of top organisations and is popular with the IT fraternity on Linkedin & Youtube. You can find all the episodes here, or in the Featured section of Jagdish's Linkedin profile. The ClarITea Chat podcasts are also now available on all major podcasting platforms. He can be reached out for advisory, investing, training and conference moderation on contact@jagdishbelwal.com  

Shan V

End-to-End Project, Product & Program Management in FinTech, Healthcare IT, RPA, IT Systems, IoT, Cloud Architecture, AI/ML, Business Excellence, Risk Mitigation and Strategic Planning.


Nice article

Amit Patil

Senior Director of Technology - Cloud Capability Group Lead India @ Publicis Sapient | Cloud Advisory, Multi Cloud


Loved the articulation and examples.

Maria Rizwan

BSc Biomedicine @UoBD


Awesome article! Overcoming the colossal fear of failures could open doors to so many opportunities...Funnily enough those of which were always there, but never seen or seized until conquering the restricted fixed mindset!

Hamza R.

Investor Relations Analyst | AFM certified


What an inspiration article this is! Talking about the current challenges faced and raising solutions to tackle them. It would certainly create great leaders for the coming generation.

Mohammad Wasim

Global Practice lead - Cloud, Infrastructure & Security (**Opinion and views are strictly personal)


Thanks Jagdish Belwal for putting a summary of my excitement. I must say that my picture drives encouragement in me to get leaner. I strongly believe leaders can enable human potential to drive the next change, the change that even leaders would/can not imagine. You are one of that kind Jagdish Belwal

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