What LEGACY are you leaving? More importantly, what LEGACY do you want to leave?
There are so many programs I work on that don't get widely talked about until we reach the finish line, launch date, or event date, or sometimes, my participation in them is never talked about. I let others take the lead while I quietly sit in the back making sure all the dots stay connected and the machinery stays running. Yet, these programs go on to have tremendous impact in the lives of the participants.
This is what I mean by legacy. LEGACY is not always dollars in the bank, names on buildings or patents or programs, numbers of companies built and investment dollars received, stages spoken on, or connections made and size of networks. It absolutely can be any or all of those things, but it is also, the stories you get to tell your loved ones about the lives you changed and the people you impacted and when they ask, but why didn't I know you did that - you get to quietly say, because what I did and why I did it was so much more than that.
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When was the last time you considered the legacy you are leaving? What does it say about what is important in your life? To use the old axiom - what do you want said about you in your obituary vs what do you want people whispering about you at your funeral?
I'll leave you with one last way to look at your legacy - Who in your life is quietly leaving a legacy that deserves to be recognized? What help do they need? How can you add to your legacy by helping them with theirs?
Go forth and build a life that reflects the LEGACY you want to leave.