A LETHAL JOURNEY TOWARDS ENLIGHTENMENT to make this planet safe for all
Terrestrial circumstances in existence of humankind are the basis for evolution, innovation and incarnations that navigates our life according to our tendency to achieve the spell of excellence. After the death of my parents at childhood, when I was mentally assassinated by my patron, the potency of my spirit always encouraged me to explore beyond the inherited system of mankind, and that always helped me to survive from frustration and agony. Always, I trusted and honestly respected my relatives as a true patron but I have been always badly treated by them, only because they were afraid of my tendency towards the potentials of pen, which would help me to ask them to return my properties. Thus, I couldn’t even enter the premises of any recognized primary school. It was only my spirit that defined my mind perplexed in mazes of frustration, to neglect the Gun and Money power and approach the graces of literature to achieve my goals within peace and solidarity. Still I am struggling on my way to save my life and my family; from those to whom i protected, giving up my precious time and prosperity.
Whistle trading on footpath, while searching out a proper solution within peace and solidarity, of the complexities of my own life, I found the entire existence of mankind suffering in an intangible mazes of terrestrial bliss. Working as a laborer on footpath for rich and poor, among people with different faith, I saw them all perplexed to fulfill their own desires for opulence (splendour). Here I found the roots of evolution, innovation and sins, hidden behind intention and imagination, separating the existence of mankind in religious and political boundaries, creating outskirts according to their own inherited system of thoughts and genetic nature. Now my own problem emerged as the problems of entire human beings and my goal was to achieve a comprehensive solution that would be unanimously accepted by all. To uproot the basis of the complexities in the life of human, I began to explore beyond the genetic nature and the inherited system of thoughts of mankind, following both the scientific insight and the theological definitions on the basis of ethnology. Right up from the origin era of human beings on Earth.
Without the graces of literature, our professional, religious or the scientific insight are not potential enough till yet, to bring changes in our inherited system of thoughts and genetic nature for character developments. Actually, we are existing in a dynamic process of Nature and all the incarnations of Gods had determined many definitions to evolve on the basis of peace and humanity, according to its contemporary needs. But at this current period, growth of our evolution and innovation have exceeded its views beyond the potentials of revelation, targeting the goals directed to terrestrial bliss against the natural process and this is what are the lethal aspect of our inherited system of thoughts. Our attitude and attributes had always utilized whatever we created, neglecting the dark aspects of the creation and that is what we mean is our genetic nature.
As we are seeking safety from nuclear proliferation, after the rise of science and the fall of spirituality, we will have approached the graces of literature as same, for character developments to bring changes in our inherited system of thoughts that separated by religious teachings, culture and traditions. Science is a creation of mind and revelations are the potency of our spirit, so I have tried to define both the basis of our existence in my creation entitled Agilia: The Forbidden Truth. It is designed as a method of new spiritual information, to secure the safety and morality of our future generation that would perpetuate the basis of peace and generosity.
This creation includes all our religious definitions in one idea, following the history of mankind within scientific insight. It is an experiment with English literature, creating shortcut of story telling to save the time of readership. I have converted a philosophy into fiction, straightaway revealing the true facts of the majority of the believers using the God teachings to fulfill their own desires, instead of following it for philanthropic purpose. Though our religious definitions are different from each other, but the meaning is same. Here our tendency to use the God teachings for beneficence prevents the perception of mankind to trust the other religion which they do not follow. Ironically they do not have any other options to explore beyond their inherited system of thoughts and that’s the main obstacles on our path to peace. Thus I have tried to bring all our God teachings in one idea as a character that reveals the true facts of the value of our devotion in our existence, by his conversations with the character of Nature that appears in various embodiment of motherhood. The main view of this creation is to break the religious boundaries, without disgracing the belief of any mankind, for character developments that would secure the safety and morality of our future generation. No doubt, as far our science has gained its excellence our spiritual graces have fallen down bellow to a dangerous abyss. So there is no any other way for the world community to sustain the basis of morality, without creating a method of new spiritual information according to the needs of this current period, such as this creation.
Triumph or fiasco is useless words for the honest efforts with a philanthropic view. Triumph of this creation means we are looking forward for peace and solidarity. Its failure is enough to prove, the time is still on its way to evoke the entire human being on path to peace and the lethal aspects of our scientific achievements are evolving beyond the process of Nature. After all, I have done my job as far it was possible for me. Now it’s the liability of the world leadership in ministry and of all the intellectual communities to appropriate these principia of this new spiritual information among public at large to perpetuate the basis of peace in existence of human beings.
I am not a trader of any religion or a preacher of any sect. I have always been far from professional politics, so it is easy to imagine about my success. Till yet, I have only achieved degradation and agony for my self and frustration with loads of loan for my family, only because I am living among corrupt administrative system at my native place, may be soon or later, i'll be assassinated by the criminals who had illegally grabbed my property. But I am satisfied with my efforts; I have created a method for the world community to survive from the lethal attitudes of humankind leading us to an unnatural end.
Thanks for the time and review, please share this post to save the basis for humanity worldwide.
Given the Prophecy of "Equality"
4yDear Ajay, Much of what you say seems too much, too deep, too shadowed, yet still I think I understand a lot of it, and feel if you will read over what I have written and do what is suggested to the best of your ability The God of Holy Love for All Creation will help you as I have been helped to clarify my thinking as well as yours so gradually more and more are able to understand and agree as our best path to go forwards. Try and I think you have tried very hard to keep from letting others negativeness keep you from going forward. I feel you need more assurance and I see a brilliant mind who has been maybe in too many ways, messed up but the God I know can heal anything and does with regularity those willing to ask for the simple practice of asking forgiveness for any wrong you may have done, intentionally or unintentionally which we all do, and equally after you get or part of getting yourself forgiven forgive other all others who have ever hurt you, for it is you not them than carry that hurt and harm around, there's will be from other sources maybe long long before they even knew you. But forgiveness is necessary for yourself as well as others to be able to hear clearly Truth and God's Holy Spirit who wants to live within you as well as within all, as LOVE, Justice, Peace, Joy, all good things possible. Please try, confirm for yourself and let me know before I feel communicating further would be an advantage to either of us. If you do not understand or find some kind of block let me know so we can work through it. Will be keeping you in my prayers. Thanksgiving We are beginning a winter of a Biblical-like Plague, none of us have experience before. A danger to not only all life but to Peoples Democracy and Freedom’s, by what we do or fail to do now. Undamaged good hearts know the Golden Rule of treating others as you would like to be treated. Like Christ Commandment to Love One Another, even enemies, as only way to make friends instead of revenge, ending in nuclear war, ever near us now. God’s gave me only one Prophetic Word "Equality", over 50 years ago. In many ways given to others too! A God worthy of worship is not a god of inequality, not a cause of injustice for most, or the female half of God's Image* Do not give support to false male/only Images of God, when possible. Earliest Creation Stories say both male and female created in Image of God. *Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 5:1 also repeats. God's “Equality” is Equal Human Rights, Equal Respect, you can confirm for yourself. First have to cleanse your heart to hear the real God’s Holy Spirit. A feminine as well as a masculine aspect of God, as is “ABBA”, The Word Jesus used meaning “Heavenly Parent”. Patriarchal language uses just “Father” for God, but includes Mother, ask any Theologian. Some may say to keep superiority, Spirit has no Gender. First you need to ask forgiveness of any known Sin, plus forgive those who have sinned against you. As you forgive so will you be forgiven* John 3:3. Only God's Holy Spirit can guide to the Fullness of Truth, when your conscience clean and willing to keep contact, even daily free of being misled by own or others more selfish will. God led me to see a few years ago, we are losing control of our food supply by a misuse of our food seeds, by three of largest Corporations, using toxic, and carcinogenic chemicals, to sterilize and change DNA of corn and rice seeds, to take control of food and cost, by those already in control of up to 90% of our world economics. GMO seeds being grown on many farms, also make sterile natural or organic seeds grown nearby! If they are allowed to continue control our DNA in seeds, food supply, health, it will create even more wage slavery, poverty, already starvation of children, adults in the millions! Instead of trying to keep women 'barefoot and pregnant', seems we need to care for basic human rights, freedoms for those already born first? Where are your priorities? Ask God? In recent years have felt mostly division, increased fear of living, growing hardness of hearts from years of inequalities and unfairness for so many, especially towards the female half, as well as precious children, by those in power even some religious, not most, Thank Goodness! Write or Send a copy to your legislatures, religious leaders, such as needed to stop more damage to our food supply. We need to keep concern for those we allow to govern. They want and need to know you care! Only in working with others will it be possible to go towards World Peace or we will continue to go towards destructive, ever near nuclear war. Godly Miracles have happened before, and can again, when and if enough will seek God within and each other. For more info. “BLESSED WITHIN A Viral Plague", West Bow Press Paperback: E-book $1.99. www.amazon.com/dp/1689926341 For Blessings, Betty C. Dudney (retired former Medical Technologist)