Let's Get Personal

Let's Get Personal

Something has been on my mind and I feel like it’s high time we talk about it.

Don’t worry, it’s nothing you did or said. It’s what you didn’t say.

In this case, not YOU you, but you as a content creator, contributor, leader, brand. I see you and I hear you, but do I really KNOW YOU?!

As humans, and as brands, we spend a great deal of time coloring inside the lines. Keeping it neutral, calm, pleasant, and upbeat. That’s dandy! But, it can’t always be rainbows and ponies and monkeys flying out yer butt. Amirite?!

We’re scared of making it too personal. Rocking the boat. Turning people off. Being who we really are. Admitting fault or failure or hey we’re having a tough time here.

We don’t want to offend anyone. Rub anyone the wrong way. Piss anyone off. Or, God forbid, let people see behind the curtain.

Ironically, the most successful brands and people are incredibly vulnerable and transparent. Especially on social media and in email communications.

Like, keeping it REAL! Even when it ain’t pretty. 💩

I keep a close eye on a number of people and brands and those who choose to show up and pull back the curtain have the most followers (devoted and engaging BTW) and are continuously reaching new levels of success.

I’ll give you an example straight outta LinkedIn. (TM here, that should be a shirt)

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Kristin Olson Kott is a VP of Wipes.com. (if you don't already follow her, you should)

She lives in Michigan with her adorable 9-year old daughter Lucy and her lazy assistant rescue Dolly Parton. Besides being the Queen of Wipes, she writes children’s books and is looking for a publisher. She's also an avid grocery cart putter-awayer, and lover of #pursewine.

How do I know so much about her? We haven’t officially met in person. We’ve never spoken on the phone. I’m not a customer.

I’ll tell you.

She posts every single day. She's an employee, not even an owner. Little stories, quotes, life lessons, successes, failures, highs, and lows.

She made wipes cool!

She gets hate DM’s telling her she’s out of line, too opinionated, silly, and way too personal! Like seriously mean sh*t!

But, you know what? She has more than 130,000 followers and has built a tribe of loyal fans, friends, and customers because she makes it personal.

She put wipes.com on the map. Front and center and top of mind.

W I P E S !

What does this mean for you and me? Why should we care?

Before I answer this, let’s look at another example.

ME. ❤️ 💛 💙

I was once the scared business owner. The brand who was whispering and afraid to be real. Afraid we’d offend someone. Afraid people wouldn’t think we were big enough or successful enough or laugh at us for talking about emotional connection and HEART!

I was coloring inside the lines and playing it safe. Guess what?

I finally got over my fear and decided to keep it real.

If someone didn’t like it, that’s ok. I (and Felt Marketing) am not for everyone. If you prefer vanilla you’d better go somewhere else because we’re serving up 🍷 wine-infused everything with a side of step out of your comfort zone with pull back the curtain sprinkles on top.

The funny thing is…the more I’ve shown up and made it personal the more I’ve grown. As a person, a leader, and as a brand.

Like, in ♠️ ♠️ ♠️ ♠️!!

The most ‘personal’ posts always get the highest engagement. Always!

The most positive comments and the most views and shares.

And, let us not forget, people are lurking. Sometimes for years before they even click LIKE, comment, share, or pick up the phone and call you.

So, how often you show up matters. How transparent you are and how personal you make it matters. It allows people to SEE you, like you and trust you long before they ever connect or purchase.

It can feel a bit more challenging if you’re a brand. I get it.

10 Ways to Humanize Your Brand

  1. Talk about real-world issues…supply chain, COVID, the great RESIGNATION, etc. Don’t skirt around the issues. Meet them head-on.
  2. Share video content from Owners, C-suite, employees and customers. Clips about real stories interviews, and successes and failures. 
  3. Don’t be afraid to talk about ‘what went wrong’.
  4. Encourage employees to post regularly and make it personal. 
  5. Engage! When people take the time to like and comment and share, recognize it and say thank you or respond in a timely manner.
  6. Don’t ignore negative comments. Don’t delete them either. Respond respectfully and then offer to follow up offline and discuss further.
  7. Ask questions. Encourage engagement. 
  8. Don’t be afraid to say “we messed up” or apologize when needed.
  9. Stop suffering from NPD (Non-Personality Disorder) and have an opinion. Take a stand. Show your personality. 
  10. Keep it real. Talk like a human, not a robot.

 The most beloved and successful brands aren't just seen and heard, they're felt.
Connecting to the heart of your ideal customer.


We’re not in jr. High anymore We don’t have to be afraid of being laughed at or made fun of. We don’t have to fit in or wear what everyone else is wearing.

We’re all grown up and we can be our true selves. Not for everyone!

And, I promise you, the more you show up and show up and show up and keep it real for the people who will care, the more you’ll grow and the faster you’ll succeed.

I’d bet my parachute pants on it! 😂


Allison DeFord is the resident Trailblazer and founder of Felt Marketing, the only marketing retrofit company for manufacturers who want to be seen, heard, and felt to make sales easier. Co-host of MFG OutLoud — the podcast that starts courageous conversations about sales and marketing for manufacturers. And, subject matter expert on Manufacturing Masters. Connect at 949-662-5777 or email allison@feltmarketing.com. Subscribe and look forward to expert advice, inspiration, knowledge and know-how delivered straight to your inbox every other Sunday with WTMFG.

Greg Mischio

Helping manufacturers improve their web presence and generate leads. Founder and CEO of Winbound, a digital sales and marketing agency.


Thank you Allison. People like to do business with people, not corporations. Show them you are a people 😀

Michael Macchi

Hit back against inflation! SCRP helps businesses improve the bottom line, increase cash flow & the value of the business, and plug profit leaks on key operational costs.


Kristin is a perfect example to make this important point!

Kelly Brett

Executive Director, Commercial Operations & Patient Services


I love this article and laugh everytime I read one of Kristin Olson-Kott stories! Keep being real ladies - the world needs more real! 👏🏻👏🏻

Kelly King

Lecturer of Marketing @ Kelley School of Business | Founder - 80/20 Agency. I help brand managers and business owners clarify their brand position and messaging. Wrangling AI for ethical marketing. 🇨🇦🇺🇸


The most human brand wins. ❤️ Your posts ooze personality, Allison DeFord !

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