Let's Make Money! Are you in?
Hey friend,
Today feels a lot like Sunday to me.
Does it feel the same for you?
I'm going to be brief today because we need to get to the money talk.
#GTKM_Day14: I like money.
Who doesn't?
Money answers all thing.
It's not MONEY that is the root of evil, it is the love of it, mind you.
It's often said "when money talks, bullshit walks". I like me a walking bullshit, so yeah...
I love money, that's why I'm hosting a session on how to make, manage and multiply money, especially given the current economic situation.
If you care and you aint too busy, join me here
Oh! It's live rn. 6pmWAT
It's a WOMEN only meeting, but I would pardon the first men to come in.
Speak soon.