Let's talk April fools ...
Happy Wednesday everyone, I hope you’ve had a lovely week so far! 💗
How was your Easter? A four day weekend and lots of great food with my family sounds like a win to me!! I shared photos on my Instagram story, if you want to join me over there my username is @agirlinmarketing (sorry for the shameless self promo 😂)
Today we are talking April Fools Day Campaigns, being your own biggest cheerleader and why you should start creating memes.
Without further ado let’s get started!
Today I’m speaking about April Fool posts by brands. I love to see funny and relatable campaigns from brands I love, and as a marketer I can appreciate just how much effort the marketing and advertising teams will be putting in.
Every year we see big brands thinking outside of the box and creating campaigns for April Fools Day. Whilst some of these hit the mark others fell painfully short.
These campaigns can be tricky to navigate, they need to be brand relevant and tailored to the audience. Getting it wrong can damage brand identity and be a complete waste of time and money.
One idea that I loved was a collaboration between Duolingo and Peacock. The fake reality tv ad suited both brands, made the audience laugh and most importantly didn’t cause any offence.
Another key one to note was Tala. Again a simple but effective campaign that was so brand relevant and entertained their audience. Bonus points for the Tala team as they filmed the process and used it to create hilarious behind the scenes content!!
What campaigns did you love, let us know in the comments.
I’m really excited to welcome today's guest. Meet Nia, Personal brand manager at Kurogo. I love Nia’s content about personal branding as well as the way she speaks to openly about her journey as a young woman in marketing. Here’s what she had to say!
“Advice: focus on YOU.
What your goals are, what you want to achieve with your personal brand. The minute you get wrapped up in comparing yourself to other people (which no doubt I’m guilty of), you lose track of where you want to be.
It’s easier said than done, but it will make such a difference to your content and overall brand”
As someone who also started working in the industry quite young I feel like this really resonates with me. It can be so easy to see everyone sharing achievements and doing incredible things and feel bad about yourself in comparison.
It’s important to remember that we are all on our own paths and on our own journeys, comparing yourself to someone else won’t bring you happiness or benefit you! Focus on yourself and your progress, be proud of all you’ve achieved!
Todays advice is so simple but something I feel like has been really helpful for me.
And it is *drum roll* 🥁
Managing which notifications you receive
As a social media marketer I am logged into SO many accounts and I get a lot of notifications, this can be distracting and annoying.
So my advice is to go onto your settings and turn off notifications for things you don’t need, for those you want to see but aren’t urgent you can simply turn off the banner notifications so you aren’t disturbed.
On iPhones you can also create your own focus modes where only notifications from certain apps or contacts will be let through. I’ve created one for work and one for me time to limit notifications and put me a bit more in control🫶
You can customise the names which is fun and you also get a cute little symbol at the top of your screen. What’s not to love? 😂
Today my post prompt is for you to share a meme.
Not a random one you’ve seen on Twitter … but one that resonates with your audience.
Educational content is amazing, but it’s important to break it up and create content that’s relatable and personal to you.
Think about something that annoys you about your job, maybe even your pet peeve. I can guarantee others within the industry feel the same.
This helps your followers to connect with you and brings a little bit of joy to their day!!
I look forward to seeing your memes, please use #DiaryOfAYoungMarketer so I can come and show your post some support.
Have a lovely rest of the day🫶
Speak soon!
Imogen xx
Degree in International Trade
1yHappy Wednesday to You too. Imogen Pickton
Assistant Project Manager
1yThanks for sharing Happy Wednesday Imogen 🙂