Letter to Friends from Lakhdar Brahimi
Salaam, Greetings, Bonjour,
Algeria is living through a period of great hope, yet not devoid of danger.
Everyone is trying to follow events in Algeria, from whichever vantage point. Some are trying to influence developments : this is perfectly legitimate when Algerians are doing so ; it is wholly unacceptable when non-Algerians are meddling.
This message provides no analysis, let alone any prescription of any kind.
It only seeks to clarify, once and for all, a couple points concerning my humble person.
In Algeria and abroad, it is being reported verbally and in writing, that I have been offered the position of Chairman of the National Conference suggested in order to facilitate resolving the current crisis. Some are even writing that I am actually currently in that formal role and position.
I am re-stating here what I have previously stated : this is not true ; I was never offered this role or position, or any official or other type of position, for that matter. Moreover, the situation in the country is not one that would allow any single stakeholder to impose the Chairman of such a National Conference. If and when such a Conference ever becomes a reality, it would obviously be incumbent on the various groups who form it, to agree on who could lead it, and it would likely not be a single individual, but more likely a collective Presidium that would lead and cooordinate the Conference’s deliberations.
Likewise, I re-state here that the conversations I held recently with political stakehoders, whether from the State or the opposition, as well as with civil society leaders, were all informal. Does one have to be mandated, or ask permission from anyone, to speak to one’s compatriots about the situation in one’s own country ?
I am convinced that objective observers and good faith commentators will take this clarification into account, going forward.
Others, I suppose, will go on saying whatever they please.
Best regards,
Lakhdar Brahimi
Local Governance/Migration: Team Leader EU/MENA director