Letting Go ... Attracting... What Are Your Intentions for 2018?
Today is a fresh start, a brand new day of a new year, full of possibility, opportunity and new resolve!
This year is going to be different, we tell ourselves.
We’re going to stick to that diet, go to the gym, get that body of our dreams. We’re going to get that pay raise or promotion, get that speaking gig, start that company, write that bestseller, meet our revenue targets, grow our profits, our savings, our team. We’re going to be better partners, friends, leaders and team members. We’re going to (…you can fill in the blank here).
Now some of us will get exactly what we intend.
Many of us won’t.
We all have hidden beliefs about ourselves, and often these beliefs stand between us and our dreams. Maybe deep down we think we don’t deserve to have lots of money or influence. Or maybe we don't believe we deserve true love. Maybe we date and marry "fixer-uppers"; maybe we attract "fixer upper" clients or team members, because we don’t think we are worthy of what or whom we actually want.
This year, let’s all tell a different story.
If you’ve been listening to any of the first 50 episodes of WINGS of Inspired Business, you know from the successful women entrepreneurs interviewed on the podcast that our inner mindset dictates our outer success - and that there is a direct correlation between our personal and business growth.
I have discovered on my own entrepreneurial journey that innovation in business is a roller coaster ride that puts you on a course of self-discovery – whether you like it or not. It pushes you to get out of your comfort zones, to find the silver lining in adversity, open ourselves to inspiration, clearing any limiting beliefs – and to grow as a person as you grow your business.
This year on WINGS we’re going to lift off, take flight – and as we do, we’re going to let go of any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that keep us grounded in old unworkable patterns.
Today I have recorded a special episode with an exercise to help you start the New Year with positive intention of how you will take flight – where and how high you will fly.
It doesn't take much time - and you'll need to find a quiet place.
You'll think about what from 2017 you let go – you might have let go of a habit, a fear, or a person in your life. You'll think about what are you still holding on to that doesn’t serve you. Conversely, what energized you during the year, and what was draining. What do you want to let go of this New Year?
Then turn to 2018. What is your theme for the year ahead? Think of it as a one-word mantra of sorts that will support you in manifesting your intentions.
It might be abundance. Perhaps it's money or support. Maybe it is joy, or release, or anything really. Sit quietly with it, feel it, revel in it.
On this WINGS episode I take you through how to set your 2018 intentions.
Here's a big hint: Feel the gratitude as you visualize or list them.
For example, if making more money is your goal, your intention may read something like this: “Thank you for the $100,000 a month” or “I'm so grateful to receive the check for $5 million”.
One of my intentions for 2018 is simply this: “I receive and act on divine inspiration”. My moonshot is this: “I invest $10 million in 10 years in 100+ women-run companies”.
My theme is LIFT OFF, and I'm so excited to share all I'm creating and offering this to support my moonshot.
- Live interactive online summits featuring so many inspiring women entrepreneurs and executives – some of them you know already from WINGS.
- Online trainings and masterminds to help us manifest the confidence, connections and capital we need to succeed.
- In-person events and epic experiences at the intersection of self-care, giving forward, business growth and a lot of fun. (Can we network and learn … in the spa? I think so!)
Anyway, it’s all about doing my part to catalyze the ecosystem where we women change the game of business and entrepreneurship by showing up meaningfully for each other and in our authentic feminine power.
If you haven't listened to WINGS of Inspired Business yet, please do. There is so much value offered by some of the top entrepreneurs in the world - whether Kara Goldin of Hint Water, Tina Sharkey of Brandless, or Kay Koplovitz of Springboard Enterprises. The women I interview are at the top of their game, and they speak candidly of the challenges they face as women in business and in life - sharing their epiphanies, practical tips and so much more.
Please subscribe on iTunes here or Google Play - or wherever you get your podcasts!
You can also join our community on Facebook and our group there "Wings for SuperSheroes in Business". Hope to see you!
Happy New Year - Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous, prosperous and exciting 2018 filled with love, light and laughter!
Now back to you.
And I have a special invitation for you to share your intentions for yourself – and all you wish to manifest in the New Year… to grow your business, to improve your relationships, to grow as a person, to serve and create value for others.
I’ll be posting mine on our Facebook page @wingspodcast – and our group WINGS for Super Sheros in Business – and I hope you join me there.
My mission is to help you get there, and we all soar higher when we fly together!
I am so excited about the year ahead for you and all the good you will attract, the value you will create, the joy you will bring.
Women. Innovating. Networking. Growing. Scaling. That’s WINGS.
I’m Melinda Wittstock. Wishing you a very happy and prosperous New Year full of love, light and laughter for you and your loved ones.
Let’s fly.
Outro - Kerry:
Wings WAV
Start at 0.28 - play no words to 0.31
IN at 0.32 "That's it for ...
That’s it for today’s episode…
Head on over to WingsPodcast.com – and subscribe to the show.
When you subscribe, you’ll instantly get Melinda’s special gift the WINGS Success Formula.
At 0.42 and to the beat..."Women... Innovating ...etc
Women ... Innovating ... Networking ... Growing ...Scaling ... IS the WINGS of Inspired Business Formula …for daily success in your business and life.
Music bridge 0.56 to 1.10
At 1.10, words begin again "And when you subscribe...
And when you subscribe to the show and post a review to iTunes – you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a once-in-a-lifetime VIP Wings opportunity to mastermind in person with Melinda Wittstock in Washington DC.
Pause for several beats and at 1.26, "that's wingspodcast.com",
That’s WingsPodcast.Com.
Music from 1:30 ... and then fade.
CEO & Managing Partner, Zero Limits Ventures and Principal & Managing Partner, Zero Limits Capital