Life Coaching or LIV coaching- what's the difference
Randy Taylor- Taylormadeleadership

Life Coaching or LIV coaching- what's the difference

This may be THE most important moment of your life.  I’m serious. 

At this point you have been on this earth for thousands of days.  We all follow the prescribed path.  We are born, learn to walk and talk.  Learn our manners.  Go to school. Consider how we will earn a living.  Many will meet another and get married, find a place to live and begin the cycle all over again for the next generation without ever really considering the question of what your life is all about.  LIFE is the experience of the time span from birth to death.  LIV, is the descriptive adjective that defines how you chose to experience it.  


Now here’s the QUESTION.  How do you feel about how your life is going?  It’s important to know your answer will not be shared with anyone.  It’s your answer.  Safe inside of your head for all eternity, but in this moment;  Perhaps the only time in life where you will actually ponder your own reality……………….what is your answer?


If your answer was, “Great, better than I ever hoped for” close this article and go back to LIV’ing your best life.  If the answer was “No, I am not really sure how I got here.  This is not what I expected my life to be” then read on.


I do need to state this.  I have no idea what your ideal life would be in this moment.  It’s not for me or anyone to tell you what it should be.   It’s is different for everyone but YOU are the one and the only one who should decide.  As Jim Rohn said,


“Success is designing your own life and then pulling it off.  If you choose to build a cabin in the woods and feed the squirrels, if you pull it off then your life is a smashing success”.


What we should never accept are the limitations put on us by the world and by our own sub-conscious mind filled with all the lies that hold us back.  These self-imposed limitations are causing you to ‘settle’.  We get lulled into the belief that ‘doing OK’ should be acceptable and we should not be greedy and want for more.  Nonsense. 


I was so very lucky as a kid.  I grew up in poverty and parent alcoholism and violence and ended up alone and homeless at age 14.  When I left school at age 16 because I had to eat my guidance counsellor gave me the greatest gift of life on the way out the door.  He said,


“I want you to know where you are now has nothing to do with where you can go”


Those words caused be to begin to question all the limitations that had been put on me by the world and by myself.  As I pushed back I began to realize they were not true.  The more lies I uncovered the more I became emboldened to know they were not true and to not listen. 


That is my hope for you.  To stop listening to all the lies about what is not possible for you and to set the goal to LIV an amazing existence here on earth.  Don’t just have a LIFE, begin to LIV.


Here are a few questions I want you to consider.  They are examples that set aside the lies and shine a light on what’s possible.  I am not suggesting for a minute that these are actual goals of yours.  What I want you to think about as you read them is how your life would be if you began to LIV this way.


Do you wake up each morning filled with a sense of curiosity and gratitude?


Do you love what you do and feel a sense of purpose?


Are you filled with energy every day and is your fitness in the top 1% of people in your age group?


Have you built a financial wall around your family nothing can get through?


Do you have a positive self-image and are you filled with confidence?


Are you happy, truly happy and do you feel fulfilled?


If this is not your life and you want to LIV and you are prepared to push back against all the lies the world has been telling you I am absolutely confident I can help you get there.  My greatest skill in life is my absolute belief in others that they can become anything they could imagine.  That coupled with a lifetime of study into the science of human behaviour on how to re-program the mind to block out the lies.


It’s possible but only if you choose to take action.   


Jim Rohn said,


“The price of discipline is small.  The pain of regret is enormous”.


Which one will you pay?


To set up a no cost introductory session on how you choose to LIV













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